• Re: Trump says no protection to any NATO country that doesnt pay enough

    From John Doe@21:1/5 to Governor Swill on Mon Feb 12 09:13:47 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/12/2024 3:06 AM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Sun, 11 Feb 2024 13:40:43 -0500, "68g.1502" <68g.1502@exr3.net> wrote:

    Trump says no protection to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough
    protection money

    That's logical. We run this NATO protection racket. We will sick Putin
    on any country which stiffs us of protection money. LOL

    Shocking moment Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage
    Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues'


    "'The president of a big country stood up and said "if we don't pay, and we're attacked by
    Russia, will you protect us?" I said you didn't pay, you're delinquent? He said, "yes,
    let's say that happened".
    'No, I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the
    hell they want, you gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills.'"

    This from a man noted - FAMOUS - for stiffing his creditors!

    Exactly. Trump is a world-class leader in not paying his own bills. And
    his people admire him for being a cheat. And they STILL don't get why
    the world disrespects Trumpers.

    It would be funny if he weren't such a dangerous loon.

    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing to have."
    - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief. <https://www2.deloitte.com/ua/uk/pages/registration-forms/help-cities.html>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bi-valve Mollusk@21:1/5 to John Doe on Mon Feb 12 11:23:16 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/12/2024 11:13 AM, John Doe wrote:
    On 2/12/2024 3:06 AM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Sun, 11 Feb 2024 13:40:43 -0500, "68g.1502" <68g.1502@exr3.net> wrote:

    Trump says no protection to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough
    protection money

    That's logical. We run this NATO protection racket. We will sick Putin
    on any country which stiffs us of protection money. LOL

    Shocking moment Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage
    Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues'


    "'The president of a big country stood up and said "if we don't pay,
    and we're attacked by
    Russia, will you protect us?" I said you didn't pay, you're
    delinquent? He said, "yes,
    let's say that happened".
    'No, I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them (Russia)
    to do whatever the
    hell they want, you gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills.'"

    This from a man noted - FAMOUS - for stiffing his creditors!

    Exactly. Trump is a world-class leader in not paying his own bills. And
    his people admire him for being a cheat. And they STILL don't get why
    the world disrespects Trumpers.

    If you're pissed at Trump for stiffing creditors why aren't you equally
    pissed with countries that stiff NATO, leaving us to foot the bulk of
    the bill?

    It would be funny if he weren't such a dangerous loon.

    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing to
      - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava!  Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni!  Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv!  Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John Doe@21:1/5 to Bi-valve Mollusk on Mon Feb 12 10:10:11 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/12/2024 9:23 AM, Bi-valve Mollusk wrote:
    On 2/12/2024 11:13 AM, John Doe wrote:
    On 2/12/2024 3:06 AM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Sun, 11 Feb 2024 13:40:43 -0500, "68g.1502" <68g.1502@exr3.net>

    Trump says no protection to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough >>>> protection money

    That's logical. We run this NATO protection racket. We will sick Putin >>>> on any country which stiffs us of protection money. LOL

    Shocking moment Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage
    Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues'


    "'The president of a big country stood up and said "if we don't pay,
    and we're attacked by
    Russia, will you protect us?" I said you didn't pay, you're
    delinquent? He said, "yes,
    let's say that happened".
    'No, I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them (Russia)
    to do whatever the
    hell they want, you gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills.'"

    This from a man noted - FAMOUS - for stiffing his creditors!

    Exactly. Trump is a world-class leader in not paying his own bills.
    And his people admire him for being a cheat. And they STILL don't get
    why the world disrespects Trumpers.

    If you're pissed at Trump for stiffing creditors why aren't you equally pissed with countries that stiff NATO, leaving us to foot the bulk of
    the bill?

    Several reasons.
    Trump stiffing creditors is just pure greed and dishonesty that benefits
    just him.

    The US does not in fact "foot the bulk of the bill". We pay about 22% of
    the bill, and we are one of the richest countries on the planet. In
    addition, the cost of letting Russia invade country after country in
    NATO would be hideously higher than maintaining the status quo. Making
    the world a safer place for us and all citizens is bigger than one man's limitless greed.

    That's why I don't root for Putin.

    It would be funny if he weren't such a dangerous loon.

    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing to
      - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava!  Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni!  Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv!  Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
    <https://www2.deloitte.com/ua/uk/pages/registration-forms/help-cities.html> >>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Bi-valve Mollusk@21:1/5 to Governor Swill on Mon Feb 12 13:59:30 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/12/2024 1:39 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Mon, 12 Feb 2024 11:23:16 -0500, Bi-valve Mollusk <Bi-valve_Mollusk@riptear.com> wrote:

    If you're pissed at Trump for stiffing creditors why aren't you equally
    pissed with countries that stiff NATO, leaving us to foot the bulk of
    the bill?

    Yeah, and I've complained about that myself. When Obama put it to them that they'd need
    to start paying up, I was all for it. When Trump doubled down on that demand, it was one
    of the few correct things he did even if he did do it clumsily and make an asshole of

    But, credit where credit is due. Even before Russia invaded Ukraine European states were
    increasing their defense spending. Germany might be excused, some at least, because . . .
    because . . . well who wants to see GERMANY REARM, right? ;)

    Most NATO members are in compliance,

    Only 11 of the 31 members are in compliance.

    all are increasing spending and some are more that
    compliant, doubling their minimum.

    Is it perfect? No. But it's vastly improved and we can thank Obama for getting the ball
    rolling, Trump for pushing it faster and Putin for accelerating it to light speed. LOL!
    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing to have."
    - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief. <https://www2.deloitte.com/ua/uk/pages/registration-forms/help-cities.html>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Bi-valve Mollusk on Mon Feb 12 20:25:02 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, Bi-valve Mollusk wrote:

    On 2/12/2024 11:13 AM, John Doe wrote:
    On 2/12/2024 3:06 AM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Sun, 11 Feb 2024 13:40:43 -0500, "68g.1502" <68g.1502@exr3.net> wrote: >>>
    Trump says no protection to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough >>>> protection money

    That's logical. We run this NATO protection racket. We will sick Putin >>>> on any country which stiffs us of protection money. LOL

    Shocking moment Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage
    Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues'


    "'The president of a big country stood up and said "if we don't pay, and >>> we're attacked by
    Russia, will you protect us?" I said you didn't pay, you're delinquent? He >>> said, "yes,
    let's say that happened".
    'No, I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them (Russia) to >>> do whatever the
    hell they want, you gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills.'"

    This from a man noted - FAMOUS - for stiffing his creditors!

    Exactly. Trump is a world-class leader in not paying his own bills. And his >> people admire him for being a cheat. And they STILL don't get why the world >> disrespects Trumpers.

    If you're pissed at Trump for stiffing creditors why aren't you equally pissed with countries that stiff NATO, leaving us to foot the bulk of the bill?

    Touché! Socialists are never very consistent with their thoughts and opinions.

    It would be funny if he weren't such a dangerous loon.

    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing to
      - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava!  Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni!  Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv!  Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.
    <https://www2.deloitte.com/ua/uk/pages/registration-forms/help-cities.html> >>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John Doe@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 12 15:51:55 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/12/2024 12:25 PM, D wrote:

    On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, Bi-valve Mollusk wrote:

    On 2/12/2024 11:13 AM, John Doe wrote:
    On 2/12/2024 3:06 AM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Sun, 11 Feb 2024 13:40:43 -0500, "68g.1502" <68g.1502@exr3.net>

    Trump says no protection to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough >>>>> protection money

    That's logical. We run this NATO protection racket. We will sick Putin >>>>> on any country which stiffs us of protection money. LOL

    Shocking moment Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage >>>>> Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues' >>>>>

    "'The president of a big country stood up and said "if we don't pay,
    and we're attacked by
    Russia, will you protect us?" I said you didn't pay, you're
    delinquent? He said, "yes,
    let's say that happened".
    'No, I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them
    (Russia) to do whatever the
    hell they want, you gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills.'"

    This from a man noted - FAMOUS - for stiffing his creditors!

    Exactly. Trump is a world-class leader in not paying his own bills.
    And his people admire him for being a cheat. And they STILL don't get
    why the world disrespects Trumpers.

    If you're pissed at Trump for stiffing creditors why aren't you
    equally pissed with countries that stiff NATO, leaving us to foot the
    bulk of the bill?

    Touché! Socialists are never very consistent with their thoughts and opinions.

    Name calling with the "Socialist" smear doesn't work on people who know
    the difference between capitalism and socialism, but it might work with Trumpers.

    It would be funny if he weren't such a dangerous loon.

    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing to
      - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava!  Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni!  Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv!  Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Frank <"frank@21:1/5 to Bi-valve Mollusk on Mon Feb 12 18:44:37 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/12/2024 11:23 AM, Bi-valve Mollusk wrote:
    On 2/12/2024 11:13 AM, John Doe wrote:
    On 2/12/2024 3:06 AM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Sun, 11 Feb 2024 13:40:43 -0500, "68g.1502" <68g.1502@exr3.net>

    Trump says no protection to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough >>>> protection money

    That's logical. We run this NATO protection racket. We will sick Putin >>>> on any country which stiffs us of protection money. LOL

    Shocking moment Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage
    Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues'


    "'The president of a big country stood up and said "if we don't pay,
    and we're attacked by
    Russia, will you protect us?" I said you didn't pay, you're
    delinquent? He said, "yes,
    let's say that happened".
    'No, I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them (Russia)
    to do whatever the
    hell they want, you gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills.'"

    This from a man noted - FAMOUS - for stiffing his creditors!

    Exactly. Trump is a world-class leader in not paying his own bills.
    And his people admire him for being a cheat. And they STILL don't get
    why the world disrespects Trumpers.

    If you're pissed at Trump for stiffing creditors why aren't you equally pissed with countries that stiff NATO, leaving us to foot the bulk of
    the bill?

    Many appear to support leaders that stiff us taxpayers rather then those
    that stiffed business competitors.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to John Doe on Tue Feb 13 09:55:05 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, John Doe wrote:

    On 2/12/2024 12:25 PM, D wrote:

    On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, Bi-valve Mollusk wrote:

    On 2/12/2024 11:13 AM, John Doe wrote:
    On 2/12/2024 3:06 AM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Sun, 11 Feb 2024 13:40:43 -0500, "68g.1502" <68g.1502@exr3.net>

    Trump says no protection to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough >>>>>> protection money

    That's logical. We run this NATO protection racket. We will sick Putin >>>>>> on any country which stiffs us of protection money. LOL

    Shocking moment Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage >>>>>> Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues' >>>>>>

    "'The president of a big country stood up and said "if we don't pay, and >>>>> we're attacked by
    Russia, will you protect us?" I said you didn't pay, you're delinquent? >>>>> He said, "yes,
    let's say that happened".
    'No, I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them (Russia) to >>>>> do whatever the
    hell they want, you gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills.'"

    This from a man noted - FAMOUS - for stiffing his creditors!

    Exactly. Trump is a world-class leader in not paying his own bills. And >>>> his people admire him for being a cheat. And they STILL don't get why the >>>> world disrespects Trumpers.

    If you're pissed at Trump for stiffing creditors why aren't you equally >>> pissed with countries that stiff NATO, leaving us to foot the bulk of the >>> bill?

    Touché! Socialists are never very consistent with their thoughts and

    Name calling with the "Socialist" smear doesn't work on people who know the difference between capitalism and socialism, but it might work with Trumpers.

    Of course it does. It worked with you, right here, right now, didn't it?

    It would be funny if he weren't such a dangerous loon.

    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing to >>>>> have."
      - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava!  Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni!  Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv!  Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John Doe@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 13 08:56:38 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/13/2024 1:55 AM, D wrote:

    On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, John Doe wrote:

    On 2/12/2024 12:25 PM, D wrote:

    On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, Bi-valve Mollusk wrote:

    On 2/12/2024 11:13 AM, John Doe wrote:
    On 2/12/2024 3:06 AM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Sun, 11 Feb 2024 13:40:43 -0500, "68g.1502" <68g.1502@exr3.net> >>>>>> wrote:

    Trump says no protection to any NATO country that doesn’t pay enough >>>>>>> protection money

    That's logical. We run this NATO protection racket. We will sick >>>>>>> Putin
    on any country which stiffs us of protection money. LOL

    Shocking moment Donald Trump tells cheering crowd he would encourage >>>>>>> Russia to ATTACK fellow NATO members for failing to 'pay their dues' >>>>>>>

    "'The president of a big country stood up and said "if we don't
    pay, and we're attacked by
    Russia, will you protect us?" I said you didn't pay, you're
    delinquent? He said, "yes,
    let's say that happened".
    'No, I would not protect you, in fact I would encourage them
    (Russia) to do whatever the
    hell they want, you gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills.'"

    This from a man noted - FAMOUS - for stiffing his creditors!

    Exactly. Trump is a world-class leader in not paying his own bills.
    And his people admire him for being a cheat. And they STILL don't
    get why the world disrespects Trumpers.

    If you're pissed at Trump for stiffing creditors why aren't you
    equally pissed with countries that stiff NATO, leaving us to foot
    the bulk of the bill?

    Touché! Socialists are never very consistent with their thoughts and

    Name calling with the "Socialist" smear doesn't work on people who
    know the difference between capitalism and socialism, but it might
    work with Trumpers.

    Of course it does. It worked with you, right here, right now, didn't it? ;)

    Point taken, if you assume Trump supporters feel "Trumper" is a dirty word.

    My point, though, was that using inaccurate labels doesn't help. Since
    the population of socialists is like three percent of the population,
    calling the entire left "socialist" just reveals ignorance and hate. It
    would be like if I had said all Trumpers are ignorant anti-democracy
    bigots when of course that is not all of them. And many of them are
    actually repulsed when Trump reveals his plans to destroy democracy.

    It would be funny if he weren't such a dangerous loon.

    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing
    to have."
      - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava!  Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni!  Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv!  Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From D@21:1/5 to Governor Swill on Tue Feb 13 17:09:26 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text,
    while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools.

    On Tue, 13 Feb 2024, Governor Swill wrote:

    On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 09:55:05 +0100, D <nospam@example.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, John Doe wrote:

    Name calling with the "Socialist" smear doesn't work on people who know the >>> difference between capitalism and socialism, but it might work with Trumpers.

    Of course it does. It worked with you, right here, right now, didn't it?

    Yeah, but you're a Nazi. :)

    Jawohl Herr kommendant!

    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing to have."
    - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief. <https://www2.deloitte.com/ua/uk/pages/registration-forms/help-cities.html>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Leper@21:1/5 to Governor Swill on Wed Feb 14 23:45:01 2024
    XPost: alt.survival, talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/13/2024 7:16 AM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 09:55:05 +0100, D <nospam@example.net> wrote:

    On Mon, 12 Feb 2024, John Doe wrote:

    Name calling with the "Socialist" smear doesn't work on people who know the >>> difference between capitalism and socialism, but it might work with Trumpers.

    Of course it does. It worked with you, right here, right now, didn't it?

    Yeah, but you're a Nazi. :)

    That is real nice. A Jewish Thug calling someone a Nazi.

    "Trump has erased the assumption that credibility is a nice thing to have."
    - David Brooks

    Not left, not right, https://www.forwardparty.com/

    Heroyam slava! Glory to the Heroes!

    Sláva Ukrajíni! Glory to Ukraine!

    Putin tse prezervatyv! Putin is a condom!

    Go here to donate to Ukrainian relief. <https://www2.deloitte.com/ua/uk/pages/registration-forms/help-cities.html>

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)