• [Cycling] Another shouty drama-queen cyclist

    From Spike@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 5 15:11:43 2024
    Synopsis: Cyclist in cycle lane has ample warning of articulated lorry signaling to turn across the cycle lane. The reaction is to continue to
    cycle almost up to the cab of the lorry, beep some farty little hooter, and shout “There’s a new rule, mate. There’s a new rule, you’re supposed to give way”.

    A huge section of the Highway Code reproduced in the article doesn’t fully support the cyclist’s actions, and some comments don’t support the cyclist’s approach to the incident:

    “I’d say on this particular occasion you should have slowed and made it a non issue. Driver started the manouvre well ahead of you approaching the junction.
    If the driver turned when you’d be closer then of course they should give way.”



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