• Re: The Beyond Evil Unipolar NWO is now coming to an end!

    From NUR@21:1/5 to Eddie Sengola on Fri May 12 18:45:44 2023
    Oh, Wendi Momen, officially represented your cult at Charles' coronation last week. You bahais have satan's member lodged as far into your collective guts as it will go: https://youtu.be/J9zRVzd8okw

    On Tuesday, 9 May 2023 at 15:17:36 UTC+10, Eddie Sengola wrote:
    At last, the Rothschilds/USA/Wall Street’s Unipolar NWO is going down the tubes!
    This day has been long time coming! A New World, the Lesser Peace, is now at our grasp!
    Geopolitically Speaking, Great Respect and honor to the late Great leaders Brother Leader Gaddafi, Hugo Chavez,……who started this fight. The Great President Putin will finish it.


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  • From Eddie Sengola@21:1/5 to NUR on Sat May 27 06:18:52 2023
    On Friday, May 12, 2023 at 6:45:46 PM UTC-7, NUR wrote:
    Oh, Wendi Momen, officially represented your cult at Charles' coronation last week. You bahais have satan's member lodged as far into your collective guts as it will go: https://youtu.be/J9zRVzd8okw
    On Tuesday, 9 May 2023 at 15:17:36 UTC+10, Eddie Sengola wrote:
    At last, the Rothschilds/USA/Wall Street’s Unipolar NWO is going down the tubes!
    This day has been long time coming! A New World, the Lesser Peace, is now at our grasp!
    Geopolitically Speaking, Great Respect and honor to the late Great leaders Brother Leader Gaddafi, Hugo Chavez,……who started this fight. The Great President Putin will finish it.


    Nima, you truly have less understanding of the Baha’i Faith. Seems like your faith was not based on understanding the Divine Essence of the Baha’i Revelation, rather on other Baha’is’ Behavior or Baha’i Institutions’ leadership.
    Do You even know Local or National Baha’i Institutions are not infallible, much less individual Baha’is? And neither individual members of Universal House of Justice? This is the reason why the Universal House of Justice can abrogate its own laws as
    time goes!

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  • From NUR@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 31 04:32:53 2023
    The essence of the revelation of Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri was horseshit. He is right now burning in hell, which is where you will end up too. Be that as it may, how do you square the circle in your adherence to the NWO cult of Bahaism and trucking for the
    Russians? Are you that stupid to believe they think you and your bahaism are legit?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From NUR@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 31 04:29:26 2023
    How do you square the circle between Dugin and your adherence to the Baha'i cult? Bahaism is the quintessence of all fakery manufactured by the globalists. If you are a Baha'i, by definition you cannot be an anti-globalist.

    And fuck Bahaism!

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  • From Matt Douglas@21:1/5 to NUR on Wed May 31 06:20:44 2023
    On Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 6:32:54 PM UTC+7, NUR wrote:
    The essence of the revelation of Mirza Husayn Ali Nuri was horseshit. He is right now burning in hell, which is where you will end up too. Be that as it may, how do you square the circle in your adherence to the NWO cult of Bahaism and trucking for the
    Russians? Are you that stupid to believe they think you and your bahaism are legit?


    As an apostate from the baha'i faith, that stays friends with who I can in it to hopefully pull folks out of that cult, it's downright strange that what I believe to be your Facebook page (the only Eddie Sengola I could find , and loaded with articles
    that twist how whitey has fucked everyone else for centuries into an anti-Jewish narrative, so, yeah, I'm pretty sure it's your sorry ass), you only have 2 mutual friends with me, neither is bahai, and one has passed on. That's downright strange given
    how tight-knit bahai circles tend to be.

    So who are you? The one who stays away from the community so you can attack Bayanis and whoever else as a Baha'i but allowing them to claim plausible deniability when no one in the community says they've heard of you.

    Y'all probably think you've got some brilliant strategy there, but you fucked up horrendously, by using the EXACT same avoidance tactic the Haifan administration and it's various tentacles are notorious for... namely playing the "nobody's perfect" card
    to cowardly avoid wrestling with contradictions that are right in your face.

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