• assisted shaktipat/belly pop test Ramadan notes

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Fri Mar 24 04:30:08 2023
    XPost: alt.buddha.short.fat.guy, alt.religion.buddhism, alt.religion.buddhism.tibetan
    XPost: alt.philosophy.zen, alt.meditation

    March 24, 2023. To get UTC add 2.5 hrs.

    Though I wasn’t expecting any correlation with existing
    religious holidays, there appears to be a correlation
    with Nowruz/Ostara/equinox through Raven new/dark
    moon to early waxing crescent (the start of Ramadan).

    For the over a million assisted shaktipat recipients globally,
    the chi loop test (or other attempted positive magick)
    should now work as a test of (P) delivery. However
    (P) delivery does not mean it has worked, though the
    more positive it is the more likely it is to work, and
    also a.s.r. with wide range magickal special ability
    can get on magick that is less positive than a.s.r.
    (or me) who do not have that ability (and psychedelic
    drug enhanceables have that ability while enhanced
    though with full strength species someone negotiator
    and out of body travel abilities rather than 1/3 strength).

    Now that a.s.c. (5) is complete, the a.s.r. can pass a belly pop
    test spell as secondary avatar/buddha types.

    I tried to induce a belly pop test spell response (as if the
    recipient had performed a bely pop test on me, which
    should indicate that I am a primary avatar/buddha type) in:

    1. gcetaceans who know how to do a belly pop test spell
    (giving my species and location),

    2. the 1693 ghumans who know how to do a belly pop test spell

    3. categories 1--10 a.s.r. women (hot bifs/cowherd women)
    (giving my species and location, and identity if they have
    any knowledge of me, e..g. my name, image, sound, touch).

    ending at 12:46 a.m.

    I then did it anonymously to another large group of ghumans
    who do not know how to do a belly pop test spell:

    A. Those in nstage1, nstage2, and religions of fewer than
    100,000 in nstage3 who are ordained to bishop level or
    equivalent or higher,

    B. Otherwise so ordained and religious leader of at least 100,000,

    C. New age leaders of at least 100,000 even if not so ordained,

    D. Atheists who have sold at least 100,000 books on atheism.

    ending at 12:54 a.m.

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
    "I will walk in the garden; And feel religion within; I will learn how to
    run with the big boys; I will learn how to sink and to swim" (S. Sadaqat)

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