• "The real bombshell": CBS News hits NYT over Kavanaugh story to focus o

    From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to All on Tue Sep 17 21:05:04 2019
    XPost: alt.tv.pol-incorrect, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.media
    XPost: alt.politics.usa

    Who would have expected the harshest media rebuke of the New York Times
    to come from the CBS Evening News? It starts off like a rehash of the
    NYT’s hit job on Brett Kavanaugh, but as correspondent Jan Crawford
    noted on Twitter, it takes a sharply critical turn at the end. Not only
    does Crawford note that every one of Christine Blasey Ford’s cited
    witnesses say the alleged high-school party with Kavanaugh never
    happened, Crawford uses the cutting-room floor clippings from the NYT’s
    story to focus on Leland Keyser’s claim of witness tampering.

    See Also: War: AOC endorses progressive primary challenge to centrist
    House Dem colleague

    Ouch. Very much ouch:

    Jan Crawford
    We report tonight the real bombshell: Christine Ford’s
    close HS friend (who Ford says was at the party when
    Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her) said Ford’s story
    is not believable and told the FBI Ford’s allies pressured
    her, threatened her with a smear campaign to say otherwise

    The details of Keyser’s experience with those who pressured her to
    change her story started coming out last October, but only now — buried
    at the back of the new book from two NYT reporters — do we have an
    outright dismissal of Blasey Ford’s claims from Keyser. Somehow the
    NYT’s editors thought rehashing old and utterly uncorroborated campus
    gossip from the Golden Girls era was bigger news than witness tampering
    by Blasey Ford’s allies. If you missed yesterday’s adventures in the
    collapse of credibility at the New York Times regarding Keyser, catch
    up here.

    https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2019/09/16/blasey-ford- witness-dont-confidence-story/

    Crawford, one of CBS News’ more independent voices, sums up the
    situation well at the end of this report:

    Now, all four people that Ford identified as being at that
    high school party in the summer of 1982 have all said that
    no such party occurred. And today, both the Republican chair
    of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Democratic chair
    of the House Judiciary Committee said they would not support
    impeaching Kavanaugh.

    Case closed, right? Actually, maybe. Politico reported last night that
    senior Democrats have heard enough about Kavanaugh and want to end talk
    of impeachment, although they’re not exactly being gracious about it:

    Senior Democrats are moving quickly to snuff out calls to
    impeach Brett Kavanaugh, arguing those tactics are unrealistic
    and politically harmful. …

    “Get real,” as Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) put
    it Monday afternoon.

    “We’ve got to get beyond this ‘impeachment is the answer to
    every problem.’ It’s not realistic,” Durbin said. “If that’s
    how we are identified in Congress, as the impeachment Congress,
    we run the risk that people will feel we’re ignoring the
    issues that mean a lot to them as families.”

    Politico also reports that other Democrats are “livid” that the FBI
    didn’t check out the claim from a third party that Kavanaugh had
    exposed himself at a different party. Er, what exactly were they
    supposed to investigate? The informant wasn’t at the party, and _the
    supposed victim_ doesn’t recall such an incident happening. The FBI has
    better things to do than to chase down 35-year-old campus rumors about
    rowdy parties with no complaining witnesses. Talk about _not

    No one expects the Democrats to admit that they participated in a witch
    hunt and character assassination, although such an admission would
    certainly be nice. But maybe, just maybe, they can shut the hell up
    about it and let us _pretend_ they have some remorse over the Kavanaugh episode. Especially now that CBS’ Jan Crawford has boiled it down to
    its essence.

    Watching Democrats come up with schemes to "catch Trump" is like
    watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.

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