• Re: Arizona man shot in the head at family party credits his concealed

    From Blue Madness@21:1/5 to All on Tue Feb 6 02:17:37 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.states.arizona, alt.deadmolly.woodchipper, talk.politics.misc XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 01 Mar 2022, Molly Bolt <mollythebolt666@gmail.com> posted some news:50be7ec8-0b88-4311-aa74-956f7dab761bn@googlegroups.com:

    The United States is a criminal enterprise thanks to corrupt Democrats
    who feel the laws are for everyone else - but not them or their
    favored ethnic or social outcasts of the moment.

    'If I didn't have my gun with me, everyone in the house would have died,' Mendez says

    An Arizona man who was shot in the head while attending a Fourth of July
    party with his family this summer is speaking out about how he was able to thwart the shooter from killing more people with his concealed carry

    "My back was turned. I heard the first gunshot and that's what made me,
    kind of turn my head ... But by the time I even was able to look and see
    what was going on, a bullet already had struck the side of my face," Raul Mendez recounted to Fox News Digital in a phone interview Tuesday.

    Gunshots rang out at a home in Surprise, Arizona, on the evening of July 3
    as Mendez, his two daughters and his seven-month pregnant wife gathered
    with friends and other families to celebrate the founding of America.
    About 30 people were gathered in the home, including young children, as
    the group celebrated with fireworks and food, Mendez told Fox News

    A neighbor of the man hosting the party soon joined, and mingled with the
    group despite not being close friends with anyone there, according to
    Mendez. That neighbor was later identified by police as 46-year-old Jason
    Hunt, the sole suspect in the case who opened fire unprovoked on the
    families and partiers, police said in July according to the Arizona

    Two of Mendez’s friends, Conrradito Ochoa Navarro, 41, and Carl Dinora,
    38, were killed in the incident. Four others, including Mendez, were left seriously injured.


    As Hunt and other partiers had a bite to eat in the kitchen, the suspect
    pulled out a gun and began firing on the crowd, sending everyone fleeing, Mendez recounted.

    Mendez was shot in the head in front of his wife, who rushed to his side
    and believed he was dead due to the amount of blood covering his face. She
    then grabbed their two daughters and put them into a room deeper in the
    house, barricading them and other children inside.

    "She barricaded the door with the dresser. There were three other children
    in there, not including my two daughters. A total of five kids. She …
    throws them in the closet, throws clothes over them. Tells them, ‘Be
    quiet. Do not make a peep if you hear loud noises in this room,’" Mendez
    said of his wife's actions.

    As Hunt continued his alleged rampage, two other women began fighting back against the suspect and screamed for Mendez, knowing he had a concealed
    carry weapon, Mendez said.

    "By the glory of God or the adrenaline and just everything, just the will
    to live and the will to protect my family, I was able to hear those pleas, those yells for help. I heard my name. And I was able to get up," he said.

    He was able to pull out his firearm and shoot the suspect four times in
    the chest.

    "Detectives have determined the individual who shot Jason, and others who fought against Jason, were acting in self-defense and defense of other
    innocent parties," Sgt. Tommy Hale said in a press release days after the incident, KTAR reported at the time.

    Mendez spent a week in the hospital after the shooting and has more
    surgeries on the docket. He lost his left eye, fractured his jaw, suffered
    a torn eardrum, and lost his sense of smell.


    "Luckily, I turned because it just got me at that perfect angle," he said.

    Mendez is now speaking out about the importance of the Second Amendment
    and how law-abiding, armed Americans can help end shootings before they
    claim more lives.

    "I fully back up the Second Amendment and … this is why I'm speaking up," Mendez told Fox News Digital.

    "This world is unpredictable. And honestly, at the end of the day, the
    people that want to ban guns, they're only banning it from good people,
    not criminals. Because again, there is no gun laws for criminals."

    A lifetime NRA member, Mendez recently filmed a video for the NRA
    celebrating the Second Amendment and denouncing the media for not covering
    his story.

    "If I didn't have my gun with me, everyone in the house would have died.
    The news vans would've been front and center. But because I did, you never
    even heard about it," he said in the video.

    He has since purchased two additional handguns for his family to train
    with, saying they are "??more ready to confront [evil] with equal force
    now than ever."

    NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre highlighted in comments to Fox News Digital that
    the Mendez family’s story "must be told because they are just one example
    of why the NRA fights hard to improve self-defense laws all across our country."

    "Raul Mendez and his beautiful family are alive today because he was able
    to carry his firearm under NRA-backed Constitutional Carry," LaPierre

    "Over one million Americans use firearms yearly to protect themselves and
    their loved ones, and often most media outlets refuse to tell their
    stories. That is why the NRA is committed to spotlighting these courageous American armed citizens."

    No motive has been released in the case. The Surprise, Arizona, police department did not immediately respond to requests for updates on the

    7 September, 2022

    The problem with gun restrictions is two-fold. First, criminals do not
    obey gun laws. The restrictions only apply to law abiding citizens.
    Second, the Constitution still exists. However, the Democrats are trying
    their best to eliminate that.

    7 September, 2022

    Funny how the Democrats insist that they are the ones defending democracy!

    7 September, 2022

    They are greenies on the outside and RED COMMIES on the inside.

    7 September, 2022

    Those who think 911 is going to solve all their problems don't cope well
    with the reality that a gunfight usually lasts just a few seconds. Self
    Defense is often the ONLY defense available.

    7 September, 2022

    We’ve had guns in America throughout the history of the country, and never
    had so many issues before Biden was installed. Many people in my area in
    have rifles, handguns, and shotguns. We’ve never had any problems. The
    problem in this country is moral decay and a serious lack of leadership
    and common sense, not guns.

    Liberal gun grabbers are the biggest threat to the American way of life.
    They hate Americans, the Constitution, and free market capitalism. It now costs $100+ to fill up my car, $100+ each trip to the grocery store, and
    even $100/month to simply use water at my house. Very few things are still affordable - Car insurance ($25 per month from Insurance Panda),
    electricity ($22/month from Solar Melon), and gym ($15/month from Planet Fitness). But I’m sure those will go up too. Even crime and murder rates
    are through the roof.

    Anything thrown up to hinder or limit our right to bear arms is unconstitutional. It's about time that the right of the people in the
    states mentioned stop being infringed upon.

    https://www.foxnews.com/us/arizona-man-shot-head-party-celebrates-second- amendment-thwarting-shooter

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