• South Shields killer who was getaway driver for murderer of takeaway bo

    From Simon Mason@21:1/5 to All on Wed Nov 8 12:11:05 2023
    A convicted killer is back behind bars after putting lives at risk during a dangerous car chase with police.

    Michael Mullen, convicted of the manslaughter of South Shields takeaway boss Tipu Sultan in 2016, had been released on licence after serving around half of his 12-year sentence. Mullen was recruited as getaway driver by Michael McDougall, for what he
    thought was a robbery and was unaware McDougall was armed with a sawn-off shotgun. McDougall was jailed for life with a minimum of 34 years for the murder - which took place in April 2015.

    Newcastle Crown Court heard was on October 9 this year that police spotted a blue Ford being driven at speed in the Leam Lane area of Gateshead and they pursued it and it made off. During the ensuing chase, Mullen failed to give way at a roundabout,
    narrowly avoided an accident, went through a red light, repeatedly went on the wrong side of the road and drove onto a footpath, causing someone to have to take evasive action.

    Officers ended up deploying a stinger device to deflate his tyres and render the car undriveable. Mullen then tried to flee on foot but was caught. The court heard the 32-year-old, of Hawthorne Avenue, South Shields, has 57 previous convictions,
    including the manslaughter of Tipu in 2016, for which he has been recalled on licence, having been released after serving half of the 12 year sentence.

    He also has convictions before the manslaughter sentence for drink driving, driving while disqualified and driving without insurance. And in 2021 he was convicted of failing to provide a sample and having no licence or insurance.

    In relation to the latest incident he pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and failing to provide a specimen at the roadside and the police station. Jailing him for 12 months, Judge Stephen Earl said: "The driving was pretty appalling.

    "The reality is he was given multiple opportunities to stop by the police. Frankly, it's more luck than judgement that no accident took place and nobody else or you were harmed by your actions.

    "You are a menace and a danger to society if you continue to drive in the way you have. Your driving was so appalling only a custodial sentence is appropriate." Mullen will also be banned from driving for three years after his release.

    Nick Lane, defending, said: "He accepts his behaviour on this evening reflects poor thinking on his part. Unlike his previous convictions for road traffic offences, on this occasion the vehicle he was driving was registered to him and was insured and he
    held the appropriate licence.

    "He makes no excuse for his driving. It was the early hours of the morning and traffic was light.

    "At the time he was going through a number of stressful experiences in his life. Since his release from his lengthy custodial sentence he has build a new relationship with a new family unit." Mr Lane said Mullen has a baby with his partner, who is
    pregnant again.

    He added that Mullen had started taking cocaine to deal with frustrations but had been doing two jobs - as a self-employed mechanic and delivering takeaways, which he had just finished doing when the chase happened.


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