• Re: Trump - The Worst President in History (2/2)

    From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 26 07:20:59 2024
    [continued from previous message]

    Trump?s documented relationship with the truth also ensures that his
    presidential records will necessarily be incomplete. His presidency has >>> revealed gaping loopholes in the process of public disclosure, which the >>> president deftly exploited. Congress should mandate that future candidates >>> and presidents release their tax returns. Congress should also seek to
    tightly constrict the definition of privacy regarding presidential medical >>> records. It should also require presidents to fully disclose their own
    business activities, and those of members of their immediate family,
    conducted while in office. Congress should also claim, as public records, >>> the transition materials of 2016?17 and 2020?21 and those of future

    Finally, Congress must tend to American memory. It should establish a
    Joint Congressional Committee to study January 6 and the events and
    activities leading up to it, have public hearings, and issue a report. And >>> it should bar the naming of federal buildings, installations, and vessels >>> after Trump; his presidency should be remembered, but not commemorated.

    Because this, ultimately, is the point of this entire exercise. If Trump >>> is now the worst president we have ever had, it?s up to every American to >>> ensure that no future chief executive ever exceeds him.

    Trump gonna

    go to prison.


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