• Narcissistic Bigot (Steve Carroll)

    From Snit Glasser Michael@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 15 00:29:08 2022
    That is the problem with millennials and less experienced instructors
    don't know what they are doing; people from smarter generations *should*
    know better than to fall for the New World agenda.


    This forum is a puss-filled cyst. Snit Glasser Michael is the product
    of the truth that Trotskyites have been employed to take the lead in
    educating kids. It is not a coincidence that he is a harebrained socialist. Nobody gets it, I ain't done gone got it.

    "You'll notice how quickly he loses interest when everything is about
    him. He clearly wants the attention"
    Steve Carroll, making the dumbest comment ever uttered.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Ann Glaser@21:1/5 to Ann Glaser on Tue Feb 15 17:31:28 2022
    On Friday, January 28, 2022 at 3:50:15 PM UTC-7, Ann Glaser wrote:
    Nobody is being controlled by a corporation. How Pothead determines when
    to use the flood script for maximum impact http://usenet.sandman.net/misc/snit_flood.
    I just don't understand the point in Pothead continuing to make that claim, when they know it's easily proved false. I will no longer bring up the whackiest, so far, series of tales they've written about me to date; because multiple respected posters did as I asked and told Pothead with no waffling that they did, of course, forge me concerning that subject. Alan B must
    have read Pothead doxing files and became insanely butt hurt. I suspect
    this is our first manifestation of the improved Alan B.

    He is a moron... advocates have kill filed his bot posts. What he really needs to figure out is a bot that keeps switching names, then bot posts
    have a chance at being almost as repetitive as he is. Alan B just wiped
    the floor with Pothead.

    One Smart Penny!! https://gibiru.com/results.html?q=Steve+Petruzzellis+%22NARCISSISTIC+BIGOT%22 Steve Petruzzellis the Narcissistic Bigot

    Jeremy is the outcome of the reality that Democrats have been ordered
    to take the lead in instructing our youth. It is not chance that he is
    an inane Marxist.

    So Jeremy changed his story to talking about his family. I generally
    go post by post unless someone has a habit of really intense bullshit.
    With Jeremy, I already know what his MO is, all he craves is debate and,
    as you have seen, he'll do _anything_ to get it. His most favorite routine
    is to play 'abused' but reality shows it's all of usenet who are his victims. Jeremy expects people to believe that a poster such as Alan B who he has frequently accused to be a perjurer is someone to 'trust'? How can he
    think people are that stupid? Dropping support for anything Jeremy uses
    is common sense.

    Best CMS Solution of 2017! https://www.walmart.com/browse/books/family-kids-books/cary-fagan/3920_582053_585918/YnJhbmQ6Q2FyeSBGYWdhbgieie
    Dustin Cook the Fraud

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Dusty Kook@21:1/5 to Dusty Kook on Tue Feb 15 19:56:05 2022
    On Sunday, February 6, 2022 at 2:33:51 PM UTC-7, Dusty Kook wrote:
    Snit sock Onion Knight doesn't know if there is a encumbered FOSS program
    to handle such tasks.

    More BS by Snit sock Onion Knight. Gregory Hall did not deny creating it,
    but he did not publish it to Vine. Snit sock Onion Knight did that, in an page that uses his ideas.... and he did it because he's obsessed with Snit sock Onion Knight kicking his ass like a line of Rockette girls.

    Not long ago I did work on and showed some Swift for the front end (only works on Wayland) which is the only thing you can do when trying to avoid Snit sock Onion Knight's nonstop crap while reading with Google Groups.
    Are you being stupid on purpose?

    "You'll notice how quickly he loses interest when everything is about him.
    He clearly wants the attention"
    Steven Petruzzellis, making the dumbest comment ever uttered.

    People who've known Steve 'Narcissistic Bigot' Petruzzellis for quite a while, and also have experience with him highly advise ignoring him to get him to attack someplace else. As long as Snit and anyone else continues to tickle
    his belly, he won't seek an audience someplace else.

    Steve 'Narcissistic Bigot' Petruzzellis: <XnsACC9F360B2F6CHT1@z9kfcl9n7KHDpF0eI.64L>
    Yea, I call bullshit on that. Driver media doesn't have a valid
    boot sector present. As a result, the machine wouldn't have
    refused to reboot because the disk was left behind.

    A reasoned response would be for you to just note your error -- of course
    you were wrong to say "the machine would not have refused to reboot because
    the disk was left behind." That is in fact exactly what was happening.

    And you were wrong to say I suggested this was true of machines other than
    the one being noted in Carroll's trolling.

    From what I've seen it looks like the JavaScript ecosystem got more sophisticated.

    "You'll notice how quickly he loses interest when everything is about him.
    He clearly wants the attention"
    Steven Petruzzellis, making the dumbest comment ever uttered.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)