• Aircraft scatter from Amateur WSPR beacons find missing Malaysia Flight

    From Gareth Paley@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 23 08:47:33 2022

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  • From Gareth Paley@21:1/5 to Gareth Paley on Sat Jul 23 03:44:49 2022
    An update:

    Victor Iannello, AJ4AQ, comprehensively debunks the idea that WSPR data can be used to track aircraft over long distances in his article here:


    He asked Professor Joe Taylor K1JT, Nobel Prize laureate and inventor of WSJT/WSPR protocol for a comment on the material covered in the article. Here was his response: "As I’ve written several times before, it’s crazy to think that historical WSPR
    data could be used to track the course of ill-fated flight MH370. Or, for that matter, any other aircraft flight… I don’t choose to waste my time arguing with pseudo-scientists who don’t understand what they are doing". Pretty conclusive I'd say.

    de M0WWS

    On Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 4:47:36 PM UTC, Gareth Paley wrote:

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