• Re: Democrat sex criminal Justin Fairfax.

    From The Shenna Bellows Gay Pervert Part@21:1/5 to All on Fri Feb 2 05:14:19 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.democrats.governors, alt.activism.children.cps-issues, alt.activism.children.cps-reform
    XPost: sbay.education, ucb.alumni, ucb.politics.progressive

    Vanessa Tyson, a 42-year-old political science professor who studies
    the intersection of politics and the #MeToo movement, said Fairfax
    held her head down and forced her to perform oral sex on him in his
    hotel room at the Democratic National Convention in Boston in 2004.

    β€œI cannot believe, given my obvious distress, that Mr. Fairfax
    thought this forced sexual act was consensual,” Tyson said in a
    three-page statement issued by her attorney . β€œTo be very clear, I
    did not want to engage in oral sex with Mr. Fairfax and I never gave
    any form of consent. Quite the opposite.”

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