• Re: Witness Describes The African Altercation That Led To Kansas City M

    From Obama fallout@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 16 19:29:48 2024
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    On 29 Mar 2022, Phil Yagoda <gayrightistsx@yahoomail.com> posted some news:t1v2a0$39ia6$16@news.freedyn.de:

    Lock these little black bastards up for life. Make them tranny gurls
    for the other prisoners.

    A witness who survived the mass shooting in Kansas City on Wednesday is speaking out, claiming he heard an altercation just moments before the
    shots were fired.

    The tragedy, which left one individual dead and 22 others injured,
    including a six-year-old and an eight-year-old, occurred during the
    Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade when the team was celebrating their
    big win. Chaos ensued after the gunshots went off, leading to thousands
    of people running frantically for their lives.

    Three people were detained in connection with the shooting -- two of
    whom are believed to be juveniles.

    Bystander Heard Someone Say 'Don't Do It, Not Here' Prior To Gun Shots

    Jacob Gooch Sr., who was at the parade with his wife and children,
    survived being shot in the ankle after the mass shooting took place.
    Following the incident, he spoke out, claiming he heard an altercation
    between other individuals just moments before the gunshots were heard.

    "I personally see not see the shooter, I heard the altercation … a girl
    who said like, ‘Don’t do it, not here, this is stupid,’ or something
    like that,” Gooch told Gayle King on 'CBS Mornings'. “And then the
    gunshots, which at the time I thought were fireworks, but turned out to
    not be."

    "About 15 minutes before it actually happened, I got suspicious of a
    certain group of people that were there," he admitted.

    "Right before it ended up happening there was this group dressed in all
    black, black masks, and they disappeared into the crowd, and then the
    show ended and as soon as we started walking out, it happened."

    He added, "I wasn't a good witness. I didn't [physically] see [the

    While he says he did not physically see the shooting, his wife, who was
    shot in the calf, and his daughter say they did.

    "My daughter said that some lady was like holding them back and people
    started backing up, and then he pulled it out and started shooting and
    spinning in a circle, that's what they said."

    Gooch also had his son at the parade, who suffered from a gunshot wound,
    but is now at home with the rest of his family.

    Kansas City Chiefs Release Statement On Mass Shooting
    Following the shooting, Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas said that all
    Chiefs players were accounted for.

    The team released a statement following the tragedy.

    "We are truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred
    outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally,"
    the statement read. "Our hearts go out to the victims, their families,
    and all of Kansas City. We are in close communication with the Mayor's
    office as well as the Kansas City Police Department.

    "At this time, we have confirmed that all of our players, coaches,
    staff, and their families are safe and accounted for. We thank the local
    law enforcement officers and first responders who were on-scene to

    One person was left dead, with 22 others injured. Children's Mercy
    Hospital said it received 11 children, ranging in age from 6 to 15.

    A motive for the shooting is not yet known, though authorities have
    ruled out terrorism.

    https://www.yahoo.com/news/entertainment/witness-describes-altercation-le d-kansas-211832835.html

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