• Waves of London cycle commuters "absolutely everywhere"

    From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 9 03:01:28 2023
    Here's a lovely sight for your Friday morning..


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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Fri Jun 9 10:42:33 2023
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:
    Here's a lovely sight for your Friday morning..


    Nice photoshop.

    A recent set of videos taken by the ignorant cyclist’s shield and buckler known as road.cc showed that 50% of cyclists ride through red lights.


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 9 06:50:36 2023
    HoldingOn | 170 posts | 4 hours ago

    I recognise that its odd, but I get a little giddy when I see that many cyclists in one place (that aren't a club/in a race)

    I simply can't imagine doing my commute with so many other cyclists around. It is brilliant to see. I am almost tempted to travel to London just to cycle amongst them all!

    Common sight in many countries around the world. Holland being the obvious example. Its the UK that is by far the most anti-cycling nation in Europe. We see this as some sort of abnormality yet other nations have done more to integrate it into their road

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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Fri Jun 9 14:30:30 2023
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:

    HoldingOn | 170 posts | 4 hours ago

    I recognise that its odd, but I get a little giddy when I see that many cyclists in one place (that aren't a club/in a race)

    I simply can't imagine doing my commute with so many other cyclists
    around. It is brilliant to see. I am almost tempted to travel to London
    just to cycle amongst them all!

    Common sight in many countries around the world. Holland being the
    obvious example. Its the UK that is by far the most anti-cycling nation
    in Europe. We see this as some sort of abnormality yet other nations have done more to integrate it into their road infrastructure.

    Death rates for Dutch and UK cyclists are very similar, and on a per-head
    basis Holland is measurably more dangerous than the UK.

    So why bang on about Holland? It has nothing to boast about when it comes
    to road safety.


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 9 08:38:40 2023
    I recognise that its odd, but I get a little giddy when I see that many cyclists in one place (that aren't a club/in a race)

    I simply can't imagine doing my commute with so many other cyclists around. It is brilliant to see. I am almost tempted to travel to London just to cycle amongst them all!
    These pictures really annoy me.

    But only because they are on my commute but I'm never in them!

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  • From Brian@21:1/5 to Spike on Sat Jun 10 23:17:12 2023
    Spike <Aero.Spike@mail.invalid> wrote:
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:

    HoldingOn | 170 posts | 4 hours ago

    I recognise that its odd, but I get a little giddy when I see that many
    cyclists in one place (that aren't a club/in a race)

    I simply can't imagine doing my commute with so many other cyclists
    around. It is brilliant to see. I am almost tempted to travel to London
    just to cycle amongst them all!

    Common sight in many countries around the world. Holland being the
    obvious example. Its the UK that is by far the most anti-cycling nation
    in Europe. We see this as some sort of abnormality yet other nations have
    done more to integrate it into their road infrastructure.

    Death rates for Dutch and UK cyclists are very similar, and on a per-head basis Holland is measurably more dangerous than the UK.

    So why bang on about Holland? It has nothing to boast about when it comes
    to road safety.

    Did you notice the one using her phone.

    A car driver doing so in the same situation would be done.

    Plus she has ear phones in. How stupid is that?

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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 10 22:45:03 2023
    8J2ZsPCdmpfwnZqN8J2aoiDwnZm/8J2ajvCdmorwnZqb8J2ajPCdmo7ikI3ikIrwn5Go8J+Pu+KA jfCfkrvwn4yQDQpAQ2FydHJvbw0KwrcNCkp1biA5DQpJdOKAmXMgaGlsYXJpb3VzIGhvdyBldmVy eSByZW1vdGVseSBwb3NpdGl2ZSB0d2VldCBvbiBjeWNsaW5nIGlzIGltbWVkaWF0ZWx5IGZvbGxv d2VkIGJ5IHRoZSBhbnRpLWN5Y2xpbmcgZmFuYXRpY3Mgcm9ja2luZyB1cCBpbiB0aGVpciBjbG93 biBjYXIgdG8gZGlzZ29yZ2UgdGhlaXIgaWxsLWluZm9ybWVkIG9waW5pb25zLiBJc27igJl0IGl0 IGZ1bm55IGhvdyB0aG9zZSB3aXRoIHRoZSBtb3N0IHByaXZpbGVnZSBhbHdheXMgZmVlbCB0aGUg bW9zdCB0aHJlYXRlbmVkPw0K

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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Sun Jun 11 09:03:19 2023
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:
    𝙰𝚗𝚍𝚢 𝙿𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚎␍␊👨🏻‍💻🌐
    Jun 9
    It’s hilarious how every remotely positive tweet on cycling is
    immediately followed by the anti-cycling fanatics rocking up in their
    clown car to disgorge their ill-informed opinions. Isn’t it funny how
    those with the most privilege always feel the most threatened?

    Ask Auriol Grey about that. She had the highest privilege on that pavement
    that day, and clearly felt threatened, but is doing time because she said


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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to Brian on Sun Jun 11 09:03:19 2023
    Brian <noinv@lid.org> wrote:
    Spike <Aero.Spike@mail.invalid> wrote:
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:

    HoldingOn | 170 posts | 4 hours ago

    I recognise that its odd, but I get a little giddy when I see that many
    cyclists in one place (that aren't a club/in a race)

    I simply can't imagine doing my commute with so many other cyclists
    around. It is brilliant to see. I am almost tempted to travel to London
    just to cycle amongst them all!

    Common sight in many countries around the world. Holland being the
    obvious example. Its the UK that is by far the most anti-cycling nation
    in Europe. We see this as some sort of abnormality yet other nations have >>> done more to integrate it into their road infrastructure.

    Death rates for Dutch and UK cyclists are very similar, and on a per-head
    basis Holland is measurably more dangerous than the UK.

    So why bang on about Holland? It has nothing to boast about when it comes
    to road safety.

    Did you notice the one using her phone.

    Yes, it’s not uncommon. There is a video about of a cyclist on his phone crashing into some iron gates. Apparently he left a few teeth at the scene.

    A car driver doing so in the same situation would be done.


    Plus she has ear phones in. How stupid is that?

    Very. It means her awareness is considerably reduced, and then there’s the addition of the distraction of whatever it was she was listening to.

    I rarely listen to the car radio; I tend to have it tuned to a station that carries traffic reports, but have set it to over-ride the ‘mute’ setting, so all I hear is the occasional traffic report. I’ve never connected my
    phone to the car’s systems, and have my phone in my pocket where I can’t reach it without taking the seatbelt off. If anyone calls or texts, they
    just have to wait. I pick up the voicemail or messages at a stop on the journey. It’s a modus that cyclists could usefully follow.


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 11 02:40:01 2023
    Jitensha Oni @jitensha_oni@mastodon.online
    Jun 9
    Lovely. But the mystery is where all those well kept old-school steel frames come from? It’s like the opposite of the missing sock problem.

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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Sun Jun 11 12:43:18 2023
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:
    Jitensha Oni @jitensha_oni@mastodon.online
    Jun 9
    Lovely. But the mystery is where all those well kept old-school steel
    frames come from? It’s like the opposite of the missing sock problem.

    €25 from an Amsterdam ‘street trader’?


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 11 06:47:42 2023
    Daniel Son
    Jun 8
    Good call! The more you lot cycle the more I can drive for absolutely everything as you guys are offsetting my carbon footprint! Take today as a perfect example! I drove to the shop around the corner literally a minute drive just to get milk but you lot
    have offset that trip👍

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  • From JNugent@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Mon Jun 12 01:26:41 2023
    On 09/06/2023 02:50 pm, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:

    HoldingOn | 170 posts | 4 hours ago

    I recognise that its odd, but I get a little giddy when I see that many chav-cyclists in one place (that aren't a club/in a race)

    I simply can't imagine doing my commute with so many other chav-cyclists around. It is brilliant to see. I am almost tempted to travel to London just to ride mu chav-cycle amongst them all!

    You're going to ride your chav-cycle all the way from 'Ull to London?

    Common sight in many countries around the world. Holland being the obvious example. Its the UK that is by far the most anti-chav-cycling nation in Europe. We see this as some sort of abnormality yet other nations have done more to integrate it into
    their road infrastructure.

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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jun 11 23:24:22 2023
    Daniel 🌐
    Jun 9
    It's endearing seeing how English queueing culture applies to bikes at traffic lights in the UK.
    Back home in the Netherlands, it would have been a cluster by the front, near the light, and somehow, everyone would get out fine and without any issues.

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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to JNugent on Mon Jun 12 10:12:42 2023
    JNugent <jnugent@mail.com> wrote:
    On 09/06/2023 02:50 pm, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:

    HoldingOn | 170 posts | 4 hours ago

    I recognise that its odd, but I get a little giddy when I see that many
    chav-cyclists in one place (that aren't a club/in a race)

    I simply can't imagine doing my commute with so many other chav-cyclists
    around. It is brilliant to see. I am almost tempted to travel to London
    just to ride mu chav-cycle amongst them all!

    You're going to ride your chav-cycle all the way from 'Ull to London?

    He went by car last time, AFAICT.

    Common sight in many countries around the world. Holland being the
    obvious example. Its the UK that is by far the most anti-chav-cycling
    nation in Europe. We see this as some sort of abnormality yet other
    nations have done more to integrate it into their road infrastructure.


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Mon Jun 12 03:48:18 2023
    On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 7:24:24 AM UTC+1, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:
    Daniel 🌐
    Jun 9
    It's endearing seeing how English queueing culture applies to bikes at traffic lights in the UK.
    Back home in the Netherlands, it would have been a cluster by the front, near the light, and somehow, everyone would get out fine and without any issues.

    Not a silly plastic hat in sight either!

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  • From JNugent@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Mon Jun 12 14:35:16 2023
    On 12/06/2023 11:48 am, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:

    On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 7:24:24 AM UTC+1, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:
    Daniel 🌐
    Jun 9
    It's endearing seeing how English queueing culture applies to fairy-bikes at traffic lights in the UK.
    Back home in the Netherlands, it would have been a cluster by the front, near the light, and somehow, everyone would get out fine and without any issues.

    Not a silly plastic hat in sight either!

    So where are the helmet cams?

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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Mon Jun 12 13:39:14 2023
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 7:24:24 AM UTC+1, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:
    Daniel 🌐
    Jun 9
    It's endearing seeing how English queueing culture applies to bikes at
    traffic lights in the UK.
    Back home in the Netherlands, it would have been a cluster by the front,
    near the light, and somehow, everyone would get out fine and without any issues.

    Not a silly plastic hat in sight either!

    That’s a very poor troll, based as it is on Survivorship Bias. Those helmetless dead cyclists might have had a different view.


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 12 08:36:01 2023
    Jun 8
    If those cyclists were in single occupancy cars, the length of the queue would be around 100m long.


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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Mon Jun 12 08:52:33 2023
    On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 4:36:03 PM UTC+1, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:
    Jun 8
    If those cyclists were in single occupancy cars, the length of the queue would be around 100m long.


    Take a bow, you heroes.


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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Mon Jun 12 15:47:22 2023
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:
    Jun 8
    If those cyclists were in single occupancy cars, the length of the queue would be around 100m long.




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  • From Spike@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Mon Jun 12 15:57:15 2023
    swldx...@gmail.com <swldxer1958@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 4:36:03 PM UTC+1, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:
    Jun 8
    If those cyclists were in single occupancy cars, the length of the queue
    would be around 100m long.


    Take a bow, you heroes.




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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jun 12 09:20:46 2023
    Take a bow, you heroes.


    Jun 8
    after 5 years away, i'm back in london regularly now and the transformation is absolutely wonderful.

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  • From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Mon Jun 12 10:01:57 2023
    On Monday, June 12, 2023 at 4:36:03 PM UTC+1, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:
    Jun 8
    If those cyclists were in single occupancy cars, the length of the queue would be around 100m long.


    Mr Arsehole would be more than 100m further away from his red light - he would be tempted to run it.

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  • From JNugent@21:1/5 to swldx...@gmail.com on Mon Jun 12 17:46:53 2023
    On 12/06/2023 04:36 pm, swldx...@gmail.com wrote:
    Jun 8
    If those fairy-cyclists were in single occupancy cars, the length of the queue would be around 100m long.


    So what?

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