• "Traffic on road? Just use a cycle lane": Motorist facing court after s

    From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 9 08:20:12 2023
    West Midlands Police has confirmed that a driver has been identified and is facing court for speeding through a segregated cycle lane in Coventry, with Adam Tranter, West Midlands' leading active travel figure, slamming such behaviour which could have "
    catastrophic consequences".

    The footage of a motorist driving in his blue Ford Puma illegally on Binley Road went viral last weekend, and sparked an online outrage amongst cyclists and other active travel advocates.

    The police force, known for pioneering 'close pass' policing confirmed that the driver has now been spoken to by officers from the West Midlands Police Road Harm Reduction Team and reported for driving without due care and attention.

    "Road safety is a key issue for WMP; we know that by working together with local communities and partners we can make significant progress in creating safer roads," said West Midlands Police.

    It added: "We are actively patrolling key areas to enforce speed limits and protect our communities from the dangers of excessive speed and other road harm issues."

    Adam Tranter, West Midlands' first Cycling and Walking Commissioner, thanked the police for its swift action. He said: "This driver’s behaviour could have quite easily had catastrophic consequences.

    "In the West Midlands we are very clear that we will not tolerate behaviour that endangers vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. This shocking footage has rightly sparked outrage online and I'm grateful to the police for swiftly taking

    People were left bewildered under the Twitter post shared by Tranter, who has spent the recent months campaigning for road safety and calling out dangerous driving.

    "Oh thank goodness they're being dealt with, that's awful," commented one person, while another cyclist wrote: "At last, some feedback! First time I've seen WMP engage with us."

    The West Midlands Police had come under fire in April when an FOI request revealed that of the 286 reports of careless, inconsiderate, or dangerous driving around cyclists considered by West Midlands Police in 2022, only one resulted in a prosecution.

    Further, 213 of the alleged close passes submitted last year resulted in no further action being taken, and 69 drivers captured on video committing close passes were offered a National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) course as an alternative to

    Despite the police's swift action this time, people raised concerns that despite how bizarre it sounds, these sort of occurrences are quite common.

    "What do they mean when they say this? I’ve seen cars driving up the A38 blue route several times and (presumably) there is no consequence. Why make it sound like they won’t tolerate something they implicitly do? Are they doing something practical to
    stop it?" wrote a cyclist from Bourneville, Birmingham.

    Another person said: "Unfortunately that is not exceptional - using pavements, central reservations and wrong lanes to dodge queues is normal West Midlands driving for many."

    Meanwhile, another Twitter account called "LetMeCycle" said: "Traffic on the road, just use a segregated cycle lane, made to protect vulnerable road users from drivers. And this dangerous impatient driver thinks that's ok."


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 9 09:04:40 2023
    QUOTE: Adam Tranter, West Midlands' first Cycling and Walking Commissioner, thanked the police for its swift action. He said: "This driver’s behaviour could have quite easily had catastrophic consequences.

    "In the West Midlands we are very clear that we will not tolerate behaviour that endangers vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. This shocking footage has rightly sparked outrage online and I'm grateful to the police for swiftly taking
    action." ENDS

    Wow - is there someone new in charge at WM police?
    This is more like proper law enforcement in action!

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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Sun Jul 9 16:17:09 2023
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:
    QUOTE: Adam Tranter, West Midlands' first Cycling and Walking
    Commissioner, thanked the police for its swift action. He said: "This driver’s behaviour could have quite easily had catastrophic consequences.

    "In the West Midlands we are very clear that we will not tolerate
    behaviour that endangers vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. This shocking footage has rightly sparked outrage online and
    I'm grateful to the police for swiftly taking action." ENDS

    Wow - is there someone new in charge at WM police?
    This is more like proper law enforcement in action!

    Let’s hope he tackles pavement cycling and cyclist


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 9 09:20:45 2023
    HoldingOn | 269 posts | 9 min ago
    shocking footage
    is it though? anyone on here shocked?


    QUOTE: Another person said: "Unfortunately that is not exceptional - using pavements, central reservations and wrong lanes to dodge queues is normal West Midlands driving for many." ENDS

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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Sun Jul 9 16:26:12 2023
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:
    HoldingOn | 269 posts | 9 min ago
    shocking footage
    is it though? anyone on here shocked?


    QUOTE: Another person said: "Unfortunately that is not exceptional -
    using pavements, central reservations and wrong lanes to dodge queues is normal West Midlands driving for many." ENDS

    Are you sure he wasn’t talking about cyclists?

    Using pavements, central reservations and wrong lanes to dodge queues is
    normal cyclist antisocial behaviour.


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Sun Jul 9 10:00:20 2023
    On Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 5:20:48 PM UTC+1, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:
    HoldingOn | 269 posts | 9 min ago
    shocking footage
    is it though? anyone on here shocked?

    ymm replied to HoldingOn | 33 posts | 7 min ago
    1 like

    Not really. Motorists behaviour, generally, is so woefully inadequate nothing surprises me anymore. Heavy fines, jail time and compulsory retest needed for law breaking motorists who present the greatest danger to the road using public. What an idiot
    this driver is!

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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Sun Jul 9 10:29:33 2023
    On Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 5:04:42 PM UTC+1, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:
    QUOTE: Adam Tranter, West Midlands' first Cycling and Walking Commissioner, thanked the police for its swift action. He said: "This driver’s behaviour could have quite easily had catastrophic consequences.

    "In the West Midlands we are very clear that we will not tolerate behaviour that endangers vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. This shocking footage has rightly sparked outrage online and I'm grateful to the police for swiftly
    taking action." ENDS

    Wow - is there someone new in charge at WM police?
    This is more like proper law enforcement in action!

    QUOTE: is it though? anyone on here shocked?

    Yes: because WMP are doing something about it. ENDS

    Must have read my mind from two hours ago!

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