From to All on Wed Jul 5 04:55:42 2017
Eric Rudolph could not have been legimately right wing because Eric Rudolph smoked and grew pot. Pot obsessed (correlation with behavioral science) are obsessed politically and they smoke pot while HATE AND SEETH against Republicans, so he originally
sponsored by extreme left Democrats ... and then he bombed Evangelist states who turned around and paid and sponsored and endorsed his doings ... he stated he hates when Christianity "buys" salvation.... having Republicans in psychological roleplay bomb
Republicans is ... well .. funny to Eric Rudolph who as opposite of Kenneth Martin Dolan's brain scans is a fire fascinated, maybe even in Church arsons. My brain scans are fascinated with cold instead.....
People here in Bradenton on a one in million scale would pay Rudolph to from Bradenton to hate Bradenton with even civil warfare including against the people who paid money .. where people from Bradenton would pay to fight people from Bradenton ...
.... and he thinks it is .... well ...funny ....
Now Nazis are infiltrating White House staff only to support leftist pot ....