• Re: Democrat sex criminal Joy Johnson.

    From The Tom McNamara Gay Pervert Party@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 19 03:31:25 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.democrats.governors, alt.activism.children.cps-issues, alt.activism.children.cps-reform
    XPost: sbay.education, ucb.alumni, ucb.politics.progressive

    Joseph Craig, 25, was arrested last week on second-degree kidnapping
    charges for allegedly forcing a man into a dog cage and beating him
    with a wooden cane and a cable cord, court documents reveal. He also
    is accused of raping a woman while his wife, Joy Johnson, watched,
    the documents say.

    Local prosecutor Mark McCullough said the victims claimed they were
    taking part in a satanic ritual. Johnson, a former vice chairwoman
    of the Durham County Democratic Party, has been charged with aiding
    and abetting rape and assault with a deadly weapon. The pair are in
    state custody.

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