• sci.psychology.research article for moderation (1/2)

    From John Grohol PsyD@21:1/5 to spr@psychcentral.com on Tue Nov 6 20:13:14 2018
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    Command: trash 1181106121934-28775

    On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 1:19 PM Your Friendly SPR daemon <
    spr@psychcentral.com> wrote:

    ## Normal actions:
    Command: approve 1181106121934-28775
    # or
    Command: reject 1181106121934-28775 default
    # or
    Command: trash 1181106121934-28775

    From: "=?utf-8?B?UmVuZXfQsGwg0JJ5IM6RbmRlcnNlbg==?=" < postmaster@polician.us>
    Subject: ***SPAM*** =?utf-8?B?0JJPR08gNDAlINCeRkYqIC0tIFJlbmV30LBsIGJ5IM6RbmRlcnNlbg==?= References: <1283711301693.19075@polician.us>

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    Unknown To address

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    r, but most often it must be fixed by the person who sent the message. If
    he steps in the How to Fix It section above don't fix the problem, and
    re the email admin for the recipient, try one or more of the following:

    The email address exists and is correct - Confirm that the recipient
    s exists, is correct, and is accepting messages.

    Errant forwarding rule - Check for forwarding rules that aren't behaving
    expected. Forwarding can be set up by an admin via mail flow rules or
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    *John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
    *Founder, Editor-in-Chief & CEOPsych Central.com55 Pleasant St., Suite
    207 • Newburyport MA 01950P: 978.476.9765 • F: 800.466.7690

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    <div dir="ltr">Command: trash 1181106121934-28775  <div> <br></div></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div dir="ltr">On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 1:19 PM Your Friendly SPR daemon &lt;<a href="mailto:spr@psychcentral.com">spr@psychcentral.com</a>&gt; wrote:<
    </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">## Normal actions:<br>
    Command: approve 1181106121934-28775<br>
    # or<br>
    Command: reject 1181106121934-28775 default<br>
    # or<br>
    Command: trash 1181106121934-28775    <br>

    From: &quot;=?utf-8?B?UmVuZXfQsGwg0JJ5IM6RbmRlcnNlbg==?=&quot; &lt;<a href="mailto:postmaster@polician.us" target="_blank">postmaster@polician.us</a>&gt;<br>
    Subject: **