• Re: Jason Aldean responds to criticism over mask-free Disney picture: '

    From Disney is Anti-American@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 5 20:56:42 2024
    XPost: alt.disney, alt.deadmolly.woodchipper, talk.politics.misc
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 04 Mar 2022, Molly Bolt <mollythebolt666@gmail.com> posted some news:3790e3a9-469e-44d3-b347-7917220d4330n@googlegroups.com:

    Disney is committing RICO crimes by grooming children and attempting
    to force gay acceptance.

    Jason Aldean hit back at backlash on social media for a recent photo he

    The country music star visited Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla. with
    his wife, Brittany, and four kids: son Memphis, and daughters Kendyl,
    Keeley, and Navy.

    The family all posed and smiled without masks on. The gesture would have
    been innocuous if the United States wasn't still in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and the rules at Disney are particularly strict.

    "Perfect day with my whole crew today @waltdisneyworld. There is Nothing
    like seeing ur kids faces when u walk in that place. #waltdisneyworld
    (had mask on ALLLLLLL DAAAAAAAYY except when we took this pic)," Aldean captioned the photo.

    Disney's face covering rules are: "Face coverings are required for all
    Guests (ages 2 and up) and Cast Members. Please bring your own face
    coverings and wear them at all times, except when dining or swimming.
    You may remove your face covering while actively eating or drinking, but
    you should be stationary and maintain appropriate physical distancing."

    According to Taste of Country, Aldean clapped back at a critic and said,
    "Chill out lady. They are in our pocket. We took them off for 5 seconds
    to take the pic. Believe me, Disney didn't give us a 'free pass' not to
    wear them. We had them on all day just like everybody else."

    One fan asked Brittany if Disney made "the babies mask up," to which she replied, "2 and over." Memphis is 2 and Navy is only 1.

    Other fans supported Aldean and his family taking off their masks for a
    quick photo.

    "It’s actually nice seeing people without mask!" wrote one person.

    "I'm jealous y'all got a picture without masks!" another said.

    Someone else wrote in response to people shaming the family, "Y’all
    should really get a hobby. Leave them alone."

    Others chastised them for not following the rules.

    "They're called rules for a reason. Disney COVID guidelines clearly
    state you cannot take your mask off at any point unless you are
    stationary AND actively eating and/or drinking. You cannot take off your
    mask for a quick photo. If we can't, he shouldn't be exempt from the
    rules," one person wrote.

    "He should not have been exempt from it at all. He clearly did not read
    the rules. We have to wear them at all times even in pictures or we will
    be told to leave. He should have been told to leave. He has to follow
    the rules to. Clearly he can't," said someone else.

    "What ? Really.....have you seen the numbers of Covid cases in
    Florida...you risk your family and the families of others? THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!"

    "This is a terrible example for his children and his fans," pointed out
    a fan.

    "You're not even supposed to take them off for a photo. That's literally
    part of the park's rules. But I guess the rules don't apply to you.
    Anyone else would've been kicked out of the park," argued another.

    Another user agreed, "We were not allowed to get photos without masks.
    He should not be [an] exception to the rule PERIOD."

    Representatives for Disney and Aldean did not return Fox News' request
    for comment.


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