• Re: As Predicted, California Has Killed the Rooftop Solar Market, Now t

    From Gerald Hartung@21:1/5 to Johnny on Sat Apr 13 15:29:10 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.solar.photovoltaic

    On 4/13/2024 12:09 PM, Johnny wrote:

    April 12, 2024

    About 2 1/2 years ago I wrote a post titled "California plans to kill
    the residential solar industry." At the time, I had just had solar
    panels installed on my roof to save money and within months California announced a new plan (Net Metering 3.0) that would have taxed me and
    anyone else who owned a rooftop solar system for owning the panels. I predicted that if this plan passed, California's rooftop solar industry
    would fall off a cliff.

    California Democrats and anyone voting them into office are lacking intelligence.

    The result of Net Metering 3.0 is likely going to be the end of the residential solar industry in California. I have a neighbor who was interested in possibly getting a system after I had mine installed.
    Like me, he figured that after 10 years he’d break even on the cost and would still get years of free power. But under the new system his break
    even point would be 18 years or more so now he doesn’t see the point. A
    lot of other people are going to run the numbers and reach the same conclusion. Solar installers are about to see their orders drop off a
    cliff which doesn’t make much sense if the goal was to shift people to green energy. Earlier this week, Elon Musk (who owns one of the major
    solar installers) called the new plan “insane.”

    Democrat voters put Newsom into office where he could do stupid shit
    like this.

    The backlash to the initial plan was strong enough that Net Metering
    3.0 was revised but eventually it did pass and went into effect on
    April 15, 2023. Since then, rooftop solar installations in California
    have indeed fallen off a cliff.


    You get what you vote for.

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