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    From Simon Mason@21:1/5 to All on Mon Oct 30 21:43:34 2023
    Britons could be issued £200 fine for driving law ‘confusion’ in major warning
    Drivers have been warned they may be caught out and fined for breaking a simple rule.

    Motorists have been warned they could be breaking driving laws for tampering with traffic smartphone apps while behind the wheel.

    Experts at Road Angel have warned motorists could be caught out for simply touching their phone even if it is in a cradle due to tough new laws.

    A recent crackdown ensured it was now illegal for drivers to use their mobile phones under any circumstances.

    This includes simply touching the device to programme a location into driving apps such as Google Maps.

    Some navigation apps also urge motorists to touch the screen multiple times to report issues such as congestion, potholes and crashes.

    This data is then collected to reroute other drivers away from an incident to speed up journey times. However, helping other road users could see motorists caught out with fines and penalty points.

    Gary Digva, spokesperson for Road Angel admitted it was “never acceptable” to use a phone while driving.

    He said: “There is still some confusion around the use of phones whilst driving, despite the law tightening up over a year ago.

    “We think it is important for motorists to understand what they can and can't do when using some popular driving apps as they encourage user interaction in real-time.


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