• How a Hull bike charity has stamped out tonnes of carbon emissions in j

    From Simon Mason@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 21 13:52:13 2023
    With the research that's gone on in recent years about carbon emissions, everyone is trying to do that little bit extra to reduce their footprint.

    Whether that's putting less water in the kettle, using a lower-watt bulb or something as simple as using a bike, there are so many ways you can help.

    Local charity R-evolution has been repairing, distributing and giving advice on bikes for eight years, and they've helped make a massive difference.

    Chief executive John Marshall invited Hull Live to their Cottingham base to talk about what the charity does, and how much environmental impact it's had.

    "We've got bike workshops here in Cottingham, Trinity Market and we get out. We'll be heading to Bridlington for a thing we do call All-Ride, which helps people with disabilities where we'll have specialist bikes"

    "I live in Market Weighton, there's no bike shops in there. My mum's in her '80s and still bikes everywhere, she cant go to Beverley to get her bike fixed, so we can do these pop-up workshops for a day, just to help encourage cycling."

    This passion for cycling has been a hit. Every bike that comes through R-evolution is donated. Last year, close to 2000 bikes were donated, and 1700 gifted or sold.

    This surge in demand for bikes in the area has meant that the charity has branched out. In Hull alone, they have six community cycle hubs now, giving them a chance to reach out to a wider audience. Last year, with the help of these hubs, 4,473 bikes were

    "In the community, we've helped save over 500 tonnes of carbon from the community. Recycling bikes rather than having to be made in factories, encouraging biking to work rather than taking their cars. We're reducing 10 times the carbon emissions than
    what were using."

    R-evolution offers life coaching, training up workers and volunteers to become fully-fledged bike mechanics. John says that they've helped around 20 people a year to get full-time work from this scheme.

    "Local people use us and like us, people come all day every day to donate their bikes, drop them off at events. More than half are given away, whether it's at schools or we might sell the more high-end ones to help fund the charity. We've sold £1000
    pound brand new bikes for just a couple of hundred quid."


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