• Clinton/Epstein White Teacher in Arkansas Pleads Guilty to Having Sex w

    From Hillary Clinton Epstein@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 3 05:38:36 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.states.arkansas, alt.education, alt.politics.democrats
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    https://people.com/thmb/uPhMag8siQc6QEevvHPvTwvtxiE=/1500x0/filters:no_ups cale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(722x342:724x344)/Heather-Hare- teacher-sexual-abuse-012324-tout-c0fb8bf355ec48e3a23003ec833a5771.jpg

    Thirty-three-year-old Heather Hare, a former teacher in the US state of Arkansas, pleaded guilty to having sex with a student who was aged 17
    years. She engaged in sexual activities with the student at least 30
    times. Hare pleaded guilty to transporting a minor across state lines for unlawful sexual activity and if found guilty she could face life sentence.

    She first made headlines during the pandemic during a TV show where her students were bidding her goodbye after her online classes were
    discontinued in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    She was arrested last year in April after her victim came forward to
    report her repeated abuse.

    The student has been identified using the letters JR. He told the police
    he first met Hare on the first day of his senior year at Bryant High
    School in 2021.

    “Hare began one-on-one counselling sessions with the minor victim,
    eventually giving him her personal phone number and primarily
    communicating with him through Instagram and Snapchat.

    At one point, Ms. Hare told JR that she had a dream of them having sex,” Assistant US Attorney John Ray White was quoted as saying by the New York

    “The minor victim and Hare had sex approximately 20 to 30 times throughout
    the 2021-2022 school term, including multiple times at her Conway
    residence, in her vehicle, and in her classroom and parking lots at Bryant
    High School,” the prosecutor further added.

    The prosecutor said that one sexual encounter took place during a school
    trip in 2022. The prosecutor said that JR advised Hare to have sex on the
    trip. “Hare did come to his hotel room and the two engaged in sex,” he

    Hare broke down in court when she was asked if the account of events were correct. “Yes, sir,” she responded. Moments later she pleaded guilty.

    Hare made a plea deal seeking 13 years in prison but the judge is yet to
    reveal whether he has accepted the deal which opens the possibility of a
    life sentence.

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/teacher-in-arkansas-pleads-guilty-to- having-sex-with-underage-student-30-times/ar-BB1hb0FH?cvid=8d2a7045ff5c4 c919df18d0bbb060a1a&ei=2

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