• Re: Pakistan has 6 missiles capable of carrying nukes

    From dolf@21:1/5 to Nomen Nescio on Thu Oct 19 23:17:49 2023
    XPost: aus.politics, alt.islam, aus.religion
    XPost: alt.france



    The Arabic alphabet is derived either from the Nabataean alphabet or (less widely believed) directly from the Syriac alphabet, which are both derived
    from the Aramaic alphabet (which also gave rise to the Hebrew alphabet),
    which, in turn, descended from the Phoenician alphabet. In addition to the Aramaic script (and, therefore, the Arabic and Hebrew scripts), the
    Phoenician script also gave rise to the Greek alphabet (and, therefore,
    both the Cyrillic alphabet and the Latin alphabet used to write this


    The script was first used to write texts in Arabic, most notably the Quran,
    the holy book of Islam. With the religion's spread, it came to be used as
    the primary script for many language families, leading to the addition of
    new letters and other symbols. Such languages still using it are: Persian (Farsi), Malay (Jawi), Uyghur, Kurdish, Punjabi (Shahmukhi), Sindhi, Balti, Balochi, Pashto, Lurish, Urdu, Kashmiri, Rohingya, Somali, Mandinka, and Mooré, among others.

    Until the 16th century, it was also used for some Spanish texts, and—prior
    to the language reform in 1928—it was the writing system of Turkish.


    Nomen Nescio <nobody@dizum.com> wrote:
    And plenty of warheads. They need to smite Israel to save
    their Islamic brothers.


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