• Change in Biodiversity Not in Danger [RESEARCH PAPER]

    From castAway@21:1/5 to All on Sat Dec 31 08:14:48 2022
    # Change in Biodiversity Not in Danger

    Citation: SONI-NETO, J. Change in biodiversity not in danger. Biodiversity Blog, Dec. 2021. Available at: <https://biodiversidade.github.io/>.

    Free and independent research. Brasil, 2021.
    Open Access Scientific Research (CC BY 4.0).

    jamilbio20 [at] gmail [dot] com


    Since European colonisation begun, exotic species have caused problems and concerns on biodiversity loss are currently on the table. We review scientific literature to better understand the role biodiversity plays on global, regional and local scales and
    whether changes in biodiversity composition affect ecosystem function. We also analyse various Red Lists and reports from world and Brazillian entities. Species of interest can recover if active predation is thwarted and conservation efforts undertaken.
    We conclude that reports based on Red Lists are exaggerated and there is no threat of biodiversity loss at sight.
    Keywords: biodiversity change, anthropic pressure, community ecology


    ## Introduction

    Threats from environmentalist groups about the effects of climate change are not restricted to the supposed global warming but also include a pleiad of other misfortunes and extreme events that develop simultaneously such as sea level rise, ocean water
    acidification and, in the tropical and temperate forests, a large loss of biodiversity with drastic extinction of animal and plant species in an uncontrolled manner, even menacing survival of the human species. In this chapter we propose to debate this
    prediction under the light of science, detached from emotional tension and apocalyptic debate that is propelled by peers from scientific papers and books. Source and complete research of this present paper can be found at the website <https://

    Lamarck, Darwin and Wallace are gradualists in their evolution theories. The geologist Niels Eldredge with his observations of fossils in 1972, noticed long and monotonous periods without morphological body modif