• Driver fined after overtaking cyclist on country road

    From Simon Mason@21:1/5 to All on Sat Oct 14 09:43:41 2023
    A careless driver who overtook a cyclist on a country lane has been fined.

    The person driving the Mitsubishi Warrior truck was handed six penalty points and ordered to pay more than £1,000 to the court.

    Police released photographs of the incident today and said the driver had appeared before magistrates.

    The dangerous pass took place just as a red car was approaching in the opposite direction. But rather than wait, the motorist behind the wheel of the truck chose to overtake anyway.

    They have been fined £660 and must pay costs and a victim surcharge after being found guilty at Taunton Magistrates Court earlier this month.

    Avon and Somerset Police’s Roads Policing Unit tweeted: “This driver was reported for Without Due Care but the registered keeper (RK) failed to respond & was reported for Failing to Supply Driver Details.

    “RK [registered keeper] then entered a Not Guilty Plea but found guilty at Trial 5/7/2023 Taunton Magistrates. £660 Fine, 6 points, £620 Costs, £66 VS [victim surcharge].”

    Changes to the Highway Code intended to create a safer travel experience for all road-users were brought in last year.

    This has been done by creating a new ‘road hierarchy’, placing pedestrians at the top, followed by cyclists and then by cars, who can cause the most damage in collision situations.

    Under the new code, drivers are allowed to overtake cyclists but need to give them plenty of space while doing so, and can be fined for passing too close.

    Rule 139 of the Highway Code states “give cyclists at least as much room as you would a car when overtaking”.

    Rule 163 states “As a guide, leave at least 1.5 metres when overtaking cyclists at speeds of up to 30mph, and give them more space when overtaking at higher speeds.”

    If motorists don’t obey this rule, they are guilty of ‘careless driving’ and will be liable for 6 penalty points and a fine of £100 under section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

    If taken to court, drivers can receive up to 9 penalty points, fines of between 15 and 50% of their weekly income, or even a discretionary disqualification from driving.


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