• Re: Did traitor Biden intentionally cause the border crisis?

    From Obama 3rd Term@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jan 30 04:41:22 2024
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    On 09 Mar 2022, Trump Is A RUSSIAN ASSET <jthomq@gmail.com> posted some news:t0au1h$2bei1$34@news.freedyn.de:

    Biden is taking bribes from Obama to let him ruin the USA.

    he House Judiciary Committee issued a report recently on the Biden administration’s record-breaking undocumented immigrant apprehensions and releases at the border, and its refusal to enforce the immigration laws in
    the interior of the country.

    The report questions whether the administration intentionally caused the
    border crisis.

    It certainly does seem to be intentional.


    When President Joe Biden was campaigning for the presidency, he promised
    that he would swiftly reverse the Trump administration’s border policies.

    Then he walked back that promise at a press conference a month before
    beginning his presidency. He told the reporters that he would establish a
    more humane policy at the border, but that his administration would need "probably the next six months" to prepare for the transition.

    Terminating Trump’s border security and interior enforcement measures
    without the necessary preparations, he said, could lead to having "2
    million people on our border."

    But he did it anyway. On Day One of his presidency, he rescinded the so-
    called Muslim travel ban; revoked Trump’s enforcement priorities;
    terminated border wall construction; and suspended enrollments in the
    Remain in Mexico Program.

    Then his administration resumed the catch-and-release practice that Trump
    had ended whereby illegal border crossers are apprehended and then
    released into the United States.

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/did-biden-intentionally-cause-the- border-crisis/ar-BB1hq1vu

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