• Re: Dolf (the one and only) (6/6)

    From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Sat Apr 6 15:22:41 2024
    [continued from previous message]



    On 1/4/2024 08:50, dolf wrote:
    On 1/4/2024 08:19, dolf wrote:
    That was my last remaining community interaction point, now
    even that is an
    enmity and what better day than Easter Sunday.


    It's not possible for those parties (ie. you don't possess the >>>>>>>>> innate
    graces) to redeem themselves.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/?date:2024.4.1&time:8.19&heuristic> >>>>>>>>>
    #431 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #451 as [#400, #20, #6, #5] = kâvâh >>>>>>>>> (H3554):
    {UMBRA: #31 % #41 = #31} 1) to burn, scorch, brand; 1a)
    (Niphal) to be
    burned, be scorched;

    #EIGHT:    #81    as #81 - FOSTERING (YANG)
    #ONE:    #110    as #29 - DECISIVENESS (TUAN)
    #TWO:    #161    as #80 - LABOURING (CH'IN)
    #THREE:    #153    as #72 - HARDNESS (CHIEN)
    #FOUR:    #271    as #28 - CHANGE (KENG)
    #FIVE:    #424    as #19 - FOLLOWING (TS'UNG)
    #SIX:    #130    as #49 - FLIGHT (T'AO)
    #SEVEN:    #213    as #51 - CONSTANCY (CH'ANG)


    APPRAISAL #5: With a heart of gold in the belly, (黃心在腹) >>>>>>>> Even old white bones grow flesh. (白骨生肉)
    Virtue fostered is not overturned. (孚德不復)
    FATHOMING #5: A golden heart in the belly (黃心在腹)
    MEANS: The highest virtue is Heavenly. (上德天也)

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi
    radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>> *spoiled*

    xīn (心): 1. heart [organ], 2. Kangxi radical 61, 3. mind;
    consciousness, 4. the center; the core; the middle, 5. one of
    the 28 star constellations, 6. heart, 7. emotion, 8. intention; >>>>>>>> consideration, 9. *disposition*; *temperament*

    zài (在): 1. in; at, 2. at, 3. when; indicates that someone or >>>>>>>> something is in the process of doing something, 4. to exist; to >>>>>>>> be living, 5. to consist of, 6. *to* *be* *at* *a* *post*

    fù (腹): 1. abdomen; *stomach*; belly



    báigǔ (白骨): 1. *bones* *of* *the* *dead*


    shēng ròu (生肉): 1. *raw* *meat*

    <http://www.grapple369.com/images/SLAUGHTER%2020171115%20-%201.jpg> >>>>>>>>

    fú (孚): 1. to have *confidence*, 2. to brood over eggs

    dé (德): 1. Germany, 2. *virtue*; *morality*; *ethics*;
    *character*, 3. kindness; favor, 4. conduct; behavior, 5. to be >>>>>>>> grateful, 6. heart; intention, 7. De, 8. potency; natural power, >>>>>>>> 9. wholesome; good

    bùfù (不復): 1. *to* *not* *go* *back*, 2. not again

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi
    radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>> spoiled

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    I went to a Bunnings sausage sizzle on Easter Sunday and
    despite making a
    $$ donation (as I similarly did on Saturday before the fire >>>>>>>>>> event in
    Adelaide) and divulging activist actions with respects to
    pursuit of legal
    matters as a just cause.

    APPRAISAL #2: Silently, he fosters perversion, (墨養邪)
    Harboring impropriety at the start. (元函匪貞)
    FATHOMING #2: In silence promoting evil (墨養邪)
    MEANS: The center heart is defeated. (中心敗也)

    Then received a sausage which being so badly burnt was not fit >>>>>>>>>> to eat and
    yet they bestowed it with smiles and pleasure which can only >>>>>>>>>> be construed
    as sadistic malice.

    Accordingly no further goodwill and attendance will be
    conveyed by me at
    BUNNINGS community sausage sizzles and I will more readily pay >>>>>>>>>> for
    someone's groceries should the discretionary need arise.

    Nomen Nescio <nobody@dizum.com> wrote:
    eats Stroopwafels


    Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable /
    resizable DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third
    party d3 library.


    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Sat Apr 6 16:14:48 2024
    [continued from previous message]

    efficiency, wealth, army; 1a) strength; 1b) ability, efficiency;
    1c) wealth; 1d) *FORCE*, *ARMY*;

         #446 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>> as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5, #9, #1] /
    #447 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5,
    #10, #1] = latreía (G2999): {UMBRA: #447 % #41 = #37} 1) service
    rendered for hire; 1a) *ANY* *SERVICE* *OR* *MINISTRATION*: *THE*
    *SERVICE* *OF* *GOD*; 2) the service and worship of God according
    to the requirements of the Levitical law; 3) to perform sacred

    #797 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1] /
    #807 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1, #10] = eparchía (G1885): {UMBRA: #797 % #41 = #18} 1)
    *THE* *OFFICE* *OF* *A* *GOVERNOR* *OR* *PREFECT*; 2) the region
    subject to a prefect; 2a) a province of the Roman empire, either a >>>>>> larger province, or an appendage to a larger province, as
    Palestine was to that of Syria;

    RESPECT THE BRITISH ARE OUR SUPERIORS. They, too, are the most
    frightful bureaucrats; but at least they have the sense not to
    exercise their bureaucracy in occupied territory to the advantage
    of the local inhabitant and the detriment of their own country!
    They have a genius for keeping others at a distance and in winning >>>>>> and preserving respect. Here, perhaps, we have the worst possible
    example of our methods—delousing infuriates the local inhabitants, >>>>>> as does our fanatical desire to *CIVILISE* them. The net result is >>>>>> that they say to themselves: "These people aren't really our
    superiors—it's only the way they're made"!" [page 613]

    #79 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10] /
    #279 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10,
    #200] = Athēnai (G116): {UMBRA: #79 % #41 = #38} 0) Athens =
    'uncertainty'; 1) A famous city in Greece, the capital of Attica,
    and the chief *SEAT* *OF* *LEARNING* *AND* *CIVILISATION* during
    the golden period of the history of Greece;

    THE FUEHRER CONCLUDED: Burgdorff has just given me a paper which
    deals with the relationship between Communism and Christianity. It >>>>>> is comforting to see how, even in these days, the fatal
    relationship between the two is daily becoming clearer to the
    human intelligence." [pages 721, 722]

    On 2/4/2024 14:46, dolf wrote:

    The TABLE TALK (1941-1944) by its segmented time and provision of >>>>>>> rudimentary meta-descriptor prototypes for his own regime of
    diary narratives / proverbial or stereotypical quotes as
    numerical hierarchy journalising that mediates against the
    bipartite #135 / #405 / #540 / #1080 - HETEROS / STOICHEION OF
    THE KOSMOS as PYTHAGOREAN theory of number worldview, but that
    those tripartite number tetra meta-descriptors when subsequently >>>>>>> assigned to our cogito array then as a boundary to consciousness >>>>>>> mirrors those concepts within Hebrew / Greek language as biblical >>>>>>> lexicon which is an anathema to the very science which the
    REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM proposes as its #33 - TENET OF BELIEF / LUO >>>>>>> SHU REFERENCE OBJECT: #205 = PRINCIPLE OF PERSISTENCE: [#57, #23, >>>>>>> #41, #59, #25] / [#9, #77, #41, #5, #75] / DIAGONALS [#49, #32,
    #41, #50, #33] / [#17, #68, #41, #14, #65] / #164 = PRINCIPLE OF >>>>>>> MATERIALITY [#54 - VIETNAM VETERANS DAY 18 AUGUST, #70 -


    On 1/4/2024 08:50, dolf wrote:
    On 1/4/2024 08:19, dolf wrote:
    That was my last remaining community interaction point, now
    even that is an
    enmity and what better day than Easter Sunday.


    It's not possible for those parties (ie. you don't possess the >>>>>>>>> innate
    graces) to redeem themselves.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/?date:2024.4.1&time:8.19&heuristic> >>>>>>>>>
    #431 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #451 as [#400, #20, #6, #5] = kâvâh >>>>>>>>> (H3554):
    {UMBRA: #31 % #41 = #31} 1) to burn, scorch, brand; 1a)
    (Niphal) to be
    burned, be scorched;

    #EIGHT:    #81    as #81 - FOSTERING (YANG)
    #ONE:    #110    as #29 - DECISIVENESS (TUAN)
    #TWO:    #161    as #80 - LABOURING (CH'IN)
    #THREE:    #153    as #72 - HARDNESS (CHIEN)
    #FOUR:    #271    as #28 - CHANGE (KENG)
    #FIVE:    #424    as #19 - FOLLOWING (TS'UNG)
    #SIX:    #130    as #49 - FLIGHT (T'AO)
    #SEVEN:    #213    as #51 - CONSTANCY (CH'ANG)


    APPRAISAL #5: With a heart of gold in the belly, (黃心在腹) >>>>>>>> Even old white bones grow flesh. (白骨生肉)
    Virtue fostered is not overturned. (孚德不復)
    FATHOMING #5: A golden heart in the belly (黃心在腹)
    MEANS: The highest virtue is Heavenly. (上德天也)

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi
    radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>> *spoiled*

    xīn (心): 1. heart [organ], 2. Kangxi radical 61, 3. mind;
    consciousness, 4. the center; the core; the middle, 5. one of
    the 28 star constellations, 6. heart, 7. emotion, 8. intention; >>>>>>>> consideration, 9. *disposition*; *temperament*

    zài (在): 1. in; at, 2. at, 3. when; indicates that someone or >>>>>>>> something is in the process of doing something, 4. to exist; to >>>>>>>> be living, 5. to consist of, 6. *to* *be* *at* *a* *post*

    fù (腹): 1. abdomen; *stomach*; belly



    báigǔ (白骨): 1. *bones* *of* *the* *dead*


    shēng ròu (生肉): 1. *raw* *meat*

    <http://www.grapple369.com/images/SLAUGHTER%2020171115%20-%201.jpg> >>>>>>>>

    fú (孚): 1. to have *confidence*, 2. to brood over eggs

    dé (德): 1. Germany, 2. *virtue*; *morality*; *ethics*;
    *character*, 3. kindness; favor, 4. conduct; behavior, 5. to be >>>>>>>> grateful, 6. heart; intention, 7. De, 8. potency; natural power, >>>>>>>> 9. wholesome; good

    bùfù (不復): 1. *to* *not* *go* *back*, 2. not again

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi
    radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>> spoiled

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    I went to a Bunnings sausage sizzle on Easter Sunday and
    despite making a
    $$ donation (as I similarly did on Saturday before the fire >>>>>>>>>> event in
    Adelaide) and divulging activist actions with respects to
    pursuit of legal
    matters as a just cause.

    APPRAISAL #2: Silently, he fosters perversion, (墨養邪)
    Harboring impropriety at the start. (元函匪貞)
    FATHOMING #2: In silence promoting evil (墨養邪)
    MEANS: The center heart is defeated. (中心敗也)

    Then received a sausage which being so badly burnt was not fit >>>>>>>>>> to eat and
    yet they bestowed it with smiles and pleasure which can only >>>>>>>>>> be construed
    as sadistic malice.

    Accordingly no further goodwill and attendance will be
    conveyed by me at
    BUNNINGS community sausage sizzles and I will more readily pay >>>>>>>>>> for
    someone's groceries should the discretionary need arise.

    Nomen Nescio <nobody@dizum.com> wrote:
    eats Stroopwafels


    Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable /
    resizable DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third
    party d3 library.


    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Sat Apr 6 19:03:11 2024
    [continued from previous message]

    book (of kings); 2c6) books of the canon, scripture; 2c7) record
    book (of God); 2d) book-learning, writing; 2d1) be able to read
    (after verb 'to know');

    #1000 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #190 as [#400, #300, #100, #200] =
    shâqar (H8266): {UMBRA: #600 % #41 = #26} 1) to do or deal
    falsely, be false, trick, cheat; 1a) (Piel) *TO* *DEAL* *FALSELY*; >>>>>> 1b) (Qal) to deal falsely;

    I must insist that Rosenberg's "The Myth of the Twentieth Century" >>>>>> is not to be regarded as an expression of the *OFFICIAL*
    *DOCTRINE* of the Party. The moment the *BOOK* appeared, I
    deliberately refrained from recognising it as any such thing. In
    the first place, its title gives a completely *FALSE* impression.
    There is, indeed, no question of confronting the conceptions of
    the nineteenth century with the so-called myth of the twentieth.

    Historians and theologians generally conclude the Nazi policy
    towards religion, that the objective was to remove explicitly
    Jewish content from the Bible (i.e., the Old Testament, the Gospel >>>>>> of Matthew, and the Pauline Epistles), transforming the Christian
    faith into a new religion, completely cleansed from any Jewish
    element and conciliate it with Nazism, Völkisch ideology and
    Führerprinzip: a religion called "Positive Christianity". The
    consensus among historians is that Nazism as a whole was either
    unrelated or actively opposed to Christianity.

    #446 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #199 as [#6, #400, #5, #30, #5] /
    #851 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #199 as [#6, #400, #5, #30, #400, #10] >>>>>> = tᵉhillâh (H8416): {UMBRA: #440 % #41 = #30} 1) praise, song or >>>>>> hymn of praise; 1a) praise, adoration, thanksgiving (paid to God); >>>>>> 1b) act of general or public praise; 1c) praise-song (as title);
    1d) praise (demanded by qualities or deeds or attributes of God);
    1e) renown, fame, glory; 1e1) of Damascus, God; 1e2) *OBJECT* *OF* >>>>>> *PRAISE*, *POSSESSOR* *OF* *RENOWN* (fig);

    Thanks to Nazi support, the book first published in 1930 and a
    subsequent edition in 1939 had sold more than one million copies
    by 1944. Hitler awarded a State Prize for Art and Science to
    Rosenberg for the book in 1937. The document accompanying the
    the book is a mix of racist pseudo-science and mysticism which
    makes the claim that the "Nordic race" originated in Atlantis and
    that their nobility justified the enslavement and even mass murder >>>>>> of non-Aryan races.

    Alfred Rosenberg was influential in the development of Positive
    Christianity. In The Myth of the Twentieth Century, he wrote that: >>>>>>
    - Saint Paul was responsible for the destruction of the racial
    values which existed in Greek and Roman culture;
    - The dogma of hell which was advanced in the Middle Ages
    destroyed the free Nordic spirit;
    - Original sin and grace are Oriental ideas which corrupt the
    purity and strength of Nordic blood;
    - The Old Testament and the Jewish race are not an exception and
    one should return to the Nordic peoples' fables and legends;
    - Jesus was not Jewish, because he had Nordic blood which he had
    inherited from his Amorite ancestors.

    #190 as [#70, #30, #40, #10, #40] = ʻôwlâm (H5769): {UMBRA: #146 % >>>>>> #41 = #23} 1) long duration, antiquity, futurity, for ever, ever,
    everlasting, evermore, perpetual, old, ancient, world; 1a)
    *ANCIENT* *TIME*, *LONG* *TIME* (*OF* *PAST*); 1b) (of future);
    1b1) for ever, always; 1b2) continuous existence, perpetual; 1b3)
    everlasting, indefinite or unending future, eternity;

    Rosenberg's Nazi racial theories involve a mix of made up biology
    and invented history about the putative negative influence of the
    Jewish race in contrast to the Aryan race. He equates the latter
    with the Nordic peoples of northern Europe and also includes the
    Berbers from North Africa (this story apparently deriving from the >>>>>> Kabyle myth invented by French colonists) and the upper classes of >>>>>> Ancient Egypt (all presumably migrating from Atlantis). According
    to Rosenberg, modern culture has been corrupted by Semitic
    influences (cf. anti-Semitism), which have produced degenerate
    modern art, along with moral and social degeneration. In
    Rosenberg's mythological take on world history, migrating Aryans
    founded various ancient civilizations which later declined and
    fell due to inter-marriage with lesser races. These civilizations
    included the Aryan, ancient pre-Islamic Persia, Greece, India, and >>>>>> Rome. He saw the ancient Germanic invasions of the Roman empire as >>>>>> saving its civilization, which had been corrupted both by race
    mixing and by Judaized-cosmopolitan Christianity.

    #767 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #203 as [#7, #70, #80, #10, #600] =
    zâʻaph (H2196): {UMBRA: #157 % #41 = #34} 1) to fret, be sad, be >>>>>> wroth, be vexed, be enraged, be out of humour; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
    be out of humour; 1a2) *TO* *BE* *ENRAGED*, *BE* *ANGRY*; 1b)
    (Qal); 1b1) to appear perplexed, appear troubled; 1b2) to be

    TABLE TALK CONTINUES: A National Socialist should affirm that to
    the myth of the nineteenth century he opposes the faith and
    science of our times.

    It is interesting to note that comparatively few of the older
    members of the Party are to be found among the readers of
    Rosenberg's book, and that the publishers had, in fact, great
    difficulty indisposing of the first edition. It was only when the
    book was mentioned in a Pastoral Letter that the sales began to go >>>>>> up and the first ten thousand were sold. In short, the second
    edition was launched by Cardinal Faulhaber of Munich, who was
    maladroit enough to attack Rosenberg at a Synod of Bishops and to
    cite quotations from his book.

    #612 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #175 as [#3, #100, #1, #500, #8] /
    #662 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #175 as [#3, #100, #1, #500, #8, #50] >>>>>> = graphḗ (G1124): {UMBRA: #612 % #41 = #38} 1) *A* *WRITING*,
    *THING* *WRITTEN*; 2) the Scripture, used to denote either the
    book itself, or its contents; 3) a certain portion or section of
    the Holy Scripture;

    The resultant placing of the book on the index, as a work of
    heresy on the Party's part, merely gave additional fillip to its
    sale; and when the Church had finally published all its
    commentaries in refutation of Rosenberg's ideas, "The Myth of the
    Twentieth Century" sold its two hundred thousandth copy. It gives
    me considerable pleasure to realise that the book has been closely >>>>>> studied only by our opponents.

    Like most of the Gauleiters, I have myself merely glanced
    cursorily at it. It is in any case written in much too abstruse a
    style, in my opinion." [page 422]

    #77 - 𝍒馴 = #528
    COGITO: [#47, #10, #50, #9, #9] as #77 - COMPLIANCE (HSUN)
    RANGE: 29 NOVEMBER to noon 03 DECEMBER


    [#47 {@1: Sup: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#47); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#47)} >>>>>> #10 {@2: Sup: 57 - GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#104 - I COMMIT NO FRAUD
    {%7}); Ego: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#57)}
    #50 {@3: Sup: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#130 - I AM NOT EVIL MINDED
    {%3}); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#107)}
    #9 {@4: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#165); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT:
    SHU (#116)}
    #9] {@5: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#209); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: SHU >>>>>> (#125)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #125 as [#1, #100, #1, #2, #10, #1, #10] = Arabía
    (G688): {UMBRA: #115 % #41 = #33} 0) Arabia = 'desert or barren';
    1) a well known peninsula of Asia lying towards Africa, and
    bounded by Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, the
    Gulf of Arabia, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean; >>>>>>

    #900 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#300, #400, #80, #70, #50] =
    týpos (G5179): {UMBRA: #1050 % #41 = #25} 1) the mark of a stroke >>>>>> or blow, print; 2) a figure formed by a blow or impression; 2a) of >>>>>> a figure or image; 2b) of the image of the gods; 3) form; 3a)
    *OF* *RELIGION* *AND* *REPRESENTS* *IT* *TO* *THE* *MIND*, manner
    of writing, the contents and form of a letter; 4) an example; 4a)
    in the technical sense, the pattern in conformity to which a thing >>>>>> must be made; 4b) in an ethical sense, a dissuasive example, a
    pattern of warning; 4b1) of ruinous events which serve as
    admonitions or warnings to others; 4c) an example to be imitated;
    4c1) of men worthy of imitation; 4d) in a doctrinal sense; 4d1) of >>>>>> a type i.e. a person or thing prefiguring a future (Messianic)
    person or thing;

    #611 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #400, #5, #200] = hârâh >>>>>> (H2029): {UMBRA: #210 % #41 = #5} 1) to conceive, become pregnant, >>>>>> bear, be with child, be conceived, progenitor; 1a) (Qal) to
    conceive, become pregnant; 1b) (Pual) to be conceived; 1c) (Poel)

         #363 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>> as [#5, #40, #300, #10, #8] /
    #368 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #300, #10, #8, #10] =
    mâshîyach (H4899): {UMBRA: #358 % #41 = #30} 1) anointed,
    *ANOINTED* *ONE*; 1a) of the *MESSIAH*, Messianic prince; 1b) of
    the *KING* *OF* *ISRAEL*; 1c) of the high priest of Israel; 1d) of >>>>>> Cyrus; 1e) of the patriarchs as anointed kings;

         #272 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>> as [#50, #7, #200, #10, #5] / [#5, #50, #7, #10, #200] /
    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#50, #7, #10, #200, #20] =
    nâzîyr (H5139): {UMBRA: #267 % #41 = #21} 1) *CONSECRATED* *OR*
    *DEVOTED* *ONE*, *NAZARITE*; 1a) consecrated one; 1b) devotee,
    Nazarite; 1c) untrimmed (vine);

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #40, #7, #200] = mamzêr >>>>>> (H4464): {UMBRA: #287 % #41 = #41} 1) bastard, child of incest,
    *ILLEGITIMATE* *CHILD*; 1a) bastard; 1b) mixed population (fig.);
    1c) *BORN* *OF* *A* *JEWISH* *FATHER* *AND* *A* *HEATHEN* *MOTHER* >>>>>> *OR* *VISA* *VERSA*;

         #444 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>> as [#400, #30, #4, #10] / [#10, #30, #4, #400] /
    CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#5, #10, #30, #4, #400] = yâlad (H3205): >>>>>> {UMBRA: #44 % #41 = #3} 1) to bear, bring forth, beget, gender,
    travail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to bear, *BRING* *FORTH*; i) *OF* *CHILD* >>>>>> *BIRTH*; ii) of distress (simile); iii) *OF* *WICKED*
    (*BEHAVIOUR*); 1a2) to beget; 1b) (Niphal) to be born; 1c) (Piel); >>>>>> 1c1) to cause or help to bring forth; 1c2) to assist or tend as a
    midwife; 1c3) midwife (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be born; 1e)
    (Hiphil); 1e1) to beget (a child); 1e2) to bear (fig. - of wicked
    bringing forth iniquity); 1f) (Hophal) day of birth, birthday
    (infinitive); 1g) (Hithpael) to declare one's birth (pedigree);

    REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM AS IDEA #328 = [#69, #45, #21, #61, #37, #13, >>>>>> #53, #29] - 30 NOVEMBER 1942: "Jesus was most certainly not a Jew. >>>>>> The Jews would never have handed one of their own people to the
    Roman courts; they would have condemned Him themselves. It is
    quite probable that a large number of the descendants of the Roman >>>>>> legionaries, mostly Gauls, were living in Galilee, and Jesus was
    probably one of them. ("WE BE NOT BORN OF *FORNICATION*-G4202; WE
    HAVE ONE FATHER, EVEN GOD." [John 8:41]) His mother may well have
    been a Jewess. Jesus fought against the materialism of His age,
    and, therefore, against the Jews.

         #516 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>> as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #200] /
    #326 as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #10] = porneía (G4202): >>>>>> {UMBRA: #316 % #41 = #29} 1) *ILLICIT* *SEXUAL* *INTERCOURSE*; 1a) >>>>>> adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with >>>>>> animals etc.; 1b) sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev.
    18; 1c) sexual intercourse with a divorced man or woman; Mk.
    10:11,12; 2) metaph. the worship of idols; 2a) *OF* *THE*
    *DEFILEMENT* *OF* *IDOLATRY*, as incurred by eating the sacrifices >>>>>> offered to idols;

    #236 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#20, #1, #7, #200, #8] =
    ʼezrâch (H249): {UMBRA: #216 % #41 = #11} 1) a native (one rising >>>>>> from the soil); 1a) *OF* *MAN*, *NATIVE* *ISRAELITES*; 1b) of
    tree, native (to Israel);

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#30, #7, #200, #10, #40] =
    zûwr (H2114): {UMBRA: #213 % #41 = #8} 1) to be strange, be a
    stranger; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become estranged; 1a2) strange,
    another, stranger, foreigner, *AN* *ENEMY* (participle); 1a3)
    loathsome (of breath) (participle); 1a4) strange woman,
    prostitute, harlot (meton); 1b) (Niphal) to be estranged; 1c)
    (Hophal) to be a stranger, be one alienated;

    #781 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#200, #70, #500, #10, #1] =
    sophía (G4678): {UMBRA: #781 % #41 = #2} 1) *WISDOM*, *BROAD*
    *OF* *VERY* *DIVERSE* *MATTERS*; 1a) the wisdom which belongs to
    men; 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things human and divine,
    acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and
    proverbs; 1a2) *THE* *SCIENCE* *AND* *LEARNING*; 1a3) the act of
    interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice; 1a4) the
    intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some mysterious >>>>>> number or vision; 1a5) skill in the management of affairs; 1a6)
    devout and proper prudence in intercourse with men not disciples
    of Christ, skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth; 1a7) >>>>>> the knowledge and practice of the requisites for godly and upright >>>>>> living; 1b) supreme intelligence, such as belongs to God; 1b1) to
    Christ; 1b2) *THE* *WISDOM* *OF* *GOD* *AS* *EVINCED* *IN*

    Paul of Tarsus, who was originally one of the most stubborn
    *ENEMIES* of the Christians, suddenly realised the immense
    possibilities of using, *INTELLIGENTLY* and for other ends, an
    idea which was exercising such great powers of fascination. He
    realised that the judicious exploitation of this idea among
    non-Jews would give him far greater power in the world than would
    the promise of material profit to the Jews themselves. It was then >>>>>> that the future St. Paul distorted with diabolical cunning the
    Christian idea.

    #125 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #5, #40, #4, #70] =
    maddâʻ (H4093): {UMBRA: #114 % #41 = #32} 1) knowledge, thought; >>>>>> 1a) knowledge; 1b) *MIND*, *THOUGHT*, *PLACE* *OF* *KNOWLEDGE*;

    CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #30, #7, #6, #400] = lᵉzûwth (H3891): >>>>>> {UMBRA: #443 % #41 = #33} 1) deviation, *PERVERSITY*, crookedness; >>>>>>
    Out of this idea, which was a declaration of war on the *GOLDEN*
    *CALF*, on the egotism and the materialism of the Jews, he created >>>>>> a rallying point for *SLAVES* of all kinds against the élite, the >>>>>> masters and those in dominant authority. The *RELIGION*
    *FABRICATED* by Paul of Tarsus, which was later called
    Christianity, is nothing but the Communism of to-day.

    #2201 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#500, #100, #400, #1, #200,
    #200, #800] = phryássō (G5433): {UMBRA: #2201 % #41 = #28} 1) to >>>>>> neigh, stamp the ground, prance, snort; 2) to be high-spirited;
    2a) of horses; 2b) of men; 2b1) to take on lofty airs; 2b2) behave >>>>>> arrogantly; 2c) *TO* *BE* *TUMULTUOUS*, *TO* *RAGE*;

    #854 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #200, #4, #10, #600] =
    mârad (H4775): {UMBRA: #244 % #41 = #39} 1) to rebel, revolt, be
    rebellious; 1a) (Qal) *TO* *REBEL*, *REVOLT*; 1a1) against human
    king; 1a2) against God; 1a3) against light (poetic);

    #1016 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#8, #300, #2, #6, #700] =
    chishshâbôwn (H2810): {UMBRA: #366 % #41 = #38} 1) device,

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#10, #7, #200, #70] = zâraʻ >>>>>> (H2232): {UMBRA: #277 % #41 = #31} 1) to sow, scatter seed; 1a)
    (Qal); 1a1) to sow; 1a2) producing, yielding seed; 1b) (Niphal);
    1b1) to be sown; 1b2) to become pregnant, be made pregnant; 1c)
    (Pual) to be sown; 1d) (Hiphil) *TO* *PRODUCE* *SEED*, yield seed; >>>>>>
    BORMANN INTERVENED: Jewish methods, he said, have never varied in
    their essentials. Everywhere they have *STIRRED* *UP* *THE*
    *PLEBS* against the ruling classes. Everywhere they have
    *FOSTERED* *DISCONTENT* against the established power. For these
    are the *SEEDS* which produce the crop they hope later to gather.
    Everywhere they fan the flames of hatred between peoples of the
    same blood. It is they who *INVENTED* class-warfare, and the
    repudiation of this theory must therefore always be an anti-Jewish >>>>>> measure. In the same way, any *DOCTRINE* which is anti-Communist,
    any *DOCTRINE* which is anti-Christian must, ipso facto, be
    AND ANTI-CHRISTIAN. National Socialism is solid to the core, and
    the whole of its *STRENGTH* is concentrated against the Jews, even >>>>>> in matters which appear to have a purely social aspect and are
    designed for the furtherance of the social amenities of our own

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#7, #200, #70, #10] = zᵉrôwaʻ >>>>>> (H2220): {UMBRA: #283 % #41 = #37} 1) arm, forearm, shoulder,
    *STRENGTH*; 1a) arm; 1b) arm (as symbol of strength); 1c) *FORCES* >>>>>> (*POLITICAL* *AND* *MILITARY*); 1d) shoulder (of animal sacrificed); >>>>>>
    #621 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#3, #2, #6, #200, #400, #10] / >>>>>> #627 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#3, #2, #6, #200, #400, #10, >>>>>> #6] = gᵉbûwrâh (H1369): {UMBRA: #216 % #41 = #11} 1) *STRENGTH*, >>>>>> might; 1a) strength; 1b) might, valour, bravery; 1c) might, mighty >>>>>> deeds (of God);


    #125 as [#10, #8, #7, #100] / [#8, #7, #100, #10] = châzaq
    (H2388): {UMBRA: #115 % #41 = #33} 1) to strengthen, prevail,
    harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow
    firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong, grow
    strong; i) to prevail, prevail upon; ii) to be firm, be caught
    fast, be secure; iii) to press, be urgent; iv) to grow stout, grow >>>>>> rigid, grow hard (bad sense); v) *TO* *BE *SEVERE*, *BE*
    *GRIEVOUS*; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong;
    1b2) to restore to strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen,
    sustain, encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage;
    1b5) to make firm; 1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil);
    1c1) to make strong, strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) *TO*
    *DISPLAY* *STRENGTH*; 1c4) to make severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6)
    to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon; 1c8) to have or take or
    keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support; 1c9) to hold,
    contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2) to put
    forth strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to
    hold strongly with;

    #554 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#6, #8, #10, #30, #500] =
    chayil (H2428): {UMBRA: #48 % #41 = #7} 1) *STRENGTH*, might,
    efficiency, wealth, army; 1a) strength; 1b) ability, efficiency;
    1c) wealth; 1d) *FORCE*, *ARMY*;

         #446 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>> as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5, #9, #1] /
    #447 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5,
    #10, #1] = latreía (G2999): {UMBRA: #447 % #41 = #37} 1) service
    rendered for hire; 1a) *ANY* *SERVICE* *OR* *MINISTRATION*: *THE*
    *SERVICE* *OF* *GOD*; 2) the service and worship of God according
    to the requirements of the Levitical law; 3) to perform sacred

    #797 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1] /
    #807 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1, #10] = eparchía (G1885): {UMBRA: #797 % #41 = #18} 1)
    *THE* *OFFICE* *OF* *A* *GOVERNOR* *OR* *PREFECT*; 2) the region
    subject to a prefect; 2a) a province of the Roman empire, either a >>>>>> larger province, or an appendage to a larger province, as
    Palestine was to that of Syria;

    RESPECT THE BRITISH ARE OUR SUPERIORS. They, too, are the most
    frightful bureaucrats; but at least they have the sense not to
    exercise their bureaucracy in occupied territory to the advantage
    of the local inhabitant and the detriment of their own country!
    They have a genius for keeping others at a distance and in winning >>>>>> and preserving respect. Here, perhaps, we have the worst possible
    example of our methods—delousing infuriates the local inhabitants, >>>>>> as does our fanatical desire to *CIVILISE* them. The net result is >>>>>> that they say to themselves: "These people aren't really our
    superiors—it's only the way they're made"!" [page 613]

    #79 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10] /
    #279 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10,
    #200] = Athēnai (G116): {UMBRA: #79 % #41 = #38} 0) Athens =
    'uncertainty'; 1) A famous city in Greece, the capital of Attica,
    and the chief *SEAT* *OF* *LEARNING* *AND* *CIVILISATION* during
    the golden period of the history of Greece;

    THE FUEHRER CONCLUDED: Burgdorff has just given me a paper which
    deals with the relationship between Communism and Christianity. It >>>>>> is comforting to see how, even in these days, the fatal
    relationship between the two is daily becoming clearer to the
    human intelligence." [pages 721, 722]

    On 2/4/2024 14:46, dolf wrote:

    The TABLE TALK (1941-1944) by its segmented time and provision of >>>>>>> rudimentary meta-descriptor prototypes for his own regime of
    diary narratives / proverbial or stereotypical quotes as
    numerical hierarchy journalising that mediates against the
    bipartite #135 / #405 / #540 / #1080 - HETEROS / STOICHEION OF
    THE KOSMOS as PYTHAGOREAN theory of number worldview, but that
    those tripartite number tetra meta-descriptors when subsequently >>>>>>> assigned to our cogito array then as a boundary to consciousness >>>>>>> mirrors those concepts within Hebrew / Greek language as biblical >>>>>>> lexicon which is an anathema to the very science which the
    REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM proposes as its #33 - TENET OF BELIEF / LUO >>>>>>> SHU REFERENCE OBJECT: #205 = PRINCIPLE OF PERSISTENCE: [#57, #23, >>>>>>> #41, #59, #25] / [#9, #77, #41, #5, #75] / DIAGONALS [#49, #32,
    #41, #50, #33] / [#17, #68, #41, #14, #65] / #164 = PRINCIPLE OF >>>>>>> MATERIALITY [#54 - VIETNAM VETERANS DAY 18 AUGUST, #70 -


    On 1/4/2024 08:50, dolf wrote:
    On 1/4/2024 08:19, dolf wrote:
    That was my last remaining community interaction point, now
    even that is an
    enmity and what better day than Easter Sunday.


    It's not possible for those parties (ie. you don't possess the >>>>>>>>> innate
    graces) to redeem themselves.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/?date:2024.4.1&time:8.19&heuristic> >>>>>>>>>
    #431 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #451 as [#400, #20, #6, #5] = kâvâh >>>>>>>>> (H3554):
    {UMBRA: #31 % #41 = #31} 1) to burn, scorch, brand; 1a)
    (Niphal) to be
    burned, be scorched;

    #EIGHT:    #81    as #81 - FOSTERING (YANG)
    #ONE:    #110    as #29 - DECISIVENESS (TUAN)
    #TWO:    #161    as #80 - LABOURING (CH'IN)
    #THREE:    #153    as #72 - HARDNESS (CHIEN)
    #FOUR:    #271    as #28 - CHANGE (KENG)
    #FIVE:    #424    as #19 - FOLLOWING (TS'UNG)
    #SIX:    #130    as #49 - FLIGHT (T'AO)
    #SEVEN:    #213    as #51 - CONSTANCY (CH'ANG)


    APPRAISAL #5: With a heart of gold in the belly, (黃心在腹) >>>>>>>> Even old white bones grow flesh. (白骨生肉)
    Virtue fostered is not overturned. (孚德不復)
    FATHOMING #5: A golden heart in the belly (黃心在腹)
    MEANS: The highest virtue is Heavenly. (上德天也)

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi
    radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>> *spoiled*

    xīn (心): 1. heart [organ], 2. Kangxi radical 61, 3. mind;
    consciousness, 4. the center; the core; the middle, 5. one of
    the 28 star constellations, 6. heart, 7. emotion, 8. intention; >>>>>>>> consideration, 9. *disposition*; *temperament*

    zài (在): 1. in; at, 2. at, 3. when; indicates that someone or >>>>>>>> something is in the process of doing something, 4. to exist; to >>>>>>>> be living, 5. to consist of, 6. *to* *be* *at* *a* *post*

    fù (腹): 1. abdomen; *stomach*; belly



    báigǔ (白骨): 1. *bones* *of* *the* *dead*


    shēng ròu (生肉): 1. *raw* *meat*

    <http://www.grapple369.com/images/SLAUGHTER%2020171115%20-%201.jpg> >>>>>>>>

    fú (孚): 1. to have *confidence*, 2. to brood over eggs

    dé (德): 1. Germany, 2. *virtue*; *morality*; *ethics*;
    *character*, 3. kindness; favor, 4. conduct; behavior, 5. to be >>>>>>>> grateful, 6. heart; intention, 7. De, 8. potency; natural power, >>>>>>>> 9. wholesome; good

    bùfù (不復): 1. *to* *not* *go* *back*, 2. not again

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi
    radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>> spoiled

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    I went to a Bunnings sausage sizzle on Easter Sunday and
    despite making a
    $$ donation (as I similarly did on Saturday before the fire >>>>>>>>>> event in
    Adelaide) and divulging activist actions with respects to
    pursuit of legal
    matters as a just cause.

    APPRAISAL #2: Silently, he fosters perversion, (墨養邪)
    Harboring impropriety at the start. (元函匪貞)
    FATHOMING #2: In silence promoting evil (墨養邪)
    MEANS: The center heart is defeated. (中心敗也)

    Then received a sausage which being so badly burnt was not fit >>>>>>>>>> to eat and
    yet they bestowed it with smiles and pleasure which can only >>>>>>>>>> be construed
    as sadistic malice.

    Accordingly no further goodwill and attendance will be
    conveyed by me at
    BUNNINGS community sausage sizzles and I will more readily pay >>>>>>>>>> for
    someone's groceries should the discretionary need arise.

    Nomen Nescio <nobody@dizum.com> wrote:
    eats Stroopwafels


    Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable /
    resizable DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third
    party d3 library.


    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Sun Apr 7 11:37:41 2024
    [continued from previous message]

    *DEVOTED* *ONE*, *NAZARITE*; 1a) consecrated one; 1b) devotee,
    Nazarite; 1c) untrimmed (vine);

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #40, #7, #200] = mamzêr >>>>>>> (H4464): {UMBRA: #287 % #41 = #41} 1) bastard, child of incest,
    *ILLEGITIMATE* *CHILD*; 1a) bastard; 1b) mixed population (fig.); >>>>>>> 1c) *BORN* *OF* *A* *JEWISH* *FATHER* *AND* *A* *HEATHEN*

         #444 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#400, #30, #4, #10] / [#10, #30, #4, #400] /
    #449 - NOUMENON RESONANCE ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 17 MARCH / FEME >>>>>>> CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#5, #10, #30, #4, #400] = yâlad (H3205): >>>>>>> {UMBRA: #44 % #41 = #3} 1) to bear, bring forth, beget, gender,
    travail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to bear, *BRING* *FORTH*; i) *OF*
    *CHILD* *BIRTH*; ii) of distress (simile); iii) *OF* *WICKED*
    (*BEHAVIOUR*); 1a2) to beget; 1b) (Niphal) to be born; 1c)
    (Piel); 1c1) to cause or help to bring forth; 1c2) to assist or
    tend as a midwife; 1c3) midwife (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be
    born; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to beget (a child); 1e2) to bear (fig. - >>>>>>> of wicked bringing forth iniquity); 1f) (Hophal) day of birth,
    birthday (infinitive); 1g) (Hithpael) to declare one's birth

    REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM AS IDEA #328 = [#69, #45, #21, #61, #37,
    #13, #53, #29] - 30 NOVEMBER 1942: "Jesus was most certainly not >>>>>>> a Jew. The Jews would never have handed one of their own people
    to the Roman courts; they would have condemned Him themselves. It >>>>>>> is quite probable that a large number of the descendants of the
    Roman legionaries, mostly Gauls, were living in Galilee, and
    Jesus was probably one of them. ("WE BE NOT BORN OF
    *FORNICATION*-G4202; WE HAVE ONE FATHER, EVEN GOD." [John 8:41]) >>>>>>> His mother may well have been a Jewess. Jesus fought against the >>>>>>> materialism of His age, and, therefore, against the Jews.

         #516 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #200] /
    #326 as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #10] = porneía
    (G4202): {UMBRA: #316 % #41 = #29} 1) *ILLICIT* *SEXUAL*
    *INTERCOURSE*; 1a) adultery, fornication, homosexuality,
    lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.; 1b) sexual intercourse >>>>>>> with close relatives; Lev. 18; 1c) sexual intercourse with a
    divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12; 2) metaph. the worship of
    idols; 2a) *OF* *THE* *DEFILEMENT* *OF* *IDOLATRY*, as incurred
    by eating the sacrifices offered to idols;

    #236 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#20, #1, #7, #200, #8] =
    ʼezrâch (H249): {UMBRA: #216 % #41 = #11} 1) a native (one rising >>>>>>> from the soil); 1a) *OF* *MAN*, *NATIVE* *ISRAELITES*; 1b) of
    tree, native (to Israel);

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#30, #7, #200, #10, #40] =
    zûwr (H2114): {UMBRA: #213 % #41 = #8} 1) to be strange, be a
    stranger; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become estranged; 1a2) strange,
    another, stranger, foreigner, *AN* *ENEMY* (participle); 1a3)
    loathsome (of breath) (participle); 1a4) strange woman,
    prostitute, harlot (meton); 1b) (Niphal) to be estranged; 1c)
    (Hophal) to be a stranger, be one alienated;

    #781 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#200, #70, #500, #10, #1] = >>>>>>> sophía (G4678): {UMBRA: #781 % #41 = #2} 1) *WISDOM*, *BROAD*
    *OF* *VERY* *DIVERSE* *MATTERS*; 1a) the wisdom which belongs to >>>>>>> men; 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things human and divine, >>>>>>> acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and >>>>>>> proverbs; 1a2) *THE* *SCIENCE* *AND* *LEARNING*; 1a3) the act of >>>>>>> interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice; 1a4) the >>>>>>> intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some
    mysterious number or vision; 1a5) skill in the management of
    affairs; 1a6) devout and proper prudence in intercourse with men >>>>>>> not disciples of Christ, skill and discretion in imparting
    Christian truth; 1a7) the knowledge and practice of the
    requisites for godly and upright living; 1b) supreme
    intelligence, such as belongs to God; 1b1) to Christ; 1b2) *THE* >>>>>>> *WISDOM* *OF* *GOD* *AS* *EVINCED* *IN* *FORMING* *AND*

    Paul of Tarsus, who was originally one of the most stubborn
    *ENEMIES* of the Christians, suddenly realised the immense
    possibilities of using, *INTELLIGENTLY* and for other ends, an
    idea which was exercising such great powers of fascination. He
    realised that the judicious exploitation of this idea among
    non-Jews would give him far greater power in the world than would >>>>>>> the promise of material profit to the Jews themselves. It was
    then that the future St. Paul distorted with diabolical cunning
    the Christian idea.

    #125 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #5, #40, #4, #70] =
    maddâʻ (H4093): {UMBRA: #114 % #41 = #32} 1) knowledge, thought; >>>>>>> 1a) knowledge; 1b) *MIND*, *THOUGHT*, *PLACE* *OF* *KNOWLEDGE*;

    #449 - NOUMENON RESONANCE ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 17 MARCH / FEME >>>>>>> CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #30, #7, #6, #400] = lᵉzûwth
    (H3891): {UMBRA: #443 % #41 = #33} 1) deviation, *PERVERSITY*,

    Out of this idea, which was a declaration of war on the *GOLDEN* >>>>>>> *CALF*, on the egotism and the materialism of the Jews, he
    created a rallying point for *SLAVES* of all kinds against the
    élite, the masters and those in dominant authority. The
    *RELIGION* *FABRICATED* by Paul of Tarsus, which was later called >>>>>>> Christianity, is nothing but the Communism of to-day.

    #2201 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#500, #100, #400, #1, #200, >>>>>>> #200, #800] = phryássō (G5433): {UMBRA: #2201 % #41 = #28} 1) to >>>>>>> neigh, stamp the ground, prance, snort; 2) to be high-spirited;
    2a) of horses; 2b) of men; 2b1) to take on lofty airs; 2b2)
    behave arrogantly; 2c) *TO* *BE* *TUMULTUOUS*, *TO* *RAGE*;

    #854 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #200, #4, #10, #600] = >>>>>>> mârad (H4775): {UMBRA: #244 % #41 = #39} 1) to rebel, revolt, be >>>>>>> rebellious; 1a) (Qal) *TO* *REBEL*, *REVOLT*; 1a1) against human >>>>>>> king; 1a2) against God; 1a3) against light (poetic);

    #1016 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#8, #300, #2, #6, #700] =
    chishshâbôwn (H2810): {UMBRA: #366 % #41 = #38} 1) device,

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#10, #7, #200, #70] = zâraʻ >>>>>>> (H2232): {UMBRA: #277 % #41 = #31} 1) to sow, scatter seed; 1a)
    (Qal); 1a1) to sow; 1a2) producing, yielding seed; 1b) (Niphal); >>>>>>> 1b1) to be sown; 1b2) to become pregnant, be made pregnant; 1c)
    (Pual) to be sown; 1d) (Hiphil) *TO* *PRODUCE* *SEED*, yield seed; >>>>>>>
    BORMANN INTERVENED: Jewish methods, he said, have never varied in >>>>>>> their essentials. Everywhere they have *STIRRED* *UP* *THE*
    *PLEBS* against the ruling classes. Everywhere they have
    *FOSTERED* *DISCONTENT* against the established power. For these >>>>>>> are the *SEEDS* which produce the crop they hope later to gather. >>>>>>> Everywhere they fan the flames of hatred between peoples of the
    same blood. It is they who *INVENTED* class-warfare, and the
    repudiation of this theory must therefore always be an
    anti-Jewish measure. In the same way, any *DOCTRINE* which is
    anti-Communist, any *DOCTRINE* which is anti-Christian must, ipso >>>>>>> facto, be anti-Jewish as well. THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST *DOCTRINE* >>>>>>> IS THEREFORE ANTI-JEWISH IN EXCELSIS, FOR IT IS BOTH
    ANTI-COMMUNIST AND ANTI-CHRISTIAN. National Socialism is solid to >>>>>>> the core, and the whole of its *STRENGTH* is concentrated against >>>>>>> the Jews, even in matters which appear to have a purely social
    aspect and are designed for the furtherance of the social
    amenities of our own people.

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#7, #200, #70, #10] =
    zᵉrôwaʻ (H2220): {UMBRA: #283 % #41 = #37} 1) arm, forearm,
    shoulder, *STRENGTH*; 1a) arm; 1b) arm (as symbol of strength);
    1c) *FORCES* (*POLITICAL* *AND* *MILITARY*); 1d) shoulder (of
    animal sacrificed);

    #621 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#3, #2, #6, #200, #400, #10] / >>>>>>> #627 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#3, #2, #6, #200, #400,
    #10, #6] = gᵉbûwrâh (H1369): {UMBRA: #216 % #41 = #11} 1)
    *STRENGTH*, might; 1a) strength; 1b) might, valour, bravery; 1c) >>>>>>> might, mighty deeds (of God);

    AND THY *POWER*-H1369  TO EVERY ONE THAT IS TO COME." [Psalm 71:18] >>>>>>>
    #125 as [#10, #8, #7, #100] / [#8, #7, #100, #10] = châzaq
    (H2388): {UMBRA: #115 % #41 = #33} 1) to strengthen, prevail,
    harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow
    firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong, grow
    strong; i) to prevail, prevail upon; ii) to be firm, be caught
    fast, be secure; iii) to press, be urgent; iv) to grow stout,
    grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense); v) *TO* *BE *SEVERE*, *BE*
    *GRIEVOUS*; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong; >>>>>>> 1b2) to restore to strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen,
    sustain, encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage;
    1b5) to make firm; 1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil);
    1c1) to make strong, strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) *TO*
    *DISPLAY* *STRENGTH*; 1c4) to make severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6) >>>>>>> to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon; 1c8) to have or take or >>>>>>> keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support; 1c9) to hold,
    contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2) to put >>>>>>> forth strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to
    hold strongly with;

    #554 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#6, #8, #10, #30, #500] =
    chayil (H2428): {UMBRA: #48 % #41 = #7} 1) *STRENGTH*, might,
    efficiency, wealth, army; 1a) strength; 1b) ability, efficiency; >>>>>>> 1c) wealth; 1d) *FORCE*, *ARMY*;

         #446 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5, #9, #1] /
    #447 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5,
    #10, #1] = latreía (G2999): {UMBRA: #447 % #41 = #37} 1) service >>>>>>> rendered for hire; 1a) *ANY* *SERVICE* *OR* *MINISTRATION*: *THE* >>>>>>> *SERVICE* *OF* *GOD*; 2) the service and worship of God according >>>>>>> to the requirements of the Levitical law; 3) to perform sacred

    #797 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1] /
    #807 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1, #10] = eparchía (G1885): {UMBRA: #797 % #41 = #18} 1)
    *THE* *OFFICE* *OF* *A* *GOVERNOR* *OR* *PREFECT*; 2) the region >>>>>>> subject to a prefect; 2a) a province of the Roman empire, either >>>>>>> a larger province, or an appendage to a larger province, as
    Palestine was to that of Syria;

    RESPECT THE BRITISH ARE OUR SUPERIORS. They, too, are the most
    frightful bureaucrats; but at least they have the sense not to
    exercise their bureaucracy in occupied territory to the advantage >>>>>>> of the local inhabitant and the detriment of their own country!
    They have a genius for keeping others at a distance and in
    winning and preserving respect. Here, perhaps, we have the worst >>>>>>> possible example of our methods—delousing infuriates the local >>>>>>> inhabitants, as does our fanatical desire to *CIVILISE* them. The >>>>>>> net result is that they say to themselves: "These people aren't
    really our superiors—it's only the way they're made"!" [page 613] >>>>>>>
    #79 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10] / >>>>>>> #279 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10,
    #200] = Athēnai (G116): {UMBRA: #79 % #41 = #38} 0) Athens =
    'uncertainty'; 1) A famous city in Greece, the capital of Attica, >>>>>>> and the chief *SEAT* *OF* *LEARNING* *AND* *CIVILISATION* during >>>>>>> the golden period of the history of Greece;

    THE FUEHRER CONCLUDED: Burgdorff has just given me a paper which >>>>>>> deals with the relationship between Communism and Christianity.
    It is comforting to see how, even in these days, the fatal
    relationship between the two is daily becoming clearer to the
    human intelligence." [pages 721, 722]

    On 2/4/2024 14:46, dolf wrote:

    The TABLE TALK (1941-1944) by its segmented time and provision >>>>>>>> of rudimentary meta-descriptor prototypes for his own regime of >>>>>>>> diary narratives / proverbial or stereotypical quotes as
    numerical hierarchy journalising that mediates against the
    bipartite #135 / #405 / #540 / #1080 - HETEROS / STOICHEION OF >>>>>>>> THE KOSMOS as PYTHAGOREAN theory of number worldview, but that >>>>>>>> those tripartite number tetra meta-descriptors when subsequently >>>>>>>> assigned to our cogito array then as a boundary to consciousness >>>>>>>> mirrors those concepts within Hebrew / Greek language as
    biblical lexicon which is an anathema to the very science which >>>>>>>> the REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM proposes as its #33 - TENET OF BELIEF / >>>>>>>> LUO SHU REFERENCE OBJECT: #205 = PRINCIPLE OF PERSISTENCE: [#57, >>>>>>>> #23, #41, #59, #25] / [#9, #77, #41, #5, #75] / DIAGONALS [#49, >>>>>>>> #32, #41, #50, #33] / [#17, #68, #41, #14, #65] / #164 =


    On 1/4/2024 08:50, dolf wrote:
    On 1/4/2024 08:19, dolf wrote:
    That was my last remaining community interaction point, now >>>>>>>>>> even that is an
    enmity and what better day than Easter Sunday.


    It's not possible for those parties (ie. you don't possess the >>>>>>>>>> innate
    graces) to redeem themselves.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/?date:2024.4.1&time:8.19&heuristic> >>>>>>>>>>
    #431 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #451 as [#400, #20, #6, #5] =
    kâvâh (H3554):
    {UMBRA: #31 % #41 = #31} 1) to burn, scorch, brand; 1a)
    (Niphal) to be
    burned, be scorched;

    #EIGHT:    #81    as #81 - FOSTERING (YANG)
    #ONE:    #110    as #29 - DECISIVENESS (TUAN)
    #TWO:    #161    as #80 - LABOURING (CH'IN)
    #THREE:    #153    as #72 - HARDNESS (CHIEN)
    #FOUR:    #271    as #28 - CHANGE (KENG)
    #FIVE:    #424    as #19 - FOLLOWING (TS'UNG)
    #SIX:    #130    as #49 - FLIGHT (T'AO)
    #SEVEN:    #213    as #51 - CONSTANCY (CH'ANG)


    APPRAISAL #5: With a heart of gold in the belly, (黃心在腹) >>>>>>>>> Even old white bones grow flesh. (白骨生肉)
    Virtue fostered is not overturned. (孚德不復)
    FATHOMING #5: A golden heart in the belly (黃心在腹)
    MEANS: The highest virtue is Heavenly. (上德天也)

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi >>>>>>>>> radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>>> *spoiled*

    xīn (心): 1. heart [organ], 2. Kangxi radical 61, 3. mind; >>>>>>>>> consciousness, 4. the center; the core; the middle, 5. one of >>>>>>>>> the 28 star constellations, 6. heart, 7. emotion, 8. intention; >>>>>>>>> consideration, 9. *disposition*; *temperament*

    zài (在): 1. in; at, 2. at, 3. when; indicates that someone or >>>>>>>>> something is in the process of doing something, 4. to exist; to >>>>>>>>> be living, 5. to consist of, 6. *to* *be* *at* *a* *post*

    fù (腹): 1. abdomen; *stomach*; belly



    báigǔ (白骨): 1. *bones* *of* *the* *dead*


    shēng ròu (生肉): 1. *raw* *meat*

    <http://www.grapple369.com/images/SLAUGHTER%2020171115%20-%201.jpg> >>>>>>>>>

    fú (孚): 1. to have *confidence*, 2. to brood over eggs

    dé (德): 1. Germany, 2. *virtue*; *morality*; *ethics*;
    *character*, 3. kindness; favor, 4. conduct; behavior, 5. to be >>>>>>>>> grateful, 6. heart; intention, 7. De, 8. potency; natural
    power, 9. wholesome; good

    bùfù (不復): 1. *to* *not* *go* *back*, 2. not again

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi >>>>>>>>> radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>>> spoiled

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    I went to a Bunnings sausage sizzle on Easter Sunday and >>>>>>>>>>> despite making a
    $$ donation (as I similarly did on Saturday before the fire >>>>>>>>>>> event in
    Adelaide) and divulging activist actions with respects to >>>>>>>>>>> pursuit of legal
    matters as a just cause.

    APPRAISAL #2: Silently, he fosters perversion, (墨養邪)
    Harboring impropriety at the start. (元函匪貞)
    FATHOMING #2: In silence promoting evil (墨養邪)
    MEANS: The center heart is defeated. (中心敗也)

    Then received a sausage which being so badly burnt was not >>>>>>>>>>> fit to eat and
    yet they bestowed it with smiles and pleasure which can only >>>>>>>>>>> be construed
    as sadistic malice.

    Accordingly no further goodwill and attendance will be
    conveyed by me at
    BUNNINGS community sausage sizzles and I will more readily >>>>>>>>>>> pay for
    someone's groceries should the discretionary need arise. >>>>>>>>>>>
    Nomen Nescio <nobody@dizum.com> wrote:
    eats Stroopwafels


    Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable /
    resizable DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third
    party d3 library.


    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Mon Apr 8 07:48:47 2024
    [continued from previous message]

    Berbers from North Africa (this story apparently deriving from
    the Kabyle myth invented by French colonists) and the upper
    classes of Ancient Egypt (all presumably migrating from
    Atlantis). According to Rosenberg, modern culture has been
    corrupted by Semitic influences (cf. anti-Semitism), which have
    produced degenerate modern art, along with moral and social
    degeneration. In Rosenberg's mythological take on world history, >>>>>>> migrating Aryans founded various ancient civilizations which
    later declined and fell due to inter-marriage with lesser races. >>>>>>> These civilizations included the Aryan, ancient pre-Islamic
    Persia, Greece, India, and Rome. He saw the ancient Germanic
    invasions of the Roman empire as saving its civilization, which
    had been corrupted both by race mixing and by
    Judaized-cosmopolitan Christianity.
    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_of_the_Twentieth_Century> >>>>>>>
    #767 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #203 as [#7, #70, #80, #10, #600] =
    zâʻaph (H2196): {UMBRA: #157 % #41 = #34} 1) to fret, be sad, be >>>>>>> wroth, be vexed, be enraged, be out of humour; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to >>>>>>> be out of humour; 1a2) *TO* *BE* *ENRAGED*, *BE* *ANGRY*; 1b)
    (Qal); 1b1) to appear perplexed, appear troubled; 1b2) to be

    TABLE TALK CONTINUES: A National Socialist should affirm that to >>>>>>> the myth of the nineteenth century he opposes the faith and
    science of our times.

    It is interesting to note that comparatively few of the older
    members of the Party are to be found among the readers of
    Rosenberg's book, and that the publishers had, in fact, great
    difficulty indisposing of the first edition. It was only when the >>>>>>> book was mentioned in a Pastoral Letter that the sales began to
    go up and the first ten thousand were sold. In short, the second >>>>>>> edition was launched by Cardinal Faulhaber of Munich, who was
    maladroit enough to attack Rosenberg at a Synod of Bishops and to >>>>>>> cite quotations from his book.

    #612 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #175 as [#3, #100, #1, #500, #8] /
    #662 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #175 as [#3, #100, #1, #500, #8,
    #50] = graphḗ (G1124): {UMBRA: #612 % #41 = #38} 1) *A*
    *WRITING*, *THING* *WRITTEN*; 2) the Scripture, used to denote
    either the book itself, or its contents; 3) a certain portion or >>>>>>> section of the Holy Scripture;

    The resultant placing of the book on the index, as a work of
    heresy on the Party's part, merely gave additional fillip to its >>>>>>> sale; and when the Church had finally published all its
    commentaries in refutation of Rosenberg's ideas, "The Myth of the >>>>>>> Twentieth Century" sold its two hundred thousandth copy. It gives >>>>>>> me considerable pleasure to realise that the book has been
    closely studied only by our opponents.

    Like most of the Gauleiters, I have myself merely glanced
    cursorily at it. It is in any case written in much too abstruse a >>>>>>> style, in my opinion." [page 422]

    #77 - 𝍒馴 = #528
    COGITO: [#47, #10, #50, #9, #9] as #77 - COMPLIANCE (HSUN)
    RANGE: 29 NOVEMBER to noon 03 DECEMBER


    [#47 {@1: Sup: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#47); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN
    #10 {@2: Sup: 57 - GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#104 - I COMMIT NO FRAUD
    {%7}); Ego: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#57)}
    #50 {@3: Sup: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#130 - I AM NOT EVIL MINDED
    {%3}); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#107)}
    #9 {@4: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#165); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: >>>>>>> SHU (#116)}
    #9] {@5: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#209); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT:
    SHU (#125)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #125 as [#1, #100, #1, #2, #10, #1, #10] = Arabía
    (G688): {UMBRA: #115 % #41 = #33} 0) Arabia = 'desert or barren'; >>>>>>> 1) a well known peninsula of Asia lying towards Africa, and
    bounded by Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, the
    Gulf of Arabia, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean; >>>>>>>

    #900 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#300, #400, #80, #70, #50] = >>>>>>> týpos (G5179): {UMBRA: #1050 % #41 = #25} 1) the mark of a stroke >>>>>>> or blow, print; 2) a figure formed by a blow or impression; 2a)
    of a figure or image; 2b) of the image of the gods; 3) form; 3a) >>>>>>> *THE* *TEACHING* *WHICH* *EMBODIES* *THE* *SUM* *AND* *SUBSTANCE* >>>>>>> *OF* *RELIGION* *AND* *REPRESENTS* *IT* *TO* *THE* *MIND*, manner >>>>>>> of writing, the contents and form of a letter; 4) an example; 4a) >>>>>>> in the technical sense, the pattern in conformity to which a
    thing must be made; 4b) in an ethical sense, a dissuasive
    example, a pattern of warning; 4b1) of ruinous events which serve >>>>>>> as admonitions or warnings to others; 4c) an example to be
    imitated; 4c1) of men worthy of imitation; 4d) in a doctrinal
    sense; 4d1) of a type i.e. a person or thing prefiguring a future >>>>>>> (Messianic) person or thing;

    #611 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #400, #5, #200] = hârâh >>>>>>> (H2029): {UMBRA: #210 % #41 = #5} 1) to conceive, become
    pregnant, bear, be with child, be conceived, progenitor; 1a)
    (Qal) to conceive, become pregnant; 1b) (Pual) to be conceived;
    1c) (Poel) *TO* *CONCEIVE*, *CONTRIVE*, *DEVISE*;

         #363 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#5, #40, #300, #10, #8] /
    #368 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #300, #10, #8, #10] =
    mâshîyach (H4899): {UMBRA: #358 % #41 = #30} 1) anointed,
    *ANOINTED* *ONE*; 1a) of the *MESSIAH*, Messianic prince; 1b) of >>>>>>> the *KING* *OF* *ISRAEL*; 1c) of the high priest of Israel; 1d)
    of Cyrus; 1e) of the patriarchs as anointed kings;

         #272 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#50, #7, #200, #10, #5] / [#5, #50, #7, #10, #200] /
    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#50, #7, #10, #200, #20] =
    nâzîyr (H5139): {UMBRA: #267 % #41 = #21} 1) *CONSECRATED* *OR* >>>>>>> *DEVOTED* *ONE*, *NAZARITE*; 1a) consecrated one; 1b) devotee,
    Nazarite; 1c) untrimmed (vine);

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #40, #7, #200] = mamzêr >>>>>>> (H4464): {UMBRA: #287 % #41 = #41} 1) bastard, child of incest,
    *ILLEGITIMATE* *CHILD*; 1a) bastard; 1b) mixed population (fig.); >>>>>>> 1c) *BORN* *OF* *A* *JEWISH* *FATHER* *AND* *A* *HEATHEN*

         #444 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#400, #30, #4, #10] / [#10, #30, #4, #400] /
    #449 - NOUMENON RESONANCE ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 17 MARCH / FEME >>>>>>> CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#5, #10, #30, #4, #400] = yâlad (H3205): >>>>>>> {UMBRA: #44 % #41 = #3} 1) to bear, bring forth, beget, gender,
    travail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to bear, *BRING* *FORTH*; i) *OF*
    *CHILD* *BIRTH*; ii) of distress (simile); iii) *OF* *WICKED*
    (*BEHAVIOUR*); 1a2) to beget; 1b) (Niphal) to be born; 1c)
    (Piel); 1c1) to cause or help to bring forth; 1c2) to assist or
    tend as a midwife; 1c3) midwife (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be
    born; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to beget (a child); 1e2) to bear (fig. - >>>>>>> of wicked bringing forth iniquity); 1f) (Hophal) day of birth,
    birthday (infinitive); 1g) (Hithpael) to declare one's birth

    REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM AS IDEA #328 = [#69, #45, #21, #61, #37,
    #13, #53, #29] - 30 NOVEMBER 1942: "Jesus was most certainly not >>>>>>> a Jew. The Jews would never have handed one of their own people
    to the Roman courts; they would have condemned Him themselves. It >>>>>>> is quite probable that a large number of the descendants of the
    Roman legionaries, mostly Gauls, were living in Galilee, and
    Jesus was probably one of them. ("WE BE NOT BORN OF
    *FORNICATION*-G4202; WE HAVE ONE FATHER, EVEN GOD." [John 8:41]) >>>>>>> His mother may well have been a Jewess. Jesus fought against the >>>>>>> materialism of His age, and, therefore, against the Jews.

         #516 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #200] /
    #326 as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #10] = porneía
    (G4202): {UMBRA: #316 % #41 = #29} 1) *ILLICIT* *SEXUAL*
    *INTERCOURSE*; 1a) adultery, fornication, homosexuality,
    lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.; 1b) sexual intercourse >>>>>>> with close relatives; Lev. 18; 1c) sexual intercourse with a
    divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12; 2) metaph. the worship of
    idols; 2a) *OF* *THE* *DEFILEMENT* *OF* *IDOLATRY*, as incurred
    by eating the sacrifices offered to idols;

    #236 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#20, #1, #7, #200, #8] =
    ʼezrâch (H249): {UMBRA: #216 % #41 = #11} 1) a native (one rising >>>>>>> from the soil); 1a) *OF* *MAN*, *NATIVE* *ISRAELITES*; 1b) of
    tree, native (to Israel);

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#30, #7, #200, #10, #40] =
    zûwr (H2114): {UMBRA: #213 % #41 = #8} 1) to be strange, be a
    stranger; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become estranged; 1a2) strange,
    another, stranger, foreigner, *AN* *ENEMY* (participle); 1a3)
    loathsome (of breath) (participle); 1a4) strange woman,
    prostitute, harlot (meton); 1b) (Niphal) to be estranged; 1c)
    (Hophal) to be a stranger, be one alienated;

    #781 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#200, #70, #500, #10, #1] = >>>>>>> sophía (G4678): {UMBRA: #781 % #41 = #2} 1) *WISDOM*, *BROAD*
    *OF* *VERY* *DIVERSE* *MATTERS*; 1a) the wisdom which belongs to >>>>>>> men; 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things human and divine, >>>>>>> acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and >>>>>>> proverbs; 1a2) *THE* *SCIENCE* *AND* *LEARNING*; 1a3) the act of >>>>>>> interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice; 1a4) the >>>>>>> intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some
    mysterious number or vision; 1a5) skill in the management of
    affairs; 1a6) devout and proper prudence in intercourse with men >>>>>>> not disciples of Christ, skill and discretion in imparting
    Christian truth; 1a7) the knowledge and practice of the
    requisites for godly and upright living; 1b) supreme
    intelligence, such as belongs to God; 1b1) to Christ; 1b2) *THE* >>>>>>> *WISDOM* *OF* *GOD* *AS* *EVINCED* *IN* *FORMING* *AND*

    Paul of Tarsus, who was originally one of the most stubborn
    *ENEMIES* of the Christians, suddenly realised the immense
    possibilities of using, *INTELLIGENTLY* and for other ends, an
    idea which was exercising such great powers of fascination. He
    realised that the judicious exploitation of this idea among
    non-Jews would give him far greater power in the world than would >>>>>>> the promise of material profit to the Jews themselves. It was
    then that the future St. Paul distorted with diabolical cunning
    the Christian idea.

    #125 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #5, #40, #4, #70] =
    maddâʻ (H4093): {UMBRA: #114 % #41 = #32} 1) knowledge, thought; >>>>>>> 1a) knowledge; 1b) *MIND*, *THOUGHT*, *PLACE* *OF* *KNOWLEDGE*;

    #449 - NOUMENON RESONANCE ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 17 MARCH / FEME >>>>>>> CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #30, #7, #6, #400] = lᵉzûwth
    (H3891): {UMBRA: #443 % #41 = #33} 1) deviation, *PERVERSITY*,

    Out of this idea, which was a declaration of war on the *GOLDEN* >>>>>>> *CALF*, on the egotism and the materialism of the Jews, he
    created a rallying point for *SLAVES* of all kinds against the
    élite, the masters and those in dominant authority. The
    *RELIGION* *FABRICATED* by Paul of Tarsus, which was later called >>>>>>> Christianity, is nothing but the Communism of to-day.

    #2201 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#500, #100, #400, #1, #200, >>>>>>> #200, #800] = phryássō (G5433): {UMBRA: #2201 % #41 = #28} 1) to >>>>>>> neigh, stamp the ground, prance, snort; 2) to be high-spirited;
    2a) of horses; 2b) of men; 2b1) to take on lofty airs; 2b2)
    behave arrogantly; 2c) *TO* *BE* *TUMULTUOUS*, *TO* *RAGE*;

    #854 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #200, #4, #10, #600] = >>>>>>> mârad (H4775): {UMBRA: #244 % #41 = #39} 1) to rebel, revolt, be >>>>>>> rebellious; 1a) (Qal) *TO* *REBEL*, *REVOLT*; 1a1) against human >>>>>>> king; 1a2) against God; 1a3) against light (poetic);

    #1016 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#8, #300, #2, #6, #700] =
    chishshâbôwn (H2810): {UMBRA: #366 % #41 = #38} 1) device,

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#10, #7, #200, #70] = zâraʻ >>>>>>> (H2232): {UMBRA: #277 % #41 = #31} 1) to sow, scatter seed; 1a)
    (Qal); 1a1) to sow; 1a2) producing, yielding seed; 1b) (Niphal); >>>>>>> 1b1) to be sown; 1b2) to become pregnant, be made pregnant; 1c)
    (Pual) to be sown; 1d) (Hiphil) *TO* *PRODUCE* *SEED*, yield seed; >>>>>>>
    BORMANN INTERVENED: Jewish methods, he said, have never varied in >>>>>>> their essentials. Everywhere they have *STIRRED* *UP* *THE*
    *PLEBS* against the ruling classes. Everywhere they have
    *FOSTERED* *DISCONTENT* against the established power. For these >>>>>>> are the *SEEDS* which produce the crop they hope later to gather. >>>>>>> Everywhere they fan the flames of hatred between peoples of the
    same blood. It is they who *INVENTED* class-warfare, and the
    repudiation of this theory must therefore always be an
    anti-Jewish measure. In the same way, any *DOCTRINE* which is
    anti-Communist, any *DOCTRINE* which is anti-Christian must, ipso >>>>>>> facto, be anti-Jewish as well. THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST *DOCTRINE* >>>>>>> IS THEREFORE ANTI-JEWISH IN EXCELSIS, FOR IT IS BOTH
    ANTI-COMMUNIST AND ANTI-CHRISTIAN. National Socialism is solid to >>>>>>> the core, and the whole of its *STRENGTH* is concentrated against >>>>>>> the Jews, even in matters which appear to have a purely social
    aspect and are designed for the furtherance of the social
    amenities of our own people.

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#7, #200, #70, #10] =
    zᵉrôwaʻ (H2220): {UMBRA: #283 % #41 = #37} 1) arm, forearm,
    shoulder, *STRENGTH*; 1a) arm; 1b) arm (as symbol of strength);
    1c) *FORCES* (*POLITICAL* *AND* *MILITARY*); 1d) shoulder (of
    animal sacrificed);

    #621 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#3, #2, #6, #200, #400, #10] / >>>>>>> #627 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#3, #2, #6, #200, #400,
    #10, #6] = gᵉbûwrâh (H1369): {UMBRA: #216 % #41 = #11} 1)
    *STRENGTH*, might; 1a) strength; 1b) might, valour, bravery; 1c) >>>>>>> might, mighty deeds (of God);

    AND THY *POWER*-H1369  TO EVERY ONE THAT IS TO COME." [Psalm 71:18] >>>>>>>
    #125 as [#10, #8, #7, #100] / [#8, #7, #100, #10] = châzaq
    (H2388): {UMBRA: #115 % #41 = #33} 1) to strengthen, prevail,
    harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow
    firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong, grow
    strong; i) to prevail, prevail upon; ii) to be firm, be caught
    fast, be secure; iii) to press, be urgent; iv) to grow stout,
    grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense); v) *TO* *BE *SEVERE*, *BE*
    *GRIEVOUS*; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong; >>>>>>> 1b2) to restore to strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen,
    sustain, encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage;
    1b5) to make firm; 1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil);
    1c1) to make strong, strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) *TO*
    *DISPLAY* *STRENGTH*; 1c4) to make severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6) >>>>>>> to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon; 1c8) to have or take or >>>>>>> keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support; 1c9) to hold,
    contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2) to put >>>>>>> forth strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to
    hold strongly with;

    #554 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#6, #8, #10, #30, #500] =
    chayil (H2428): {UMBRA: #48 % #41 = #7} 1) *STRENGTH*, might,
    efficiency, wealth, army; 1a) strength; 1b) ability, efficiency; >>>>>>> 1c) wealth; 1d) *FORCE*, *ARMY*;

         #446 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5, #9, #1] /
    #447 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5,
    #10, #1] = latreía (G2999): {UMBRA: #447 % #41 = #37} 1) service >>>>>>> rendered for hire; 1a) *ANY* *SERVICE* *OR* *MINISTRATION*: *THE* >>>>>>> *SERVICE* *OF* *GOD*; 2) the service and worship of God according >>>>>>> to the requirements of the Levitical law; 3) to perform sacred

    #797 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1] /
    #807 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1, #10] = eparchía (G1885): {UMBRA: #797 % #41 = #18} 1)
    *THE* *OFFICE* *OF* *A* *GOVERNOR* *OR* *PREFECT*; 2) the region >>>>>>> subject to a prefect; 2a) a province of the Roman empire, either >>>>>>> a larger province, or an appendage to a larger province, as
    Palestine was to that of Syria;

    RESPECT THE BRITISH ARE OUR SUPERIORS. They, too, are the most
    frightful bureaucrats; but at least they have the sense not to
    exercise their bureaucracy in occupied territory to the advantage >>>>>>> of the local inhabitant and the detriment of their own country!
    They have a genius for keeping others at a distance and in
    winning and preserving respect. Here, perhaps, we have the worst >>>>>>> possible example of our methods—delousing infuriates the local >>>>>>> inhabitants, as does our fanatical desire to *CIVILISE* them. The >>>>>>> net result is that they say to themselves: "These people aren't
    really our superiors—it's only the way they're made"!" [page 613] >>>>>>>
    #79 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10] / >>>>>>> #279 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10,
    #200] = Athēnai (G116): {UMBRA: #79 % #41 = #38} 0) Athens =
    'uncertainty'; 1) A famous city in Greece, the capital of Attica, >>>>>>> and the chief *SEAT* *OF* *LEARNING* *AND* *CIVILISATION* during >>>>>>> the golden period of the history of Greece;

    THE FUEHRER CONCLUDED: Burgdorff has just given me a paper which >>>>>>> deals with the relationship between Communism and Christianity.
    It is comforting to see how, even in these days, the fatal
    relationship between the two is daily becoming clearer to the
    human intelligence." [pages 721, 722]

    On 2/4/2024 14:46, dolf wrote:

    The TABLE TALK (1941-1944) by its segmented time and provision >>>>>>>> of rudimentary meta-descriptor prototypes for his own regime of >>>>>>>> diary narratives / proverbial or stereotypical quotes as
    numerical hierarchy journalising that mediates against the
    bipartite #135 / #405 / #540 / #1080 - HETEROS / STOICHEION OF >>>>>>>> THE KOSMOS as PYTHAGOREAN theory of number worldview, but that >>>>>>>> those tripartite number tetra meta-descriptors when subsequently >>>>>>>> assigned to our cogito array then as a boundary to consciousness >>>>>>>> mirrors those concepts within Hebrew / Greek language as
    biblical lexicon which is an anathema to the very science which >>>>>>>> the REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM proposes as its #33 - TENET OF BELIEF / >>>>>>>> LUO SHU REFERENCE OBJECT: #205 = PRINCIPLE OF PERSISTENCE: [#57, >>>>>>>> #23, #41, #59, #25] / [#9, #77, #41, #5, #75] / DIAGONALS [#49, >>>>>>>> #32, #41, #50, #33] / [#17, #68, #41, #14, #65] / #164 =


    On 1/4/2024 08:50, dolf wrote:
    On 1/4/2024 08:19, dolf wrote:
    That was my last remaining community interaction point, now >>>>>>>>>> even that is an
    enmity and what better day than Easter Sunday.


    It's not possible for those parties (ie. you don't possess the >>>>>>>>>> innate
    graces) to redeem themselves.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/?date:2024.4.1&time:8.19&heuristic> >>>>>>>>>>
    #431 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #451 as [#400, #20, #6, #5] =
    kâvâh (H3554):
    {UMBRA: #31 % #41 = #31} 1) to burn, scorch, brand; 1a)
    (Niphal) to be
    burned, be scorched;

    #EIGHT:    #81    as #81 - FOSTERING (YANG)
    #ONE:    #110    as #29 - DECISIVENESS (TUAN)
    #TWO:    #161    as #80 - LABOURING (CH'IN)
    #THREE:    #153    as #72 - HARDNESS (CHIEN)
    #FOUR:    #271    as #28 - CHANGE (KENG)
    #FIVE:    #424    as #19 - FOLLOWING (TS'UNG)
    #SIX:    #130    as #49 - FLIGHT (T'AO)
    #SEVEN:    #213    as #51 - CONSTANCY (CH'ANG)


    APPRAISAL #5: With a heart of gold in the belly, (黃心在腹) >>>>>>>>> Even old white bones grow flesh. (白骨生肉)
    Virtue fostered is not overturned. (孚德不復)
    FATHOMING #5: A golden heart in the belly (黃心在腹)
    MEANS: The highest virtue is Heavenly. (上德天也)

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi >>>>>>>>> radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>>> *spoiled*

    xīn (心): 1. heart [organ], 2. Kangxi radical 61, 3. mind; >>>>>>>>> consciousness, 4. the center; the core; the middle, 5. one of >>>>>>>>> the 28 star constellations, 6. heart, 7. emotion, 8. intention; >>>>>>>>> consideration, 9. *disposition*; *temperament*

    zài (在): 1. in; at, 2. at, 3. when; indicates that someone or >>>>>>>>> something is in the process of doing something, 4. to exist; to >>>>>>>>> be living, 5. to consist of, 6. *to* *be* *at* *a* *post*

    fù (腹): 1. abdomen; *stomach*; belly



    báigǔ (白骨): 1. *bones* *of* *the* *dead*


    shēng ròu (生肉): 1. *raw* *meat*

    <http://www.grapple369.com/images/SLAUGHTER%2020171115%20-%201.jpg> >>>>>>>>>

    fú (孚): 1. to have *confidence*, 2. to brood over eggs

    dé (德): 1. Germany, 2. *virtue*; *morality*; *ethics*;
    *character*, 3. kindness; favor, 4. conduct; behavior, 5. to be >>>>>>>>> grateful, 6. heart; intention, 7. De, 8. potency; natural
    power, 9. wholesome; good

    bùfù (不復): 1. *to* *not* *go* *back*, 2. not again

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi >>>>>>>>> radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>>> spoiled

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    I went to a Bunnings sausage sizzle on Easter Sunday and >>>>>>>>>>> despite making a
    $$ donation (as I similarly did on Saturday before the fire >>>>>>>>>>> event in
    Adelaide) and divulging activist actions with respects to >>>>>>>>>>> pursuit of legal
    matters as a just cause.

    APPRAISAL #2: Silently, he fosters perversion, (墨養邪)
    Harboring impropriety at the start. (元函匪貞)
    FATHOMING #2: In silence promoting evil (墨養邪)
    MEANS: The center heart is defeated. (中心敗也)

    Then received a sausage which being so badly burnt was not >>>>>>>>>>> fit to eat and
    yet they bestowed it with smiles and pleasure which can only >>>>>>>>>>> be construed
    as sadistic malice.

    Accordingly no further goodwill and attendance will be
    conveyed by me at
    BUNNINGS community sausage sizzles and I will more readily >>>>>>>>>>> pay for
    someone's groceries should the discretionary need arise. >>>>>>>>>>>
    Nomen Nescio <nobody@dizum.com> wrote:
    eats Stroopwafels


    Check out our SAVVY module prototype that facilitates a movable /
    resizable DIALOG and complex dropdown MENU interface deploying the third
    party d3 library.


    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From dolf@21:1/5 to dolf on Mon Apr 8 08:08:39 2024
    [continued from previous message]

    and invented history about the putative negative influence of the >>>>>>> Jewish race in contrast to the Aryan race. He equates the latter >>>>>>> with the Nordic peoples of northern Europe and also includes the >>>>>>> Berbers from North Africa (this story apparently deriving from
    the Kabyle myth invented by French colonists) and the upper
    classes of Ancient Egypt (all presumably migrating from
    Atlantis). According to Rosenberg, modern culture has been
    corrupted by Semitic influences (cf. anti-Semitism), which have
    produced degenerate modern art, along with moral and social
    degeneration. In Rosenberg's mythological take on world history, >>>>>>> migrating Aryans founded various ancient civilizations which
    later declined and fell due to inter-marriage with lesser races. >>>>>>> These civilizations included the Aryan, ancient pre-Islamic
    Persia, Greece, India, and Rome. He saw the ancient Germanic
    invasions of the Roman empire as saving its civilization, which
    had been corrupted both by race mixing and by
    Judaized-cosmopolitan Christianity.
    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Myth_of_the_Twentieth_Century> >>>>>>>
    #767 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #203 as [#7, #70, #80, #10, #600] =
    zâʻaph (H2196): {UMBRA: #157 % #41 = #34} 1) to fret, be sad, be >>>>>>> wroth, be vexed, be enraged, be out of humour; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to >>>>>>> be out of humour; 1a2) *TO* *BE* *ENRAGED*, *BE* *ANGRY*; 1b)
    (Qal); 1b1) to appear perplexed, appear troubled; 1b2) to be

    TABLE TALK CONTINUES: A National Socialist should affirm that to >>>>>>> the myth of the nineteenth century he opposes the faith and
    science of our times.

    It is interesting to note that comparatively few of the older
    members of the Party are to be found among the readers of
    Rosenberg's book, and that the publishers had, in fact, great
    difficulty indisposing of the first edition. It was only when the >>>>>>> book was mentioned in a Pastoral Letter that the sales began to
    go up and the first ten thousand were sold. In short, the second >>>>>>> edition was launched by Cardinal Faulhaber of Munich, who was
    maladroit enough to attack Rosenberg at a Synod of Bishops and to >>>>>>> cite quotations from his book.

    #612 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #175 as [#3, #100, #1, #500, #8] /
    #662 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #175 as [#3, #100, #1, #500, #8,
    #50] = graphḗ (G1124): {UMBRA: #612 % #41 = #38} 1) *A*
    *WRITING*, *THING* *WRITTEN*; 2) the Scripture, used to denote
    either the book itself, or its contents; 3) a certain portion or >>>>>>> section of the Holy Scripture;

    The resultant placing of the book on the index, as a work of
    heresy on the Party's part, merely gave additional fillip to its >>>>>>> sale; and when the Church had finally published all its
    commentaries in refutation of Rosenberg's ideas, "The Myth of the >>>>>>> Twentieth Century" sold its two hundred thousandth copy. It gives >>>>>>> me considerable pleasure to realise that the book has been
    closely studied only by our opponents.

    Like most of the Gauleiters, I have myself merely glanced
    cursorily at it. It is in any case written in much too abstruse a >>>>>>> style, in my opinion." [page 422]

    #77 - 𝍒馴 = #528
    COGITO: [#47, #10, #50, #9, #9] as #77 - COMPLIANCE (HSUN)
    RANGE: 29 NOVEMBER to noon 03 DECEMBER


    [#47 {@1: Sup: 47 - PATTERN: WEN (#47); Ego: 47 - PATTERN: WEN
    #10 {@2: Sup: 57 - GUARDEDNESS: SHOU (#104 - I COMMIT NO FRAUD
    {%7}); Ego: 10 - DEFECTIVENESS, DISTORTION: HSIEN (#57)}
    #50 {@3: Sup: 26 - ENDEAVOUR: WU (#130 - I AM NOT EVIL MINDED
    {%3}); Ego: 50 - VASTNESS / WASTING: T'ANG (#107)}
    #9 {@4: Sup: 35 - GATHERING: LIEN (#165); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT: >>>>>>> SHU (#116)}
    #9] {@5: Sup: 44 - STOVE: TSAO (#209); Ego: 9 - BRANCHING OUT:
    SHU (#125)}

    TELOS TOTAL: #125 as [#1, #100, #1, #2, #10, #1, #10] = Arabía
    (G688): {UMBRA: #115 % #41 = #33} 0) Arabia = 'desert or barren'; >>>>>>> 1) a well known peninsula of Asia lying towards Africa, and
    bounded by Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, the
    Gulf of Arabia, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean; >>>>>>>

    #900 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#300, #400, #80, #70, #50] = >>>>>>> týpos (G5179): {UMBRA: #1050 % #41 = #25} 1) the mark of a stroke >>>>>>> or blow, print; 2) a figure formed by a blow or impression; 2a)
    of a figure or image; 2b) of the image of the gods; 3) form; 3a) >>>>>>> *THE* *TEACHING* *WHICH* *EMBODIES* *THE* *SUM* *AND* *SUBSTANCE* >>>>>>> *OF* *RELIGION* *AND* *REPRESENTS* *IT* *TO* *THE* *MIND*, manner >>>>>>> of writing, the contents and form of a letter; 4) an example; 4a) >>>>>>> in the technical sense, the pattern in conformity to which a
    thing must be made; 4b) in an ethical sense, a dissuasive
    example, a pattern of warning; 4b1) of ruinous events which serve >>>>>>> as admonitions or warnings to others; 4c) an example to be
    imitated; 4c1) of men worthy of imitation; 4d) in a doctrinal
    sense; 4d1) of a type i.e. a person or thing prefiguring a future >>>>>>> (Messianic) person or thing;

    #611 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #400, #5, #200] = hârâh >>>>>>> (H2029): {UMBRA: #210 % #41 = #5} 1) to conceive, become
    pregnant, bear, be with child, be conceived, progenitor; 1a)
    (Qal) to conceive, become pregnant; 1b) (Pual) to be conceived;
    1c) (Poel) *TO* *CONCEIVE*, *CONTRIVE*, *DEVISE*;

         #363 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#5, #40, #300, #10, #8] /
    #368 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #300, #10, #8, #10] =
    mâshîyach (H4899): {UMBRA: #358 % #41 = #30} 1) anointed,
    *ANOINTED* *ONE*; 1a) of the *MESSIAH*, Messianic prince; 1b) of >>>>>>> the *KING* *OF* *ISRAEL*; 1c) of the high priest of Israel; 1d)
    of Cyrus; 1e) of the patriarchs as anointed kings;

         #272 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#50, #7, #200, #10, #5] / [#5, #50, #7, #10, #200] /
    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#50, #7, #10, #200, #20] =
    nâzîyr (H5139): {UMBRA: #267 % #41 = #21} 1) *CONSECRATED* *OR* >>>>>>> *DEVOTED* *ONE*, *NAZARITE*; 1a) consecrated one; 1b) devotee,
    Nazarite; 1c) untrimmed (vine);

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #40, #7, #200] = mamzêr >>>>>>> (H4464): {UMBRA: #287 % #41 = #41} 1) bastard, child of incest,
    *ILLEGITIMATE* *CHILD*; 1a) bastard; 1b) mixed population (fig.); >>>>>>> 1c) *BORN* *OF* *A* *JEWISH* *FATHER* *AND* *A* *HEATHEN*

         #444 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#400, #30, #4, #10] / [#10, #30, #4, #400] /
    #449 - NOUMENON RESONANCE ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 17 MARCH / FEME >>>>>>> CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#5, #10, #30, #4, #400] = yâlad (H3205): >>>>>>> {UMBRA: #44 % #41 = #3} 1) to bear, bring forth, beget, gender,
    travail; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to bear, *BRING* *FORTH*; i) *OF*
    *CHILD* *BIRTH*; ii) of distress (simile); iii) *OF* *WICKED*
    (*BEHAVIOUR*); 1a2) to beget; 1b) (Niphal) to be born; 1c)
    (Piel); 1c1) to cause or help to bring forth; 1c2) to assist or
    tend as a midwife; 1c3) midwife (participle); 1d) (Pual) to be
    born; 1e) (Hiphil); 1e1) to beget (a child); 1e2) to bear (fig. - >>>>>>> of wicked bringing forth iniquity); 1f) (Hophal) day of birth,
    birthday (infinitive); 1g) (Hithpael) to declare one's birth

    REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM AS IDEA #328 = [#69, #45, #21, #61, #37,
    #13, #53, #29] - 30 NOVEMBER 1942: "Jesus was most certainly not >>>>>>> a Jew. The Jews would never have handed one of their own people
    to the Roman courts; they would have condemned Him themselves. It >>>>>>> is quite probable that a large number of the descendants of the
    Roman legionaries, mostly Gauls, were living in Galilee, and
    Jesus was probably one of them. ("WE BE NOT BORN OF
    *FORNICATION*-G4202; WE HAVE ONE FATHER, EVEN GOD." [John 8:41]) >>>>>>> His mother may well have been a Jewess. Jesus fought against the >>>>>>> materialism of His age, and, therefore, against the Jews.

         #516 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #200] /
    #326 as [#80, #70, #100, #50, #5, #10, #1, #10] = porneía
    (G4202): {UMBRA: #316 % #41 = #29} 1) *ILLICIT* *SEXUAL*
    *INTERCOURSE*; 1a) adultery, fornication, homosexuality,
    lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.; 1b) sexual intercourse >>>>>>> with close relatives; Lev. 18; 1c) sexual intercourse with a
    divorced man or woman; Mk. 10:11,12; 2) metaph. the worship of
    idols; 2a) *OF* *THE* *DEFILEMENT* *OF* *IDOLATRY*, as incurred
    by eating the sacrifices offered to idols;

    #236 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#20, #1, #7, #200, #8] =
    ʼezrâch (H249): {UMBRA: #216 % #41 = #11} 1) a native (one rising >>>>>>> from the soil); 1a) *OF* *MAN*, *NATIVE* *ISRAELITES*; 1b) of
    tree, native (to Israel);

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#30, #7, #200, #10, #40] =
    zûwr (H2114): {UMBRA: #213 % #41 = #8} 1) to be strange, be a
    stranger; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to become estranged; 1a2) strange,
    another, stranger, foreigner, *AN* *ENEMY* (participle); 1a3)
    loathsome (of breath) (participle); 1a4) strange woman,
    prostitute, harlot (meton); 1b) (Niphal) to be estranged; 1c)
    (Hophal) to be a stranger, be one alienated;

    #781 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#200, #70, #500, #10, #1] = >>>>>>> sophía (G4678): {UMBRA: #781 % #41 = #2} 1) *WISDOM*, *BROAD*
    *OF* *VERY* *DIVERSE* *MATTERS*; 1a) the wisdom which belongs to >>>>>>> men; 1a1) spec. the varied knowledge of things human and divine, >>>>>>> acquired by acuteness and experience, and summed up in maxims and >>>>>>> proverbs; 1a2) *THE* *SCIENCE* *AND* *LEARNING*; 1a3) the act of >>>>>>> interpreting dreams and always giving the sagest advice; 1a4) the >>>>>>> intelligence evinced in discovering the meaning of some
    mysterious number or vision; 1a5) skill in the management of
    affairs; 1a6) devout and proper prudence in intercourse with men >>>>>>> not disciples of Christ, skill and discretion in imparting
    Christian truth; 1a7) the knowledge and practice of the
    requisites for godly and upright living; 1b) supreme
    intelligence, such as belongs to God; 1b1) to Christ; 1b2) *THE* >>>>>>> *WISDOM* *OF* *GOD* *AS* *EVINCED* *IN* *FORMING* *AND*

    Paul of Tarsus, who was originally one of the most stubborn
    *ENEMIES* of the Christians, suddenly realised the immense
    possibilities of using, *INTELLIGENTLY* and for other ends, an
    idea which was exercising such great powers of fascination. He
    realised that the judicious exploitation of this idea among
    non-Jews would give him far greater power in the world than would >>>>>>> the promise of material profit to the Jews themselves. It was
    then that the future St. Paul distorted with diabolical cunning
    the Christian idea.

    #125 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #5, #40, #4, #70] =
    maddâʻ (H4093): {UMBRA: #114 % #41 = #32} 1) knowledge, thought; >>>>>>> 1a) knowledge; 1b) *MIND*, *THOUGHT*, *PLACE* *OF* *KNOWLEDGE*;

    #449 - NOUMENON RESONANCE ON SAINT PATRICK'S DAY 17 MARCH / FEME >>>>>>> CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#6, #30, #7, #6, #400] = lᵉzûwth
    (H3891): {UMBRA: #443 % #41 = #33} 1) deviation, *PERVERSITY*,

    Out of this idea, which was a declaration of war on the *GOLDEN* >>>>>>> *CALF*, on the egotism and the materialism of the Jews, he
    created a rallying point for *SLAVES* of all kinds against the
    élite, the masters and those in dominant authority. The
    *RELIGION* *FABRICATED* by Paul of Tarsus, which was later called >>>>>>> Christianity, is nothing but the Communism of to-day.

    #2201 - MALE CHECKSUM TOTAL: #209 as [#500, #100, #400, #1, #200, >>>>>>> #200, #800] = phryássō (G5433): {UMBRA: #2201 % #41 = #28} 1) to >>>>>>> neigh, stamp the ground, prance, snort; 2) to be high-spirited;
    2a) of horses; 2b) of men; 2b1) to take on lofty airs; 2b2)
    behave arrogantly; 2c) *TO* *BE* *TUMULTUOUS*, *TO* *RAGE*;

    #854 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#40, #200, #4, #10, #600] = >>>>>>> mârad (H4775): {UMBRA: #244 % #41 = #39} 1) to rebel, revolt, be >>>>>>> rebellious; 1a) (Qal) *TO* *REBEL*, *REVOLT*; 1a1) against human >>>>>>> king; 1a2) against God; 1a3) against light (poetic);

    #1016 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#8, #300, #2, #6, #700] =
    chishshâbôwn (H2810): {UMBRA: #366 % #41 = #38} 1) device,

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#10, #7, #200, #70] = zâraʻ >>>>>>> (H2232): {UMBRA: #277 % #41 = #31} 1) to sow, scatter seed; 1a)
    (Qal); 1a1) to sow; 1a2) producing, yielding seed; 1b) (Niphal); >>>>>>> 1b1) to be sown; 1b2) to become pregnant, be made pregnant; 1c)
    (Pual) to be sown; 1d) (Hiphil) *TO* *PRODUCE* *SEED*, yield seed; >>>>>>>
    BORMANN INTERVENED: Jewish methods, he said, have never varied in >>>>>>> their essentials. Everywhere they have *STIRRED* *UP* *THE*
    *PLEBS* against the ruling classes. Everywhere they have
    *FOSTERED* *DISCONTENT* against the established power. For these >>>>>>> are the *SEEDS* which produce the crop they hope later to gather. >>>>>>> Everywhere they fan the flames of hatred between peoples of the
    same blood. It is they who *INVENTED* class-warfare, and the
    repudiation of this theory must therefore always be an
    anti-Jewish measure. In the same way, any *DOCTRINE* which is
    anti-Communist, any *DOCTRINE* which is anti-Christian must, ipso >>>>>>> facto, be anti-Jewish as well. THE NATIONAL SOCIALIST *DOCTRINE* >>>>>>> IS THEREFORE ANTI-JEWISH IN EXCELSIS, FOR IT IS BOTH
    ANTI-COMMUNIST AND ANTI-CHRISTIAN. National Socialism is solid to >>>>>>> the core, and the whole of its *STRENGTH* is concentrated against >>>>>>> the Jews, even in matters which appear to have a purely social
    aspect and are designed for the furtherance of the social
    amenities of our own people.

    #287 - FEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #125 as [#7, #200, #70, #10] =
    zᵉrôwaʻ (H2220): {UMBRA: #283 % #41 = #37} 1) arm, forearm,
    shoulder, *STRENGTH*; 1a) arm; 1b) arm (as symbol of strength);
    1c) *FORCES* (*POLITICAL* *AND* *MILITARY*); 1d) shoulder (of
    animal sacrificed);

    #621 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#3, #2, #6, #200, #400, #10] / >>>>>>> #627 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#3, #2, #6, #200, #400,
    #10, #6] = gᵉbûwrâh (H1369): {UMBRA: #216 % #41 = #11} 1)
    *STRENGTH*, might; 1a) strength; 1b) might, valour, bravery; 1c) >>>>>>> might, mighty deeds (of God);

    AND THY *POWER*-H1369  TO EVERY ONE THAT IS TO COME." [Psalm 71:18] >>>>>>>
    #125 as [#10, #8, #7, #100] / [#8, #7, #100, #10] = châzaq
    (H2388): {UMBRA: #115 % #41 = #33} 1) to strengthen, prevail,
    harden, be strong, become strong, be courageous, be firm, grow
    firm, be resolute, be sore; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be strong, grow
    strong; i) to prevail, prevail upon; ii) to be firm, be caught
    fast, be secure; iii) to press, be urgent; iv) to grow stout,
    grow rigid, grow hard (bad sense); v) *TO* *BE *SEVERE*, *BE*
    *GRIEVOUS*; 1a2) to strengthen; 1b) (Piel); 1b1) to make strong; >>>>>>> 1b2) to restore to strength, give strength; 1b3) to strengthen,
    sustain, encourage; 1b4) to make strong, make bold, encourage;
    1b5) to make firm; 1b6) to make rigid, make hard; 1c) (Hiphil);
    1c1) to make strong, strengthen; 1c2) to make firm; 1c3) *TO*
    *DISPLAY* *STRENGTH*; 1c4) to make severe; 1c5) to support; 1c6) >>>>>>> to repair; 1c7) to prevail, prevail upon; 1c8) to have or take or >>>>>>> keep hold of, retain, hold up, sustain, support; 1c9) to hold,
    contain; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to strengthen oneself; 1d2) to put >>>>>>> forth strength, use one's strength; 1d3) to withstand; 1d4) to
    hold strongly with;

    #554 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#6, #8, #10, #30, #500] =
    chayil (H2428): {UMBRA: #48 % #41 = #7} 1) *STRENGTH*, might,
    efficiency, wealth, army; 1a) strength; 1b) ability, efficiency; >>>>>>> 1c) wealth; 1d) *FORCE*, *ARMY*;

         #446 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR EASTER SUNDAY ON 31 MARCH 2024 >>>>>>> as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5, #9, #1] /
    #447 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#30, #1, #300, #100, #5,
    #10, #1] = latreía (G2999): {UMBRA: #447 % #41 = #37} 1) service >>>>>>> rendered for hire; 1a) *ANY* *SERVICE* *OR* *MINISTRATION*: *THE* >>>>>>> *SERVICE* *OF* *GOD*; 2) the service and worship of God according >>>>>>> to the requirements of the Levitical law; 3) to perform sacred

    #797 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1] /
    #807 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#5, #80, #1, #100, #600,
    #10, #1, #10] = eparchía (G1885): {UMBRA: #797 % #41 = #18} 1)
    *THE* *OFFICE* *OF* *A* *GOVERNOR* *OR* *PREFECT*; 2) the region >>>>>>> subject to a prefect; 2a) a province of the Roman empire, either >>>>>>> a larger province, or an appendage to a larger province, as
    Palestine was to that of Syria;

    RESPECT THE BRITISH ARE OUR SUPERIORS. They, too, are the most
    frightful bureaucrats; but at least they have the sense not to
    exercise their bureaucracy in occupied territory to the advantage >>>>>>> of the local inhabitant and the detriment of their own country!
    They have a genius for keeping others at a distance and in
    winning and preserving respect. Here, perhaps, we have the worst >>>>>>> possible example of our methods—delousing infuriates the local >>>>>>> inhabitants, as does our fanatical desire to *CIVILISE* them. The >>>>>>> net result is that they say to themselves: "These people aren't
    really our superiors—it's only the way they're made"!" [page 613] >>>>>>>
    #79 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10] / >>>>>>> #279 - ONTIC CHECKSUM TOTAL: #234 as [#1, #9, #8, #50, #1, #10,
    #200] = Athēnai (G116): {UMBRA: #79 % #41 = #38} 0) Athens =
    'uncertainty'; 1) A famous city in Greece, the capital of Attica, >>>>>>> and the chief *SEAT* *OF* *LEARNING* *AND* *CIVILISATION* during >>>>>>> the golden period of the history of Greece;

    THE FUEHRER CONCLUDED: Burgdorff has just given me a paper which >>>>>>> deals with the relationship between Communism and Christianity.
    It is comforting to see how, even in these days, the fatal
    relationship between the two is daily becoming clearer to the
    human intelligence." [pages 721, 722]

    On 2/4/2024 14:46, dolf wrote:

    The TABLE TALK (1941-1944) by its segmented time and provision >>>>>>>> of rudimentary meta-descriptor prototypes for his own regime of >>>>>>>> diary narratives / proverbial or stereotypical quotes as
    numerical hierarchy journalising that mediates against the
    bipartite #135 / #405 / #540 / #1080 - HETEROS / STOICHEION OF >>>>>>>> THE KOSMOS as PYTHAGOREAN theory of number worldview, but that >>>>>>>> those tripartite number tetra meta-descriptors when subsequently >>>>>>>> assigned to our cogito array then as a boundary to consciousness >>>>>>>> mirrors those concepts within Hebrew / Greek language as
    biblical lexicon which is an anathema to the very science which >>>>>>>> the REDUCTIO AD HITLERUM proposes as its #33 - TENET OF BELIEF / >>>>>>>> LUO SHU REFERENCE OBJECT: #205 = PRINCIPLE OF PERSISTENCE: [#57, >>>>>>>> #23, #41, #59, #25] / [#9, #77, #41, #5, #75] / DIAGONALS [#49, >>>>>>>> #32, #41, #50, #33] / [#17, #68, #41, #14, #65] / #164 =


    On 1/4/2024 08:50, dolf wrote:
    On 1/4/2024 08:19, dolf wrote:
    That was my last remaining community interaction point, now >>>>>>>>>> even that is an
    enmity and what better day than Easter Sunday.


    It's not possible for those parties (ie. you don't possess the >>>>>>>>>> innate
    graces) to redeem themselves.

    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/?date:2024.4.1&time:8.19&heuristic> >>>>>>>>>>
    #431 - DEME CHECKSUM TOTAL: #451 as [#400, #20, #6, #5] =
    kâvâh (H3554):
    {UMBRA: #31 % #41 = #31} 1) to burn, scorch, brand; 1a)
    (Niphal) to be
    burned, be scorched;

    #EIGHT:    #81    as #81 - FOSTERING (YANG)
    #ONE:    #110    as #29 - DECISIVENESS (TUAN)
    #TWO:    #161    as #80 - LABOURING (CH'IN)
    #THREE:    #153    as #72 - HARDNESS (CHIEN)
    #FOUR:    #271    as #28 - CHANGE (KENG)
    #FIVE:    #424    as #19 - FOLLOWING (TS'UNG)
    #SIX:    #130    as #49 - FLIGHT (T'AO)
    #SEVEN:    #213    as #51 - CONSTANCY (CH'ANG)


    APPRAISAL #5: With a heart of gold in the belly, (黃心在腹) >>>>>>>>> Even old white bones grow flesh. (白骨生肉)
    Virtue fostered is not overturned. (孚德不復)
    FATHOMING #5: A golden heart in the belly (黃心在腹)
    MEANS: The highest virtue is Heavenly. (上德天也)

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi >>>>>>>>> radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>>> *spoiled*

    xīn (心): 1. heart [organ], 2. Kangxi radical 61, 3. mind; >>>>>>>>> consciousness, 4. the center; the core; the middle, 5. one of >>>>>>>>> the 28 star constellations, 6. heart, 7. emotion, 8. intention; >>>>>>>>> consideration, 9. *disposition*; *temperament*

    zài (在): 1. in; at, 2. at, 3. when; indicates that someone or >>>>>>>>> something is in the process of doing something, 4. to exist; to >>>>>>>>> be living, 5. to consist of, 6. *to* *be* *at* *a* *post*

    fù (腹): 1. abdomen; *stomach*; belly



    báigǔ (白骨): 1. *bones* *of* *the* *dead*


    shēng ròu (生肉): 1. *raw* *meat*

    <http://www.grapple369.com/images/SLAUGHTER%2020171115%20-%201.jpg> >>>>>>>>>

    fú (孚): 1. to have *confidence*, 2. to brood over eggs

    dé (德): 1. Germany, 2. *virtue*; *morality*; *ethics*;
    *character*, 3. kindness; favor, 4. conduct; behavior, 5. to be >>>>>>>>> grateful, 6. heart; intention, 7. De, 8. potency; natural
    power, 9. wholesome; good

    bùfù (不復): 1. *to* *not* *go* *back*, 2. not again

    huáng (黃): 1. yellow, 2. Huang, 3. the emperor, 4. Kangxi >>>>>>>>> radical 201, 5. Yellow River, 6. a yellow colored animal
    product, 7. pornographic, 8. pornography, 9. to fizzle out, 10. >>>>>>>>> spoiled

    dolf <dolfboek@hotmail.com> wrote:
    I went to a Bunnings sausage sizzle on Easter Sunday and >>>>>>>>>>> despite making a
    $$ donation (as I similarly did on Saturday before the fire >>>>>>>>>>> event in
    Adelaide) and divulging activist actions with respects to >>>>>>>>>>> pursuit of legal
    matters as a just cause.

    APPRAISAL #2: Silently, he fosters perversion, (墨養邪)
    Harboring impropriety at the start. (元函匪貞)
    FATHOMING #2: In silence promoting evil (墨養邪)
    MEANS: The center heart is defeated. (中心敗也)

    Then received a sausage which being so badly burnt was not >>>>>>>>>>> fit to eat and
    yet they bestowed it with smiles and pleasure which can only >>>>>>>>>>> be construed
    as sadistic malice.

    Accordingly no further goodwill and attendance will be
    conveyed by me at
    BUNNINGS community sausage sizzles and I will more readily >>>>>>>>>>> pay for
    someone's groceries should the discretionary need arise. >>>>>>>>>>>
    Nomen Nescio <nobody@dizum.com> wrote:
    eats Stroopwafels


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    <http://www.grapple369.com/Savvy/Savvy.zip> (Download resources)

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