• Memorial to be held for cyclists killed in action

    From swldxer1958@gmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 21 13:02:57 2023
    A service is due to take place to remember cyclists who were killed in action.

    It will be held at the national Cyclists Memorial in Meriden, Warwickshire, and up to 400 cyclists from around the country are expected to attend.

    The event is in its 102nd year and will be led by a senior Army chaplain.

    Organiser Dave Hearn said: "We try to make it a fun event too and it's got its social side."

    He said the event attracted more than 20,000 people in the 1950s and was an important chance for cyclists to get together.

    Wreaths will be laid at the memorial and a brass band is due to play.


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