• We can rest assured that we can never be certain of anything any more.

    From David Brooks@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 29 08:47:45 2023
    Observation and experiment

    Investigating what happens on a computer is a balance between
    observation and experiment. While careful measurements of what happens
    in the real world are essential, modern operating systems are so complex
    that it’s often necessary to repeat those observations in a simplified experiment.

    With the ready availability of lightweight virtual machines running
    macOS on Apple silicon, this has become much easier, and they’re usually
    my first choice now. They run without the complications brought by an
    Apple ID, and lack Wi-Fi too, keeping them free from distractions and
    their logs much cleaner as a result. When you can’t see the wood from
    the trees, an experiment can be decisive.


    Three maxims were inscribed on the Temple of Delphi for the eternal
    guidance of those who study macOS: the most important read γνῶθι σεαυτόν
    (gnōthi seautón), know yourself, including your methods and their limitations; nothing to excess, and certainty brings insanity. At least
    we can rest assured that we can never be certain of anything any more.

    Ref: Dr Howard Oakley https://eclecticlight.co/2023/01/29/last-week-on-my-mac-knowing-your-limitations/

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From WolfFan@21:1/5 to David Brooks on Sun Jan 29 05:17:58 2023
    On Jan 29, 2023, David Brooks wrote
    (in article<tr5bri$2mhop$1@hunterbd.eternal-september.org>):

    [snip cut-and-paste]

    Vile one, among your many problems is that you cannot read for comprehension.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)