• Police Reform Act 2002

    From =?UTF-8?Q?Nicholas_Collin_Paul_de_G@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 13 00:16:57 2024
    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    ""Thank you for your email sent to our office on 1 February 2024 in which
    you requested a review of your complaint made about the Metropolitan
    Police Service (MPS) on 3 November 2023.

    The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is the relevant review body for your complaint. [. . .]

    [. . .]

    I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of MOPAC’s role in the police complaints process. My role is to ensure that the MPS complaint
    handler fully understood and addressed your complaint and that their
    findings were logical based on the information and evidence available.

    My role does not extend to reconsidering your complaint, or any subsequent matters you have raised following the conclusion of the complaint
    handling. However, I can recommend that a complaint is investigated should
    I identify any issues with the handling of this matter.

    [. . .]

    • I recommend that this matter is remedied according to paragraph 28ZA, Schedule 3, Police Reform Act 2002;"
    said Mr. A Broad.

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Thanks for the above. Acuity Law had recommended a law firm (5PL) for me
    to instruct but genocide in Gaza used to deprive that firm de capacity to represent me. So I telephoned Acuity Law instead yesterday. If neither de these firms has spare capacity to represent me or if they do not work in a relevant area de law, then please recommend to me the law firms that can represent me for paragraph 28ZA, Schedule 3, Police Reform Act 2002 and
    that can represent me against wilful misconduct in public office by police officers and against wilful neglect of duty.

    What are the relevant "Area[s] of practice"s in the search engine on HTTPS://solicitors.LawSociety.org.UK/?Pro=True

    lacks this fact: I sent a warning to Mister PC Caldwell on 06/08/2024.

    I republish points de
    [. . .]
    and HTTP://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/drochdhliodoiri/mu/Rioghachd_Aonaichte_na_Breatainne_Moire_agus_na_h-Eireann_a_Tuath/mun_Chuimrigh_agus_mu_Shasainn/PC_EH_Hills/MOPAC_REVIEW_OUTCOME_-_GLOSTER_-_PC1037523_Pages15-16.pdf
    and HTTP://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/drochdhliodoiri/mu/Rioghachd_Aonaichte_na_Breatainne_Moire_agus_na_h-Eireann_a_Tuath/mun_Chuimrigh_agus_mu_Shasainn/PC_EH_Hills/MOPAC_REVIEW_OUTCOME_-_GLOSTER_-_PC1037523_Pages21-23.pdf
    and HTTP://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/drochdhliodoiri/mu/Rioghachd_Aonaichte_na_Breatainne_Moire_agus_na_h-Eireann_a_Tuath/mun_Chuimrigh_agus_mu_Shasainn/PC_EH_Hills/MOPAC_REVIEW_OUTCOME_-_GLOSTER_-_PC1037523_Pages28-29.pdf

    I will republish via LinkedIn after a few seconds. (LinkedIn imposes tiny
    size limits so LinkedIn republications shall probably be smaller than this email.)

    Yours faithfully,
    Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouceſter"
    say I myself to MOPAC today.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Todal@21:1/5 to All on Fri Sep 13 09:35:36 2024
    On 12/09/2024 23:16, Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouceſter wrote:
    ""Thank you for your email sent to our office on 1 February 2024 in
    which you requested a review of your complaint made about the
    Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) on 3 November 2023.

    The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) is the relevant review body for your complaint. [. . .]

    [. . .]

    I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of MOPAC’s role in
    the police complaints process. My role is to ensure that the MPS
    complaint handler fully understood and addressed your complaint and that their findings were logical based on the information and evidence

    My role does not extend to reconsidering your complaint, or any
    subsequent matters you have raised following the conclusion of the
    complaint handling. However, I can recommend that a complaint is
    investigated should I identify any issues with the handling of this matter.

    [. . .]

    • I recommend that this matter is remedied according to paragraph 28ZA, Schedule 3, Police Reform Act 2002;"
    said Mr. A Broad.

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    Thanks for the above. Acuity Law had recommended a law firm (5PL) for me
    to instruct but genocide in Gaza used to deprive that firm de capacity
    to represent me. So I telephoned Acuity Law instead yesterday. If
    neither de these firms has spare capacity to represent me or if they do
    not work in a relevant area de law, then please recommend to me the law
    firms that can represent me for paragraph 28ZA, Schedule 3, Police
    Reform Act 2002 and that can represent me against wilful misconduct in
    public office by police officers and against wilful neglect of duty.

    What are the relevant "Area[s] of practice"s in the search engine on HTTPS://solicitors.LawSociety.org.UK/?Pro=True

    lacks this fact: I sent a warning to Mister PC Caldwell on 06/08/2024.

    I republish points de
    [. . .]
    HTTP://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/drochdhliodoiri/mu/ Rioghachd_Aonaichte_na_Breatainne_Moire_agus_na_h-Eireann_a_Tuath/ mun_Chuimrigh_agus_mu_Shasainn/PC_EH_Hills/MOPAC_REVIEW_OUTCOME_- _GLOSTER_-_PC1037523_Pages15-16.pdf
    HTTP://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/drochdhliodoiri/mu/ Rioghachd_Aonaichte_na_Breatainne_Moire_agus_na_h-Eireann_a_Tuath/ mun_Chuimrigh_agus_mu_Shasainn/PC_EH_Hills/MOPAC_REVIEW_OUTCOME_- _GLOSTER_-_PC1037523_Pages21-23.pdf
    HTTP://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/drochdhliodoiri/mu/ Rioghachd_Aonaichte_na_Breatainne_Moire_agus_na_h-Eireann_a_Tuath/ mun_Chuimrigh_agus_mu_Shasainn/PC_EH_Hills/MOPAC_REVIEW_OUTCOME_- _GLOSTER_-_PC1037523_Pages28-29.pdf

    I will republish via LinkedIn after a few seconds. (LinkedIn imposes
    tiny size limits so LinkedIn republications shall probably be smaller
    than this email.)

    Yours faithfully,
    Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouceſter"
    say I myself to MOPAC today.


    HTTP://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/drochdhliodoiri/mu/ Rioghachd_Aonaichte_na_Breatainne_Moire_agus_na_h-Eireann_a_Tuath/ mun_Chuimrigh_agus_mu_Shasainn/ PC_EH_Hills/2023-10-28b_I_see_no_convincing_evidence_that_they_counter_these_murderesses04.png

    I don't understand your post but it seems you have a grievance about the police.

    Can you explain it more clearly in case anyone wants to offer an opinion?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)