• Re: Congresswomen Barbara Lee - "Institutional racism, is in the DNA of

    From pothead@21:1/5 to HangTextDrivers on Sat Jan 20 00:13:35 2024
    On 2024-01-20, HangTextDrivers <hangtextdrivers@gmail.com> wrote:
    Why can't negroz make it on their own. Why do we have to give them all this special treatment?

    This dumb broad doesn't realize that if the country was as racist as she claims she never would
    have been able to become a Congresswoman.
    And if the country is so racist, why does literally "everyone" want to immigrate here?

    Tommy Chong For President 2024.
    Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
    Impeach Joe Biden 2022.

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  • From Scout@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 08:08:22 2024
    "HangTextDrivers" <hangtextdrivers@gmail.com> wrote in message news:6597a63e-a83a-4314-8435-d24a50029467n@googlegroups.com...
    Why can't negroz make it on their own. Why do we have to give them all
    this special treatment?

    In a word.. Welfare.

    Welfare is set up, whether intentionally can be debated, to result in lack
    of encouragement to become employed and self reliant, to promote broke
    homes, and to some extent promiscuous activity.

    If you get a job any job, the benefits you lose far exceed any income you
    might expect from an entry level position... so you don't even try to find
    A single parent home earns more benefits for children than a dual parent
    You get more in welfare for having children, particularly multiple children, than it costs to raise such children. Thus having children is a means to increase your income
    Education in minority neighborhoods is regularly sub-standard and little incentive by the community is given to even attempt to do well. It has even,
    to some degree, become a cultural expectation. Instead of getting a job you sign up for welfare as your right of passage.

    In short the whole welfare system, seems almost designed to trap people into
    an inter-generational cycle of poverty, need and dependency.

    Now don't get me wrong, this same system applies to other races, but in
    general the largest representation for their population size seems to be
    black minorities for whatever reason.

    Frankly I would love to see a total revamp of the system in which
    encouraging labor participation even if it's a part time minimum wage job, leads to greater benefits, thus encouraging labor participation and a transition to self dependency.

    Welfare should be designed to get people off of welfare and into self dependency.. not a life time of dependency that extends itself from
    generation to generation.

    We are currently working on our 3rd generation who have, will or expect to spend their entire lives on welfare.

    That is a problem.

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