• Re: Cyclist threatened with smashed beer bottle

    From JNugent@21:1/5 to Simon Mason on Fri Jan 5 12:09:34 2024
    On 05/01/2024 11:53 am, Simon Mason wrote:

    A cyclist was threatened with a smashed beer bottle during a robbery near a Teesside convenience store.
    Teesside Crown Court heard how the victim had cycled to AJ's Store in Middlesbrough's Crescent Road to buy some beer and cigarettes before it closed. Steven Donnelly and Debra Straker admitted robbing the victim after he left the store and have both
    been handed lengthy prison sentences.
    Annelise Haugstad, prosecuting, said the victim saw a group of four people outside the shop when he went in and bought beer and cigarettes. She said when he came out Straker, 32, approached him and appeared intoxicated. She asked for a cigarette, which
    he gave her, then she asked if she could walk with him to get away from Donnelly.

    It isn't stated whether he agreed to that, though the next sentence
    seems to suggest that he did.

    After a short while she asked for a bottle of beer, which the victim gave her, then Donnelly, 37, appeared.

    And what could possibly be more normal than handing out free cigarettes
    and beer to an intoxicated female whom one has never met before?

    Ms Haugstad said he was shouting "are you trying to have sex with my girlfriend?"

    You could see that coming (if you'll pardon the expression).

    and he then started punching and kicking the victim.
    She said: "Straker smashed the bottle of beer she had been given and brandished it." She asked the victim "Where is your money?". The solicitor said of the victim "he feared for his life at that point".
    The victim left his bike and backpack and using a bike chain tried to defend himself as he made his way back to the shop where Straker threw the bottle at him, which thankfully missed. He managed to make his way into the shop and alerted police.

    Is a "bike-chain" not an offensive weapon? Teddy boys (as I understand
    it) used to have them confiscated by police officers.

    And is it *necessary* to carry a spare "bike-chain" in a convenient
    pocket, ready for immediate access and easy brandishing?

    Oliver Norman, defending Straker, of Hampden Way, Thornaby, said none of her previous eight convictions were for crimes similar to this incident, which happened in July last year. He said her criminal behaviour started around 2018 when she turned to
    crack cocaine following a relationship breakdown.
    He said: "This wasn't a case of a weapon being brought along or concealed, it seems to have been opportune."
    Donnelly, of Tollesby Bridge, Coulby Newham, also appeared for sentencing after admitting three charges of possession of a bladed article and failing to supply a specimen for analysis.
    The court heard in April last year police approached Donnelly, who was in the driver's seat of a VW Jetta, and he appeared to be intoxicated. Two kitchen knives and a smaller knife, were uncovered in the car. Ms Haugstad said Donnelly failed a roadside
    breath test, but failed to provide a sample at the police station.
    Andrew Turton, defending Donnelly, said his client was not a 'dyed in the wool offender' and his life had started to unravel when he lost a loved one, his job and his family. He said he was under the influence of drink and drugs on the evening of the
    Mr Turton said: "He is frustrated by his behaviour. The disbelief of his actions weigh heavily upon him." He said Donnelly, who had previously worked at Caterpiller, was described as polite, hard-working and reliable employee.
    Judge Tony Kelbrick sentenced Donnelly to a total of 45 months in prison and Straker to 38 months behind bars.

    Behind bars and not in prison?

    Is a sentence behind a bar really appropriate for someone prone to
    (apparent) intoxication?


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