• Judge from justice, forgive from grace

    From Weedy@21:1/5 to All on Sat Mar 26 00:24:33 2022
    Judge from justice, forgive from grace

    "Do not judge, that is, unjustly, so that you may not be judged, with
    regard to injustice. With the judgment that you judge shall you be
    judged (Matthew 7:2). This is like the phrase 'Forgive, and it will be
    forgiven you.' For once someone has judged in accordance with justice,
    he should forgive in accordance with grace, so that when he himself is
    judged in accordance with justice, he may be worthy of forgiveness
    through grace. Alternatively, it was on account of the judges, those
    who seek vengeance for themselves, that he said, 'Do not condemn.'
    That is, do not seek vengeance for yourselves. Or, do not judge, from appearances and opinion and then condemn, but admonish and advise."
    --by Ephrem the Syrian (excerpt from COMMENTARY ON TATIAN’S DIATESSARON 6.18B)

    March 26th – St. Macartin of Clogher, Bishop
    (also known as Macartan, MacCartan, Maccarthen)

    Died c. 505; feast day formerly March 24. Saint Macartin (in Irish is
    Aedh mac Carthin) was an early disciple and companion of Saint Patrick
    during the latter's missions into pagan territory. He is said to have
    been consecrated bishop of Clogher in Tyrone by Patrick in 454. It is
    said that Saint Brigid, Macartin's niece, was present at the founding
    of the see.

    Macartin is also one of the earliest Irish saints to be known as a miracle-worker. His holiness is revealed not so much by any vita,
    which are non-existent, but by the high veneration in which he is
    held. Saint Bede records that the earth was taken from his grave as
    holy relics. His Office is the only one to survive from an Irish

    A reliquary, called the Great Shrine of Saint Mac Cairthinn, which was
    designed to contain relics of the True Cross as well as his bones, has
    been altered over the centuries but still survives as the "Domnach
    Airgid" in the National Museum. It's inner yew box was given to
    Macartin by Patrick together with the latter's episcopal staff and

    The Cloch-Oir (Golden Stone), from which this ancient diocese takes
    its name, was a sacred ceremonial stone to the druids, It was given to
    Macartin by an old pagan noble, who had harassed Macartin in every
    possible way until the saint's patient love won the local ruler to the
    faith. The stone is still preserved and the noble's son, Tighernach of
    Clones, succeeded Macartin as bishop (Benedictines, D'Arcy, Farmer,
    Healy, Kenney, Montague, Muirhead, Needham).

    May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make
    a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim
    cannot be done.
    (Franciscan blessing)

    Bible Quote:
    Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock! The sword shall
    be upon his arm, and upon his right eye; his arm shall be clean dried
    up, and his right eye utterly darkened. (Zech 11:17)

    "Take heed not to foster thy own judgment, for, without doubt, it will inebriate thee; as there is no difference between an intoxicated man
    and one full of his own opinion, and one is no more capable of
    reasoning than the other"
    --St. Francis de Sales

    The blessed Alexander Sauli, a Corsican bishop, always asked others
    advice in the affairs of his diocese, not trusting his own opinion.
    He considered himself ignorant and totally unfit for the duties of his
    office, though he had been a famous professor of theology and director
    of St. Charles, and had even been called the ideal of bishops.

    ("A Year with the Saints". March - Mortification)

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