• Re: BREAKING NEWS! Legal Scholars Confirm That Trump Is Ineligible To R

    From Just Wondering@21:1/5 to JE Corbett on Sat Jan 13 12:03:32 2024
    On 1/13/2024 8:33 AM, JE Corbett wrote:
    On Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 10:17:58 AM UTC-5, Lock Him Up wrote:
    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and who cannot.
    It says any American citizen can run for president, with four big

    Article II of the Constitution lays down the first three. Anybody can run
    for president as long as they are at least 35 years old, are a natural-
    born citizen and have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.

    After the Civil War, members of Congress added a fourth test. Not wanting
    this country to fear that federal officials might again attempt to
    overthrow the government, they added the 14th Amendment which, among other >> provisions, disqualifies as a candidate for any federal office anybody who >> swore to uphold the Constitution and then sought to overturn it.

    The language of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is clear: “No person
    shall…hold an office, civil or military, under the United States…who,
    having previously taken an oath…to support the Constitution of the United >> States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same,
    or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

    Then Congress added an important final clause: “But Congress may by a vote >> of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

    Which leaves only three questions. First: Did Donald Trump “engage in
    insurrection” and/or “give comfort to” those who did? Absolutely. Even >> though not yet convicted of doing so (which the Constitution does not
    require), we know from multiple sources, including his own words on tape,
    that Trump summoned an armed mob to Washington to attack the U.S. Capitol; >> called state officials to find him more votes; called members of the
    Electoral College to persuade them to change their votes; pressured Vice
    President Pence not to certify the Electoral College results; and has
    promised to pardon those convicted in the Jan. 6 attack.

    Second question: Has Congress by a two-thirds vote given Donald Trump a
    free pass? No.

    Third question: Do we believe in the Constitution or not? If so, there’s >> only one answer.

    Banning Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot does not deprive
    the people from their right to vote. It simply affirms the United States
    Constitution. Case closed.


    Libtard legal "scholars" don't confirm anything but their own political biases.

    The Supreme Court will sort this all out and they aren't going to allow a handful
    of local election officials to rig the presidential election in Biden's favor.

    Honestly though, if it's only blue states where the electoral
    vote is going for the Democratic Party anyway, it won't make
    a difference, EXCEPT that it could well galvanize voters
    elsewhere to vote Trump.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From J Carlson@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 17 14:43:52 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/17/2024 11:23 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <UBVpN.237113$xHn7.121878@fx14.iad>, max.boot@lathymes.com

    On 1/17/2024 11:03 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <hoTpN.26893$SyNd.24661@fx33.iad>, bondrock@att.net says...

    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>, patriot1@protonmail.com wrote: >>>>>
    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and who cannot.
    It says any American citizen can run for president, with four big

    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Yet he's leading the polls.

    He's heading to prison.

    Nope and

    Yes, and you hate that. It makes you cry.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Max Boot@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 18 08:26:10 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/18/2024 8:18 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uobgsm$748$1@reader1.panix.com>, bks@panix.com says...

    Scout <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net> wrote:

    "Bradley K. Sherman" <bks@panix.com> wrote in message
    Scout <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net> wrote:
    Yep, there is not a single person that has been charged much less
    of insurrection for events on Jan 6th..

    Wrong again, Scout:

    First Rudy claims I'm wrong

    | Four Proud Boys Convicted of Sedition in Key Jan. 6 Case
    | The verdict was a blow against the far-right group and
    | another milestone in the Justice Department's prosecution
    | of the pro-Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol.
    | ...


    | The guilty verdict marks the third time that prosecutors
    | have secured convictions for seditious conspiracy in the
    | Justice Department's historic prosecution of those who
    | breached the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
    | ...


    Then ends up proving I'm right.

    No, Scout, the only thing proved is that you don't understand
    what the charge of "seditious conspiracy" means. Let me help you:


    Still no insurrection charges against Trump.

    Not needed for disqualification under 14.3

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Max Boot@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 18 15:44:53 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/18/2024 9:32 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <CicqN.70445$STLe.2086@fx34.iad>, max.boot@lathymes.com

    On 1/18/2024 8:18 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uobgsm$748$1@reader1.panix.com>, bks@panix.com says...

    Scout <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net> wrote:

    "Bradley K. Sherman" <bks@panix.com> wrote in message
    Scout <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net> wrote:
    Yep, there is not a single person that has been charged much less >>>>>>> convicted
    of insurrection for events on Jan 6th..

    Wrong again, Scout:

    First Rudy claims I'm wrong

    | Four Proud Boys Convicted of Sedition in Key Jan. 6 Case
    | The verdict was a blow against the far-right group and
    | another milestone in the Justice Department's prosecution
    | of the pro-Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol.
    | ...


    | The guilty verdict marks the third time that prosecutors
    | have secured convictions for seditious conspiracy in the
    | Justice Department's historic prosecution of those who
    | breached the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
    | ...


    Then ends up proving I'm right.

    No, Scout, the only thing proved is that you don't understand
    what the charge of "seditious conspiracy" means. Let me help you:


    Still no insurrection charges against Trump.

    Not needed for disqualification under 14.3

    Not happening

    Happening right now.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Max Boot@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jan 18 16:37:10 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/18/2024 4:03 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <WJiqN.257381$xHn7.108261@fx14.iad>, max.boot@lathymes.com

    On 1/18/2024 9:32 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <CicqN.70445$STLe.2086@fx34.iad>, max.boot@lathymes.com

    On 1/18/2024 8:18 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uobgsm$748$1@reader1.panix.com>, bks@panix.com says...

    Scout <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net> wrote:

    "Bradley K. Sherman" <bks@panix.com> wrote in message
    Scout <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net> wrote:
    Yep, there is not a single person that has been charged much less >>>>>>>>> convicted
    of insurrection for events on Jan 6th..

    Wrong again, Scout:

    First Rudy claims I'm wrong

    | Four Proud Boys Convicted of Sedition in Key Jan. 6 Case
    | The verdict was a blow against the far-right group and
    | another milestone in the Justice Department's prosecution
    | of the pro-Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol.
    | ...


    | The guilty verdict marks the third time that prosecutors
    | have secured convictions for seditious conspiracy in the
    | Justice Department's historic prosecution of those who
    | breached the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
    | ...


    Then ends up proving I'm right.

    No, Scout, the only thing proved is that you don't understand
    what the charge of "seditious conspiracy" means. Let me help you: >>>>>> <https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2384>


    Still no insurrection charges against Trump.

    Not needed for disqualification under 14.3

    Not happening

    Happening right now.



    I lose again.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From El Kabong@21:1/5 to Governor Swill on Thu Jan 18 20:51:20 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>, patriot1@protonmail.com wrote: >>>
    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and who cannot.
    It says any American citizen can run for president, with four big
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and until he's >actually charged and convicted in court (not just the "court of public >opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars" are saying otherwise, I'd >question their education and competance. AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even >been charged with insurrection much less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Skeeter@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 19 08:43:46 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>, patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and who cannot.
    It says any American citizen can run for president, with four big
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and until he's >actually charged and convicted in court (not just the "court of public >opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars" are saying otherwise, I'd >question their education and competance. AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even >been charged with insurrection much less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mike Colangelo@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 19 08:18:37 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/19/2024 7:45 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uoe48d$36i11$2@dont-email.me>, chine.bleu@www.yahoo.com

    NoBody wrote:
    A conviction under 2384 means it wasn't insurrection and thus leftist have >>>> NO basis for their whole assertion that Trump is guilty of insurrection. >>>>

    You're interfering with their dystopian view of reality again.

    Who says he is guilty of insurrection?


    Nope. I said he engaged in it. He did.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 19 08:17:35 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/19/2024 7:45 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <20240119093140.430a9397@Johnny>, johnny@invalid.net says...

    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 07:25:00 -0800
    Siri Cruise <chine.bleu@www.yahoo.com> wrote:

    NoBody wrote:
    A conviction under 2384 means it wasn't insurrection and thus
    leftist have NO basis for their whole assertion that Trump is
    guilty of insurrection.

    You're interfering with their dystopian view of reality again.

    Who says he is guilty of insurrection?

    DENVER ? A Colorado judge on Friday found that former President Donald
    Trump engaged in insurrection during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the
    U.S. Capitol.


    NPR =

    an excellent news source. That's right.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Baxter@21:1/5 to Skeeter on Fri Jan 19 21:34:34 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in news:MPG.4014469fd37bbd21990d73@usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>,
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and
    who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the
    "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and competance.
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection much
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many more
    times does he have to lose?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Skeeter@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 19 16:03:19 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    In article <uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in news:MPG.4014469fd37bbd21990d73@usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>,
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and
    who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the
    "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and competance.
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection much
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many more times does he have to lose?

    He's ahead.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From El Kabong@21:1/5 to Skeeter on Fri Jan 19 16:08:14 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    Skeeter wrote:
    In article <uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com says...
    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in
    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...
    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and
    who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the
    "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and competance.
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection much
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    So you think the people can elect a foreigner as
    president if they want to, or a teenager, or a gerbil.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many more times does he have to lose?

    He's ahead.

    Nope. Biden is leading Trump.

    Trump is leading Haley, and Haley is leading Biden, but
    your claim is false.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Skeeter@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jan 19 17:35:18 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    In article <6b3mqih15m5nir4mvcqrsboaa8prlrccnd@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Skeeter wrote:
    In article <uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com says...
    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in
    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>, twang@the.noodle says...
    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and >> > >>>> who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the
    "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and competance. >> > > AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection much >> > >less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    So you think the people can elect a foreigner as
    president if they want to, or a teenager, or a gerbil.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many more times does he have to lose?

    He's ahead.

    Nope. Biden is leading Trump.

    Trump is leading Haley, and Haley is leading Biden, but
    your claim is false.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Baxter@21:1/5 to Skeeter on Sat Jan 20 02:09:05 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in news:MPG.4014ada5b06c8448990dd6@usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com says...

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in

    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>,
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president
    and who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just
    the "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal
    Scholars" are saying otherwise, I'd question their education
    and competance.
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many
    more times does he have to lose?

    He's ahead.

    riiight - he got about 7.5% of registered voters in Iowa.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrew W@21:1/5 to El Kabong on Sat Jan 20 15:55:49 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    "El Kabong" wrote in message news:6b3mqih15m5nir4mvcqrsboaa8prlrccnd@4ax.com...

    Skeeter wrote:
    In article <uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com
    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in
    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...
    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and
    who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the
    "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    So you think the people can elect a foreigner as
    president if they want to, or a teenager, or a gerbil.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many
    times does he have to lose?

    He's ahead.

    Nope. Biden is leading Trump.

    In which state?
    Which poll?

    Trump is leading Haley, and Haley is leading Biden, but
    your claim is false.

    Links please.

    Definition of an idiot/ignoramus: Someone who gets their information from
    the mainstream media and calls it facts and evidence.

    http://www.rumormillnews.com - The best alternative news site

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrew W@21:1/5 to Baxter on Sat Jan 20 15:48:03 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    "Baxter" wrote in message news:uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me...

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in >news:MPG.4014469fd37bbd21990d73@usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>,
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and
    who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the
    "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and competance.
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection much
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many more >times does he have to lose?

    Donald Trump's 73.6 Million Popular Votes Is Over 7 Million More Than Any Sitting President in History

    Definition of an idiot/ignoramus: Someone who gets their information from
    the mainstream media and calls it facts and evidence.

    http://www.rumormillnews.com - The best alternative news site

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From El Kabong@21:1/5 to Andrew W on Sat Jan 20 01:24:23 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    Andrew W wrote:
    "El Kabong" wrote in message
    Skeeter wrote:
    In article <uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com
    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in
    twang@the.noodle says...
    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and >> > >> > >>>> who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the >> > >> > >"court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    So you think the people can elect a foreigner as
    president if they want to, or a teenager, or a gerbil.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many
    times does he have to lose?

    He's ahead.

    Nope. Biden is leading Trump.

    In which state?
    Which poll?

    "Why do you want accurate numbers?" -- Andrew W

    Trump is leading Haley, and Haley is leading Biden, but
    your claim is false.

    Links please.

    QAndrew, this comes from the corrupt MSM. You don't
    believe it. You need to learn how to do your own
    research. It doesn't help for me to spoonfeed you links
    from the innerwebz.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Skeeter@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 05:49:08 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    In article <uofa01$3crg9$2@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in news:MPG.4014ada5b06c8448990dd6@usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com says...

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in

    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>,
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president
    and who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just
    the "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal
    Scholars" are saying otherwise, I'd question their education
    and competance.
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many
    more times does he have to lose?

    He's ahead.

    riiight - he got about 7.5% of registered voters in Iowa.

    He won Iowa. You are sad the the people have spoken.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scout@21:1/5 to Wilson Woods on Sat Jan 20 07:24:47 2024
    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:sTyqN.225606$7sbb.209325@fx16.iad...
    On 1/19/2024 9:49 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted
    child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <0cxqN.145928$yEgf.17208@fx09.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/19/2024 4:04 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be
    disqualified under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere >>>>>> accusation being sufficient.
    -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There was >>>>> a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is subject >>>>> to judicial review.

    There has been no criminal trail held to evaluate those charges.

    None is needed.

    So you don't believe in rule of law.

    I do believe in it. 14.3 is part of the Constitution, and following it is following the rule of law. A criminal conviction is not needed for 14.3 disqualification. This is settled.

    Anytime Rudy asserts something is settled you can be sure of 2 things
    1) he's wrong
    2) it's not settled.

    I would simply note that the 5th Amendment does require a conviction.. thus
    by direct extension so would the 14th.

    We don't arbitrarily deny people their rights and liberties just because
    they have been accused.

    I will simply noted that neither Trump nor anyone else has ever been charged
    or convicted of insurrection for the events of Jan 6th.

    So how can you even claim he's been disqualified when you haven't even shown such a crime was committed on Jan 6th.. by ANYONE!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Scout@21:1/5 to Baxter on Sat Jan 20 07:28:27 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message news:uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me...
    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in news:MPG.4014469fd37bbd21990d73@usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>,
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president and
    who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the
    "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and competance.
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection much
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many more times does he have to lose?

    As many times as he wants to run and he loses an election. Oh, and I'm not aware that the popular vote is a requirement to become President.

    I certainly don't see any word of that in the Constitution or even Federal

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Baxter@21:1/5 to Skeeter on Sat Jan 20 15:28:34 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in news:MPG.40156f3180228319990dea@usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <uofa01$3crg9$2@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com says...

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in

    In article <uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many
    more times does he have to lose?

    He's ahead.

    riiight - he got about 7.5% of registered voters in Iowa.

    He won Iowa. You are sad the the people have spoken.

    he got the nomination, that's a long ways from winning the state

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Baxter@21:1/5 to Andrew W on Sat Jan 20 15:24:46 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    "Andrew W" <space@defense.com> wrote in

    "Baxter" wrote in message news:uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me...

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in >>news:MPG.4014469fd37bbd21990d73@usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>,
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president
    and who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the
    "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many
    more times does he have to lose?

    Donald Trump's 73.6 Million Popular Votes Is Over 7 Million More Than
    Any Sitting President in History

    Trump has received 47.2 percent of the popular vote, compared to President-elect Joe Biden's 51 percent. Recently, Biden broke his own
    record with 79 million votes and counting, giving him the most votes of
    any presidential candidate in history.


    Yeah, tRump got more votes than any SITTING president - and still lost.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Skeeter@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 08:57:18 2024
    XPost: or.politics, talk.politics.misc, alt.atheism

    In article <uogojt$3nidm$2@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com

    "Andrew W" <space@defense.com> wrote in

    "Baxter" wrote in message news:uoept9$3ag70$1@dont-email.me...

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in >>news:MPG.4014469fd37bbd21990d73@usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <qhvjqi19o7q8ef2em8km60dqn8ofv2oaa1@4ax.com>,
    twang@the.noodle says...

    Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 11:28:21 -0500, Winston
    <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:
    On 1/17/2024 1:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <unu9j3$3vnnn$5@dont-email.me>,
    patriot1@protonmail.com wrote:

    The Constitution is clear about who can run for president
    and who cannot. It says any American citizen can run for
    president, with four big exceptions.
    None of which disqualify him.

    Having engaged in insurrection disqualifies him.

    Not by itself it doesn't. He's not legally guilty unless and
    until he's actually charged and convicted in court (not just the
    "court of public opinion"). If these supposed "Legal Scholars"
    are saying otherwise, I'd question their education and
    AFAIK, so far, he hasn't even been charged with insurrection
    less prosecuted and convicted.

    Put him on the ballot and let the voters decide.

    What if a candidate had a different disqualifying
    attribute, like not being 35 yet, or not being an
    american by birth.

    Would you still say "let the voters decide"? And if they
    elected him anyway, would he be removed from office ex
    post facto, like some birther nuts thought Obama should
    be removed? At what point do the constitutional
    requirements kick in? Or are they merely suggestions to
    inform the voters?

    None of that is happening. Let the people decide.

    tRump lost the popular vote in 2015, 2018, 2020, and 2022. How many
    more times does he have to lose?

    Donald Trump's 73.6 Million Popular Votes Is Over 7 Million More Than
    Any Sitting President in History

    Trump has received 47.2 percent of the popular vote, compared to President-elect Joe Biden's 51 percent. Recently, Biden broke his own
    record with 79 million votes and counting, giving him the most votes of
    any presidential candidate in history.


    Yeah, tRump got more votes than any SITTING president - and still lost.

    You are butthurt.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lou Bricano@21:1/5 to pothead on Sat Jan 20 11:15:13 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/20/2024 10:52 AM, pothead wrote:
    On 2024-01-20, Michael A Terrell <mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut> wrote:
    On 1/20/2024 9:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child
    molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh?  How so?
    I read 14.3.  I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere >>>>>>>>> accusation being sufficient.
       -WBE  [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is subject >>>>>>>> to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened in DC? >>>>>>
    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to Colorado law, was
    filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state, pursuant to 14.3.
    The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what constitutes insurrection and
    engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021 was an >>>>>> insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was not on trial.

    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged with Insurrection
    for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge than
    insurrection. It was an insurrection regardless of whether anyone is charged and
    convicted of statutory insurrection. Insurrection is not just a statutory crime
    ? it is a description of an event. The storming of Congress by Nazis on >>>> 01/06/2021 was an insurrection.

    so there has never been a legal finding of facts on
    this matter and

    That's false. Judge Wallace meticulously examined what constitutes an in >>>> insurrection and concluded one occurred on 01/06/2021. She is correct. >>>>
    How can you have an insurrection.. if no one has been shown to have engaged in

    People, including Trump, have been shown to have engaged in insurrection. >>>
    No charges.


    No charges for committing insurrection.

    Irrelevant. That doesn't change the fact that the event *was* an insurrection. It was.

    Plenty of other charges though.
    Why would that be?

    Because seditious conspiracy carries a maximum prison sentence twice as long as the maximum sentence for insurrection. The maximum sentence for the former is 20
    years, versus only 10 for the latter. You could look it up. I have. Here's a helpful hint: the criminal code section number for seditious conspiracy is exactly one higher than that for insurrection. But I'm not going to tell you what they are. I don't go out of my way to help out a Nazi little person.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 11:19:14 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/20/2024 11:00 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <sGTqN.78749$CYpe.10001@fx40.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 9:40 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <eeTqN.116709$q3F7.66677@fx45.iad>,
    another.loser@terrells.pals says...

    On 1/20/2024 7:48 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 17:25:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 5:16 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:20:26 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 4:04 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere >>>>>>>>>>> accusation being sufficient.
    -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is subject
    to judicial review.

    There has been no criminal trail held to evaluate those charges. A >>>>>>>>> civil court can not determine if someone committed a crime.

    14.3 disqualification isn't a criminal punishment.

    No court of any kind has proved he's guilty of insurrection.

    The District Court of the City and County of Denver conducted a trial >>>>>> and held that "Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 >>>>>> through incitement."

    When was he criminally charged and convicted?

    Not needed.

    Then why were the other people?

    Because powerful criminal cases were made against them, and they were found guilty.

    Powerful criminal cases *are* being prosecuted against Trump, and he will be >> found guilty and sent to prison, where he will die.

    Why isn't Trump in jail now.

    That's a question. You should terminate a question with a question mark — you know, one of these little thingies: '?'

    He's not in jail yet because he hasn't been tried and convicted yet. If he believed in his own innocence, he wouldn't be playing this delaying game. He doesn't want to go to trial because he knows he's guilty.

    You said he's guilty.

    He is factually guilty. He has not yet been found legally guilty, but he will be. That makes you cry.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 11:20:09 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/20/2024 11:01 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <UITqN.78751$CYpe.11068@fx40.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 9:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh?  How so?
    I read 14.3.  I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere >>>>>>>>> accusation being sufficient.
       -WBE  [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is subject >>>>>>>> to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened in DC? >>>>>>
    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to Colorado law, was
    filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state, pursuant to 14.3.
    The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what constitutes insurrection and
    engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021 was an >>>>>> insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was not on trial.

    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged with Insurrection
    for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge than
    insurrection. It was an insurrection regardless of whether anyone is charged and
    convicted of statutory insurrection. Insurrection is not just a statutory crime
    ? it is a description of an event. The storming of Congress by Nazis on >>>> 01/06/2021 was an insurrection.

    so there has never been a legal finding of facts on
    this matter and

    That's false. Judge Wallace meticulously examined what constitutes an in >>>> insurrection and concluded one occurred on 01/06/2021. She is correct. >>>>
    How can you have an insurrection.. if no one has been shown to have engaged in

    People, including Trump, have been shown to have engaged in insurrection. >>>
    No charges.


    No rape charges either.

    Found liable for rape.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Skeeter@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 12:40:33 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    In article <5ZUqN.32817$9cLc.3898@fx02.iad>, lb@cap.con says...

    On 1/20/2024 10:52 AM, pothead wrote:
    On 2024-01-20, Michael A Terrell <mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut> wrote:
    On 1/20/2024 9:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child
    molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere >>>>>>>>> accusation being sufficient.
    -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is subject
    to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened in DC? >>>>>>
    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to Colorado law, was
    filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state, pursuant to 14.3.
    The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what constitutes insurrection and
    engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021 was an >>>>>> insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was not on trial. >>>>>
    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged with Insurrection
    for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge than
    insurrection. It was an insurrection regardless of whether anyone is charged and
    convicted of statutory insurrection. Insurrection is not just a statutory crime
    ? it is a description of an event. The storming of Congress by Nazis on >>>> 01/06/2021 was an insurrection.

    so there has never been a legal finding of facts on
    this matter and

    That's false. Judge Wallace meticulously examined what constitutes an in >>>> insurrection and concluded one occurred on 01/06/2021. She is correct. >>>>
    How can you have an insurrection.. if no one has been shown to have engaged in

    People, including Trump, have been shown to have engaged in insurrection.

    No charges.


    No charges for committing insurrection.

    Irrelevant. That doesn't change the fact that the event *was* an insurrection.
    It was.

    Plenty of other charges though.
    Why would that be?

    Because seditious conspiracy carries a maximum prison sentence twice as long as
    the maximum sentence for insurrection. The maximum sentence for the former is 20
    years, versus only 10 for the latter. You could look it up. I have. Here's a helpful hint: the criminal code section number for seditious conspiracy is exactly one higher than that for insurrection. But I'm not going to tell you what they are. I don't go out of my way to help out a Nazi little person.

    So why isn't Trump in jail for seditious conspiracy?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 13:16:19 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/20/2024 11:41 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <J1VqN.32820$9cLc.5946@fx02.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 11:01 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <UITqN.78751$CYpe.11068@fx40.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 9:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh?  How so?
    I read 14.3.  I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere
    accusation being sufficient.
       -WBE  [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is subject
    to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened in DC? >>>>>>>>
    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to Colorado law, was
    filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state, pursuant to 14.3.
    The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what constitutes insurrection and
    engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021 was an >>>>>>>> insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was not on trial. >>>>>>>
    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged with Insurrection
    for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge than >>>>>> insurrection. It was an insurrection regardless of whether anyone is charged and
    convicted of statutory insurrection. Insurrection is not just a statutory crime
    ? it is a description of an event. The storming of Congress by Nazis on >>>>>> 01/06/2021 was an insurrection.

    so there has never been a legal finding of facts on
    this matter and

    That's false. Judge Wallace meticulously examined what constitutes an in >>>>>> insurrection and concluded one occurred on 01/06/2021. She is correct. >>>>>>
    How can you have an insurrection.. if no one has been shown to have engaged in

    People, including Trump, have been shown to have engaged in insurrection.

    No charges.


    No rape charges either.

    Found liable for rape.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 14:23:27 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/20/2024 2:05 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <DKWqN.44752$U1cc.2673@fx04.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 11:41 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <J1VqN.32820$9cLc.5946@fx02.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 11:01 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <UITqN.78751$CYpe.11068@fx40.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 9:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com >>>>>>> says...

    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh?  How so?
    I read 14.3.  I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere
    accusation being sufficient.
       -WBE  [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is subject
    to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened in DC?

    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to Colorado law, was
    filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state, pursuant to 14.3.
    The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what constitutes insurrection and
    engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021 was an >>>>>>>>>> insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was not on trial. >>>>>>>>>
    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged with Insurrection
    for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge than >>>>>>>> insurrection. It was an insurrection regardless of whether anyone is charged and
    convicted of statutory insurrection. Insurrection is not just a statutory crime
    ? it is a description of an event. The storming of Congress by Nazis on
    01/06/2021 was an insurrection.

    so there has never been a legal finding of facts on
    this matter and

    That's false. Judge Wallace meticulously examined what constitutes an in
    insurrection and concluded one occurred on 01/06/2021. She is correct. >>>>>>>>
    How can you have an insurrection.. if no one has been shown to have engaged in

    People, including Trump, have been shown to have engaged in insurrection.

    No charges.


    No rape charges either.

    Found liable for rape.





    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 14:22:23 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/20/2024 2:04 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uKWqN.44751$U1cc.42972@fx04.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 11:40 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5ZUqN.32817$9cLc.3898@fx02.iad>, lb@cap.con says...

    On 1/20/2024 10:52 AM, pothead wrote:
    On 2024-01-20, Michael A Terrell <mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut> wrote: >>>>>> On 1/20/2024 9:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child
    molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com >>>>>>> says...

    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh?  How so?
    I read 14.3.  I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere
    accusation being sufficient.
       -WBE  [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is subject
    to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened in DC?

    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to Colorado law, was
    filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state, pursuant to 14.3.
    The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what constitutes insurrection and
    engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021 was an >>>>>>>>>> insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was not on trial. >>>>>>>>>
    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged with Insurrection
    for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge than >>>>>>>> insurrection. It was an insurrection regardless of whether anyone is charged and
    convicted of statutory insurrection. Insurrection is not just a statutory crime
    ? it is a description of an event. The storming of Congress by Nazis on
    01/06/2021 was an insurrection.

    so there has never been a legal finding of facts on
    this matter and

    That's false. Judge Wallace meticulously examined what constitutes an in
    insurrection and concluded one occurred on 01/06/2021. She is correct. >>>>>>>>
    How can you have an insurrection.. if no one has been shown to have engaged in

    People, including Trump, have been shown to have engaged in insurrection.

    No charges.


    No charges for committing insurrection.

    Irrelevant. That doesn't change the fact that the event *was* an insurrection.
    It was.

    Plenty of other charges though.
    Why would that be?

    Because seditious conspiracy carries a maximum prison sentence twice as long as
    the maximum sentence for insurrection. The maximum sentence for the former is 20
    years, versus only 10 for the latter. You could look it up. I have. Here's a
    helpful hint: the criminal code section number for seditious conspiracy is >>>> exactly one higher than that for insurrection. But I'm not going to tell you
    what they are. I don't go out of my way to help out a Nazi little person. >>>
    So why isn't Trump in jail for seditious conspiracy?

    He's going to prison for his other election related crimes.

    If they wanted him in jail and say he is guilty of "seditious
    conspiracy" he would be in jail.

    He has to go to trial first. That's coming.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 20 14:24:30 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/20/2024 2:06 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <KKWqN.44753$U1cc.22137@fx04.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 11:41 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <R0VqN.32819$9cLc.9720@fx02.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 11:00 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <sGTqN.78749$CYpe.10001@fx40.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 9:40 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <eeTqN.116709$q3F7.66677@fx45.iad>,
    another.loser@terrells.pals says...

    On 1/20/2024 7:48 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 17:25:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 5:16 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:20:26 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 4:04 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere
    accusation being sufficient.
    -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is subject
    to judicial review.

    There has been no criminal trail held to evaluate those charges. A
    civil court can not determine if someone committed a crime. >>>>>>>>>>>>
    14.3 disqualification isn't a criminal punishment.

    No court of any kind has proved he's guilty of insurrection. >>>>>>>>>>
    The District Court of the City and County of Denver conducted a trial
    and held that "Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 >>>>>>>>>> through incitement."

    When was he criminally charged and convicted?

    Not needed.

    Then why were the other people?

    Because powerful criminal cases were made against them, and they were found guilty.

    Powerful criminal cases *are* being prosecuted against Trump, and he will be
    found guilty and sent to prison, where he will die.

    Why isn't Trump in jail now.

    That's a question. You should terminate a question with a question mark ? you
    know, one of these little thingies: '?'

    He's not in jail yet because he hasn't been tried and convicted yet. If he >>>> believed in his own innocence, he wouldn't be playing this delaying game. He
    doesn't want to go to trial because he knows he's guilty.

    You said he's guilty.

    He is factually guilty. He has not yet been found legally guilty, but he will
    be. That makes you cry.

    Yea and

    Yeah, and he's going to prison. Yeah.

    Yea and

    Yeah, and he's going to prison. Yeah.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Andrew W@21:1/5 to Michael A Terrell on Mon Jan 22 11:27:44 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    "Michael A Terrell" wrote in message

    On 1/20/2024 2:04 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted
    child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uKWqN.44751$U1cc.42972@fx04.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 11:40 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted >>> child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5ZUqN.32817$9cLc.3898@fx02.iad>, lb@cap.con says...

    On 1/20/2024 10:52 AM, pothead wrote:
    On 2024-01-20, Michael A Terrell <mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut>
    On 1/20/2024 9:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell,
    convicted child
    molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com >>>>>>>> says...

    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would interpret >>>>>>>>>>>>>> as mere
    accusation being sufficient.
    -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. >>>>>>>>>>>>> There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is >>>>>>>>>>>>> subject
    to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened >>>>>>>>>>>> in DC?

    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to >>>>>>>>>>> Colorado law, was
    filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state, >>>>>>>>>>> pursuant to 14.3.
    The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what constitutes >>>>>>>>>>> insurrection and
    engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021 >>>>>>>>>>> was an
    insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was not on >>>>>>>>>>> trial.

    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged >>>>>>>>>> with Insurrection
    for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge >>>>>>>>> than
    insurrection. It was an insurrection regardless of whether anyone >>>>>>>>> is charged and
    convicted of statutory insurrection. Insurrection is not just a >>>>>>>>> statutory crime
    ? it is a description of an event. The storming of Congress by >>>>>>>>> Nazis on
    01/06/2021 was an insurrection.

    so there has never been a legal finding of facts on
    this matter and

    That's false. Judge Wallace meticulously examined what constitutes >>>>>>>>> an in
    insurrection and concluded one occurred on 01/06/2021. She is >>>>>>>>> correct.

    How can you have an insurrection.. if no one has been shown to >>>>>>>>>> have engaged in

    People, including Trump, have been shown to have engaged in

    No charges.


    No charges for committing insurrection.

    Irrelevant. That doesn't change the fact that the event *was* an
    It was.

    Plenty of other charges though.
    Why would that be?

    Because seditious conspiracy carries a maximum prison sentence twice >>>>> as long as
    the maximum sentence for insurrection. The maximum sentence for the
    former is 20
    years, versus only 10 for the latter. You could look it up. I have.
    Here's a
    helpful hint: the criminal code section number for seditious
    conspiracy is
    exactly one higher than that for insurrection. But I'm not going to
    tell you
    what they are. I don't go out of my way to help out a Nazi little

    So why isn't Trump in jail for seditious conspiracy?

    He's going to prison for his other election related crimes.

    If they wanted him in jail and say he is guilty of "seditious
    conspiracy" he would be in jail.

    He has to go to trial first. That's coming.

    Men in white coats are coming for the loony leftists too.

    Definition of an idiot/ignoramus: Someone who gets their information from
    the mainstream media and calls it facts and evidence.

    http://www.rumormillnews.com - The best alternative news site

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Skeeter@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 22 07:39:58 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    In article <uokcq4$e0e6$1@dont-email.me>, space@defense.com says...

    "Michael A Terrell" wrote in message news:zIXqN.245214$Wp_8.233998@fx17.iad...

    On 1/20/2024 2:04 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted >child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uKWqN.44751$U1cc.42972@fx04.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/20/2024 11:40 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted >>> child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5ZUqN.32817$9cLc.3898@fx02.iad>, lb@cap.con says...

    On 1/20/2024 10:52 AM, pothead wrote:
    On 2024-01-20, Michael A Terrell <mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut> >>>>>> wrote:
    On 1/20/2024 9:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell,
    convicted child
    molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com >>>>>>>> says...

    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disqualified
    under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would interpret >>>>>>>>>>>>>> as mere
    accusation being sufficient.
    -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. >>>>>>>>>>>>> There was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is >>>>>>>>>>>>> subject
    to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened >>>>>>>>>>>> in DC?

    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to >>>>>>>>>>> Colorado law, was
    filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state, >>>>>>>>>>> pursuant to 14.3.
    The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what constitutes >>>>>>>>>>> insurrection and
    engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021 >>>>>>>>>>> was an
    insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was not on >>>>>>>>>>> trial.

    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged >>>>>>>>>> with Insurrection
    for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge >>>>>>>>> than
    insurrection. It was an insurrection regardless of whether anyone >>>>>>>>> is charged and
    convicted of statutory insurrection. Insurrection is not just a >>>>>>>>> statutory crime
    ? it is a description of an event. The storming of Congress by >>>>>>>>> Nazis on
    01/06/2021 was an insurrection.

    so there has never been a legal finding of facts on
    this matter and

    That's false. Judge Wallace meticulously examined what constitutes >>>>>>>>> an in
    insurrection and concluded one occurred on 01/06/2021. She is >>>>>>>>> correct.

    How can you have an insurrection.. if no one has been shown to >>>>>>>>>> have engaged in

    People, including Trump, have been shown to have engaged in >>>>>>>>> insurrection.

    No charges.


    No charges for committing insurrection.

    Irrelevant. That doesn't change the fact that the event *was* an
    It was.

    Plenty of other charges though.
    Why would that be?

    Because seditious conspiracy carries a maximum prison sentence twice >>>>> as long as
    the maximum sentence for insurrection. The maximum sentence for the >>>>> former is 20
    years, versus only 10 for the latter. You could look it up. I have. >>>>> Here's a
    helpful hint: the criminal code section number for seditious
    conspiracy is
    exactly one higher than that for insurrection. But I'm not going to >>>>> tell you
    what they are. I don't go out of my way to help out a Nazi little

    So why isn't Trump in jail for seditious conspiracy?

    He's going to prison for his other election related crimes.

    If they wanted him in jail and say he is guilty of "seditious
    conspiracy" he would be in jail.

    He has to go to trial first. That's coming.

    Men in white coats are coming for the loony leftists too.

    I wonder why all those others have already gone to trial but not Trump.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lou Bricano@21:1/5 to Josh Rosenbluth on Mon Jan 22 08:26:55 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/22/2024 8:15 AM, Josh Rosenbluth wrote:
    On 1/22/2024 4:16 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Sun, 21 Jan 2024 08:32:22 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/21/2024 8:05 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Sat, 20 Jan 2024 08:32:16 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:


    It is not settled law whether "engaging in insurrection" in 14.3 is in >>>>> reference to the crime of insurrection (18 U.S. Code § 2383).

    Good grief.  Hiding in psuedointellectualism again I see.
    Disqualifying someone based on a criminal offense (insurrection)

    Stop begging the question (*).

    (*) For the others who read my reply, should we have a side bet on
    whether "Nobody" 1) knows what "begging the question" means, and 2) and
    if he does, can he identify the question being begged?

    Instead of addressing what was asked of you (after editing it out),
    you now descend into personal attacks.

    Way to go - you just dropped further down the ladder.

    And Josh applies his pseudointellectualism to avoid addressing the
    topic once again.

    pseudointellectualism : noun. Logic which "Nobody" doesn't understand.

    Kremlin Girl / Bit of Nothingness suffers from two crippling afflictions: an abject inability to think logically, and total dishonesty and bad faith. There was a great example yesterday of her bad faith. It was brought up that there were thousands of former southern traitors who petitioned Congress for removal of their 14.3 disabilities. KG/BoN, in utter bad faith, demanded to know their names, believing she had a perfect "gotcha!" — that no one would be able to dig
    that out. In fact, I *was* able to supply a list of several thousand names. It was in a document visible at a URL from CREW, the DC-based outfit pushing the 14.3 disqualification effort against Trump in multiple states (including Colorado). I provided the link, and so far not a word from KG/BoN. When and if she does respond to it, she'll have some puerile nitpick against it, as she always does. She demands evidence, then she rejects it when presented, without being able to make a dent in it.

    Bad faith and dishonesty (they go hand in hand) are her defining characteristics. But what would you expect from someone who *daily* posts multiple replies to her own posts, pissing and moaning that opponents — her betters in every dimension — have grown bored with her sophomoric behavior in a
    thread and stopped responding to her.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 22 09:12:36 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/22/2024 8:50 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <fWwrN.296259$xHn7.12096@fx14.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/22/2024 8:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <ezwrN.295268$xHn7.113462@fx14.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/22/2024 4:47 AM, scooter lied:

    "NoBody" <NoBody@nowhere.com> wrote in message
    On Sat, 20 Jan 2024 23:52:50 -0000 (UTC), Baxter
    <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote:

    NoBody <NoBody@nowhere.com> wrote in

    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 17:25:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 5:16 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:20:26 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 4:04 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disqualified under 14.3.

    Oh?  How so?
    I read 14.3.  I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as >>>>>>>>>>>>>> mere accusation being sufficient.
        -WBE  [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There >>>>>>>>>>>>> was a trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision >>>>>>>>>>>>> is subject to judicial review.

    There has been no criminal trail held to evaluate those charges. >>>>>>>>>>>> A civil court can not determine if someone committed a crime. >>>>>>>>>>>
    14.3 disqualification isn't a criminal punishment.

    No court of any kind has proved he's guilty of insurrection. >>>>>>>>>
    The District Court of the City and County of Denver conducted a trial >>>>>>>>> and held that "Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 >>>>>>>>> through incitement."

    When was he criminally charged and convicted?  A trial without charges
    or arrest?  Wow, what is it you advocate?

    Tens of thousands of Confederates were barred from office even though >>>>>>> they were never convicted and in fact had been pardoned.

    Who were these "tens of thousands"?

    and which court stated they were barred from office without a conviction >>>>
    None ? the people petitioning for removal of disability already knew they were
    disqualified, scooter.

    Were you there?

    It's a matter of public record.

    Which you don't seem to have.

    I have it. I've posted it. Here it is again, you lazy sloppy illiterate HIV+ shit-4-braincell.


    much less did so after they were pardoned.

    There were no pardons, scooter.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 22 10:07:33 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/22/2024 9:29 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <8mxrN.176581$vFZa.46578@fx13.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/22/2024 8:50 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <fWwrN.296259$xHn7.12096@fx14.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/22/2024 8:38 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <ezwrN.295268$xHn7.113462@fx14.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/22/2024 4:47 AM, scooter lied:

    "NoBody" <NoBody@nowhere.com> wrote in message
    On Sat, 20 Jan 2024 23:52:50 -0000 (UTC), Baxter
    <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote:

    NoBody <NoBody@nowhere.com> wrote in

    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 17:25:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 5:16 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:20:26 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 4:04 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth >>>>>>>>>>>>>> <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disqualified under 14.3.

    Oh?  How so?
    I read 14.3.  I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as
    mere accusation being sufficient.
        -WBE  [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There
    was a trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision
    is subject to judicial review.

    There has been no criminal trail held to evaluate those charges. >>>>>>>>>>>>>> A civil court can not determine if someone committed a crime. >>>>>>>>>>>>>
    14.3 disqualification isn't a criminal punishment.

    No court of any kind has proved he's guilty of insurrection. >>>>>>>>>>>
    The District Court of the City and County of Denver conducted a trial
    and held that "Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 >>>>>>>>>>> through incitement."

    When was he criminally charged and convicted?  A trial without charges
    or arrest?  Wow, what is it you advocate?

    Tens of thousands of Confederates were barred from office even though >>>>>>>>> they were never convicted and in fact had been pardoned.

    Who were these "tens of thousands"?

    and which court stated they were barred from office without a conviction

    None ? the people petitioning for removal of disability already knew they were
    disqualified, scooter.

    Were you there?

    It's a matter of public record.

    Which you don't seem to have.

    I have it. I've posted it. Here it is again, you lazy sloppy illiterate HIV+ >> shit-4-braincell.


    Finally Rudy come up with something beside "it's already been posted"

    I posted it three times before the most recent one above. Being a dishonest lying shitbag, you didn't look at it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 24 08:10:51 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/24/2024 8:03 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <JuasN.186391$vFZa.8590@fx13.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 7:42 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <7O9sN.53926$5Hnd.21588@fx03.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/24/2024 5:34 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 9:55 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 4:44 AM, scooter lied:

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message
    Wilson Woods <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in

    On 1/22/2024 12:31 PM, scooter lied:

    "Winston" <wbe@UBEBLOCK.psr.com.invalid> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>> news:ydede9tldd.fsf@UBEblock.psr.com...
    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>> news:uojin6$8j9n$1@dont-email.me...
    Where in 14.3 does it say anything about convicted or even >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indicted? Show us the exact quote.

    "Scout" <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net> writes: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5th Amendment.
    We don't restrict your liberties without a criminal trial. >>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Technically, since the 14th was passed after the 5th, its wording >>>>>>>>>>>>> prevails, just like the 21st repealed the 18th (prohibition). >>>>>>>>>>>>> -WBE

    Only if it specifically supersedes the language that exists. Nothing
    in the 14th sec 3 does supersedes the need to have such >>>>>>>>>>>> disqualifications due to a finding in a criminal case.

    A criminal conviction is not required for 14.3, scooter. >>>>>>>>>>>

    The writers of the 14th Amendment did not use the word "convicted". >>>>>>>>>
    They didn't have to. the 5th and 6th

    Inapplicable, scooter. Those pertain to criminal cases. 14.3 is not about
    criminal behavior.

    So Insurrection isn't a crime?

    It is a crime, scooter.

    And there has been no criminal trial convicting him of it.

    Not needed, scooter. 14.3 is purely a civil matter.

    You keep trying the same failed gag, scooter. Why is that?

    Because Trump hasn't been charged with it.


    So you don't care about rule of law

    I do. You don't and Trump doesn't. In fact, you despise the rule of law. That's why you vote for a rapist felon.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 24 08:11:52 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/24/2024 8:03 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <jvasN.186392$vFZa.25996@fx13.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 7:43 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <nO9sN.53938$5Hnd.28147@fx03.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/24/2024 5:42 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 10:00 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 5:03 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/22/2024 12:47 PM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/22/2024 4:27 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>> news:5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad...
    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:f6HqN.211867$Ama9.108404@fx12.iad...
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disqualified under 14.3.

    Oh?  How so?
    I read 14.3.  I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere
    accusation being sufficient.
       -WBE  [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There
    was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is
    to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened in DC?

    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to Colorado
    law, was filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state,
    pursuant to 14.3. The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what
    constitutes insurrection and engagement in one, and concluded that
    the event of 01/06/2021 was an insurrection and that Trump engaged
    in it. Trump was not on trial.

    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged with
    Insurrection for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge than

    Maybe it was more serious, maybe it wasn't.

    There is no "maybe" about it. Seditious conspiracy carries a maximum
    prison term of 20 years;

    Great. Now all you have to do is show were Trump was convicted. >>>>>>>>>>
    I don't have to show that, scooter. Conviction is not required for 14.3
    disqualification, scooter.

    You assert he committed a crime

    No, scooter. In fact, he *did* engage in many crimes, not all of them >>>>>>>> connected to the insurrection. These are the crimes addressed in the four
    federal indictments for election interference. For example, coordinating the
    submission of slates of *fake* electors is a crime, but not connected to the
    insurrection. Directing the DoJ to send a letter to states falsely saying
    that DoJ had found massive "fraud" also is a crime not connected to the

    Cite the convictions for these alleged crimes.

    They're still to come, scooter. His trial is on hold pending the appellate court
    chucking out his absurd "immunity" claim. He'll be convicted on some of the
    counts, too.

    We've been hearing that for about 8 years now

    You've been hearing it for less than six months, scooter. The indictments were
    handed down last August.

    You always lie, scooter, and you always get caught.

    8 years


    Were you in jail during that time?

    Unlike you, I've never been incarcerated at any time.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 24 08:09:30 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/24/2024 7:41 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:
    In article <AM9sN.49209$U1cc.20671@fx04.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 6:33 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uor59v$1r3ma$11@dont-email.me>,
    me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net says...

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 10:01 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 5:04 AM, scooter lied:

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message
    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in

    In article <p4CrN.221406$Ama9.13528@fx12.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com >>>>>>>>>> says...

    On 1/22/2024 12:47 PM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/22/2024 4:27 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad...
    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:f6HqN.211867$Ama9.108404@fx12.iad...
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
    disqualified under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interpret
    as mere accusation being sufficient.
    -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There was a trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state's decision is subject to judicial review. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happened
    in DC?

    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colorado law, was filed in Colorado to keep him off the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ballot
    in that state, pursuant to 14.3. The Colorado court >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meticulously reviewed what constitutes insurrection and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was an insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not on trial.

    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with Insurrection for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than insurrection.

    Maybe it was more serious, maybe it wasn't.

    There is no "maybe" about it. Seditious conspiracy carries a >>>>>>>>>>>>> maximum prison term of 20 years;

    Great. Now all you have to do is show were Trump was convicted. >>>>>>>>>>>
    I don't have to show that, scooter. Conviction is not required for >>>>>>>>>>> 14.3 disqualification, scooter.

    insurrection carries a maximum penalty of only 10 years. >>>>>>>>>>>>


    Seditious conspiracy is more serious than insurrection by >>>>>>>>>>>>> definition.

    Post the definition.

    It's implied by the penalty disparity, scooter. A crime with a >>>>>>>>>>> harsher penalty is more serious than one with a less harsh penalty >>>>>>>>>>> by
    definition, scooter. That's why it has the harsher penalty, scooter.

    Meanwhile, that means it wasn't insurrection.

    There was an insurrection on 01/06/2021, scooter, regardless of >>>>>>>>>>> whether or not anyone was charged with that statutory crime. >>>>>>>>>>> Insurrection doesn't only mean a statutory crime, scooter. It's a >>>>>>>>>>> description of an event, and that event meets all the criteria for >>>>>>>>>>> being an insurrection.

    If so people would be charged with it.

    False. They *might* be charged with it,

    When they are, then 14.3 would apply

    It applies regardless of whether or not they're charged with statutory >>>>> insurrection, scooter.

    Rudy: He's guilty because I SAID SO.. that's all the proof needed.

    Then he wonders why I don't accept his bullshit.

    He said Rittenhouse was guilty too.

    No, I didn't. What I said was that when it took the jury a couple of days to >> come back with a verdict, that meant that at least one juror initially voted to
    convict him.

    No. You said before the trial he was guilty.

    I didn't. I said what I just told you above. That's what I said.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 24 08:20:31 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/24/2024 8:16 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <dFasN.186400$vFZa.98146@fx13.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 8:03 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <jvasN.186392$vFZa.25996@fx13.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 7:43 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <nO9sN.53938$5Hnd.28147@fx03.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/24/2024 5:42 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 10:00 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 5:03 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/22/2024 12:47 PM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>> news:9zwrN.295260$xHn7.235573@fx14.iad...
    On 1/22/2024 4:27 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad...
    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:f6HqN.211867$Ama9.108404@fx12.iad...
    On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be
    disqualified under 14.3.

    Oh?  How so?
    I read 14.3.  I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as mere
    accusation being sufficient.
       -WBE  [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. There
    was a
    trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's decision is
    to judicial review.

    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that happened in DC?

    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to Colorado
    law, was filed in Colorado to keep him off the ballot in that state,
    pursuant to 14.3. The Colorado court meticulously reviewed what
    constitutes insurrection and engagement in one, and concluded that
    the event of 01/06/2021 was an insurrection and that Trump engaged
    in it. Trump was not on trial.

    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged with
    Insurrection for the events on Jan 6th.

    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge than

    Maybe it was more serious, maybe it wasn't.

    There is no "maybe" about it. Seditious conspiracy carries a maximum
    prison term of 20 years;

    Great. Now all you have to do is show were Trump was convicted. >>>>>>>>>>>>
    I don't have to show that, scooter. Conviction is not required for 14.3
    disqualification, scooter.

    You assert he committed a crime

    No, scooter. In fact, he *did* engage in many crimes, not all of them
    connected to the insurrection. These are the crimes addressed in the four
    federal indictments for election interference. For example, coordinating the
    submission of slates of *fake* electors is a crime, but not connected to the
    insurrection. Directing the DoJ to send a letter to states falsely saying
    that DoJ had found massive "fraud" also is a crime not connected to the

    Cite the convictions for these alleged crimes.

    They're still to come, scooter. His trial is on hold pending the appellate court
    chucking out his absurd "immunity" claim. He'll be convicted on some of the
    counts, too.

    We've been hearing that for about 8 years now

    You've been hearing it for less than six months, scooter. The indictments were
    handed down last August.

    You always lie, scooter, and you always get caught.

    8 years


    Were you in jail during that time?

    Unlike you, I've never been incarcerated at any time.

    Prove I have.

    You already admitted it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 24 08:19:25 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/24/2024 8:13 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <%CasN.186398$vFZa.94270@fx13.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 7:41 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:
    In article <AM9sN.49209$U1cc.20671@fx04.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 6:33 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uor59v$1r3ma$11@dont-email.me>,
    me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net says...

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 10:01 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 5:04 AM, scooter lied:

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message
    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in

    In article <p4CrN.221406$Ama9.13528@fx12.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com >>>>>>>>>>>> says...

    On 1/22/2024 12:47 PM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:9zwrN.295260$xHn7.235573@fx14.iad...
    On 1/22/2024 4:27 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad...
    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:f6HqN.211867$Ama9.108404@fx12.iad... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
    disqualified under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interpret
    as mere accusation being sufficient. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation.
    There was a trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state's decision is subject to judicial review. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happened
    in DC?

    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colorado law, was filed in Colorado to keep him off the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ballot
    in that state, pursuant to 14.3. The Colorado court >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meticulously reviewed what constitutes insurrection and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021
    was an insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not on trial.

    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged
    with Insurrection for the events on Jan 6th. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge
    than insurrection.

    Maybe it was more serious, maybe it wasn't.

    There is no "maybe" about it. Seditious conspiracy carries a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maximum prison term of 20 years;

    Great. Now all you have to do is show were Trump was convicted. >>>>>>>>>>>>>
    I don't have to show that, scooter. Conviction is not required for
    14.3 disqualification, scooter.

    insurrection carries a maximum penalty of only 10 years. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    Seditious conspiracy is more serious than insurrection by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> definition.

    Post the definition.

    It's implied by the penalty disparity, scooter. A crime with a >>>>>>>>>>>>> harsher penalty is more serious than one with a less harsh penalty
    definition, scooter. That's why it has the harsher penalty, scooter.

    Meanwhile, that means it wasn't insurrection.

    There was an insurrection on 01/06/2021, scooter, regardless of >>>>>>>>>>>>> whether or not anyone was charged with that statutory crime. >>>>>>>>>>>>> Insurrection doesn't only mean a statutory crime, scooter. It's a >>>>>>>>>>>>> description of an event, and that event meets all the criteria for
    being an insurrection.

    If so people would be charged with it.

    False. They *might* be charged with it,

    When they are, then 14.3 would apply

    It applies regardless of whether or not they're charged with statutory >>>>>>> insurrection, scooter.

    Rudy: He's guilty because I SAID SO.. that's all the proof needed. >>>>>>
    Then he wonders why I don't accept his bullshit.

    He said Rittenhouse was guilty too.

    No, I didn't. What I said was that when it took the jury a couple of days to
    come back with a verdict, that meant that at least one juror initially voted to
    convict him.

    No. You said before the trial he was guilty.

    I didn't. I said what I just told you above. That's what I said.

    More lies.


    You were saying he was guilty before, during and after the trial.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 24 12:21:29 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/24/2024 11:11 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uorgal$1suuq$7@dont-email.me>, scooter lied:

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message
    Josh Rosenbluth <noway@nowhere.com> wrote in

    On 1/20/2024 11:41 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 17:25:45 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 5:16 PM, Governor Swill wrote:
    On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 09:20:26 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/19/2024 4:04 AM, NoBody wrote:
    On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth
    <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote:
    OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes:


    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to be >>>>>>>>>>>> disqualified under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would interpret as >>>>>>>>>>> mere accusation being sufficient.
    -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.]

    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation. >>>>>>>>>> There was a trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of state's >>>>>>>>>> decision is subject to judicial review.

    There has been no criminal trail held to evaluate those charges. >>>>>>>>> A civil court can not determine if someone committed a crime. >>>>>>>>
    14.3 disqualification isn't a criminal punishment.

    No court of any kind has proved he's guilty of insurrection.

    The District Court of the City and County of Denver conducted a
    trial and held that "Trump engaged in an insurrection on January 6, >>>>>> 2021 through incitement."

    Was he indicted? Was he booked? Did he attend? Face his accusers? >>>>> Was he represented by counsel who argued his case for him.

    Unless all these criteria were met, said trial was a kangaroo court, >>>>> irrelevant and powerless.

    A civil trial requires no indictment nor booking. He had the right to
    attend, although I don't think he did (his choice). He was represented >>>> by counsel who argued the case, called their own witnesses, and
    cross-examined witnesses who testified against Trump.

    Nowhere in the 14th amandment section 3 does it say anything about
    conviction or even indictment.

    Historially, none of the Confederates barred from office were tried for

    Were they bared [sic], or was it merely assumed they were?

    *barred*, you illiterate fucktard.

    Assumption is not a basis for law.

    Tell Rudy that.

    Thousands of them knew they were disqualified. That's why they submitted petitions for amnesty to Congress (which I have proved).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 24 12:57:59 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/24/2024 10:37 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <iMasN.67190$zqTf.434@fx35.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 8:13 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <%CasN.186398$vFZa.94270@fx13.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 7:41 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:
    In article <AM9sN.49209$U1cc.20671@fx04.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/24/2024 6:33 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <uor59v$1r3ma$11@dont-email.me>,
    me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net says...

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 10:01 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message
    On 1/23/2024 5:04 AM, scooter lied:

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>> news:uonang$143g0$2@dont-email.me...
    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in
    news:MPG.4018af88e690af5a990f8a@usnews.blocknews.net: >>>>>>>>>>>>>
    In article <p4CrN.221406$Ama9.13528@fx12.iad>, banmilk@hotmail.com

    On 1/22/2024 12:47 PM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:9zwrN.295260$xHn7.235573@fx14.iad...
    On 1/22/2024 4:27 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:5eTqN.116701$q3F7.94114@fx45.iad...
    On 1/20/2024 4:50 AM, scooter lied:

    "Wilson Woods" <banmilk@hotmail.com> wrote in message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> news:f6HqN.211867$Ama9.108404@fx12.iad... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 1/18/2024 8:50 PM, Governor Swill wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 18 Jan 2024 18:09:53 -0800, Josh Rosenbluth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:

    On 1/18/2024 9:39 AM, Winston wrote: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OrigInfoJunkie <bondrock@att.net> writes: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    He doesn't have to be charged and convicted in order to
    disqualified under 14.3.

    Oh? How so?
    I read 14.3. I saw nothing in there that I would >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interpret
    as mere accusation being sufficient. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -WBE [IANAL, nor do I play one on TV.] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Trump has not been disqualified based on a mere accusation.
    There was a trial in Colorado and Maine's secretary of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state's decision is subject to judicial review. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Trump was tried in Colorado for an insurrection that >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happened
    in DC?

    No, idiot. Trump was not tried. A civil suit, pursuant to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colorado law, was filed in Colorado to keep him off the >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ballot
    in that state, pursuant to 14.3. The Colorado court >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meticulously reviewed what constitutes insurrection and >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> engagement in one, and concluded that the event of 01/06/2021
    was an insurrection and that Trump engaged in it. Trump was
    not on trial.

    Further I would note that NO INDIVIDUAL has EVER been charged
    with Insurrection for the events on Jan 6th. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    People have been tried and convicted for a more serious charge
    than insurrection.

    Maybe it was more serious, maybe it wasn't. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    There is no "maybe" about it. Seditious conspiracy carries a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maximum prison term of 20 years;

    Great. Now all you have to do is show were Trump was convicted.

    I don't have to show that, scooter. Conviction is not required for
    14.3 disqualification, scooter.

    insurrection carries a maximum penalty of only 10 years. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    Seditious conspiracy is more serious than insurrection by >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> definition.

    Post the definition.

    It's implied by the penalty disparity, scooter. A crime with a >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> harsher penalty is more serious than one with a less harsh penalty
    definition, scooter. That's why it has the harsher penalty, scooter.

    Meanwhile, that means it wasn't insurrection.

    There was an insurrection on 01/06/2021, scooter, regardless of >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whether or not anyone was charged with that statutory crime. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Insurrection doesn't only mean a statutory crime, scooter. It's a
    description of an event, and that event meets all the criteria for
    being an insurrection.

    If so people would be charged with it.

    False. They *might* be charged with it,

    When they are, then 14.3 would apply

    It applies regardless of whether or not they're charged with statutory
    insurrection, scooter.

    Rudy: He's guilty because I SAID SO.. that's all the proof needed. >>>>>>>>
    Then he wonders why I don't accept his bullshit.

    He said Rittenhouse was guilty too.

    No, I didn't. What I said was that when it took the jury a couple of days to
    come back with a verdict, that meant that at least one juror initially voted to
    convict him.

    No. You said before the trial he was guilty.

    I didn't. I said what I just told you above. That's what I said.

    More lies.


    You were saying he was guilty before, during and after the trial.


    This is why you

    This is why I always beat you. I tell the truth, and I don't make claims I can't

    I never said that the murderer Rittenhouse would be found guilty. What I said was that at least someone on the jury *initially* thought he was. You right-wing
    murder supporters were saying it was slam-dunk, that the jury would almost instantly acquit him. In fact, the jury took 24 hours spread over four days before they finally acquitted. That means *some* people on the jury initially voted for a guilty verdict, and had to be talked into voting to acquit. And that's all I said: some jurors initially thought he was guilty.

    I never said I expected a guilty verdict. You are lying when you say I did. I never said it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 31 20:09:11 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 1/31/2024 7:52 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <efEuN.39250$Wbff.9@fx37.iad>, mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 1/31/2024 2:59 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <upegtv$1n34p$3@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in news:MPG.40246532512475ba991366 >>>> @usnews.blocknews.net:

    In article <upec99$1m7r2$4@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com >>>>> says...

    Skeeter <Skeeterweed@proton.me> wrote in

    In article <upe7hp$1lfqe$1@dont-email.me>, bax02

    See - Just like I said, you know diddly squat about the laws
    involved. You still can't name the specific law that deals with >>>>>>>> "illegal border crossing".


    Do read that law - tell us the penalty for "Improper entry"

    Why? I dont care. I proved it is against the law to enter anywhere than >>>>> a legal entry point. You think it's ok for them to break the law. You >>>>> don't care who comes here. You hate this country.

    Don't be such a complete weasel coward - cite the penalty - and the
    process for that penalty.

    Why are you spinning away from that it is a crime period?

    Is it? Prove it.

    Already done.

    You didn't even attempt it. You wouldn't know how.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 3 11:46:06 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 2/2/2024 4:55 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <MIavN.56355$5Hnd.31916@fx03.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 2/2/2024 10:35 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <upj32e$2lilb$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com

    pothead <pothead@snakebite.com> wrote in

    On 2024-02-01, Scout <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net>

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message

    Do explain how Biden is the cause.

    Easy. Remember Day one when Biden eliminated some 90 policies of
    Trump that helped to secure the border?

    That's TOTALLY on Biden's head. Not his VP, not Congress, Biden did >>>>>> that... unilaterally. He is solely and utterly to blame.

    and he could undo that just as easily.. but no.. we can't have that. >>>>>> Instead now we need a law about how many illegal immigrants we will >>>>>> ignore each month.

    It's pure lunacy and obviously being done on purpose to destroy the
    country, which it is most definitely doing.
    And the democrats are all over the airwaves blaming the republicans
    for not wanting to "secure" the border. What they fail to mention is >>>>> that Biden's policies caused the problem in the first place. And
    sadly, the low information voters, are falling for the lies. And the >>>>> democrats use this tactic all the time. How long have they been
    dragging the blacks out during major elections and telling them what >>>>> they will do for them and what the republicans won't. Fortunately for >>>>> them, they are finally catching on as Biden is losing their support
    and Trump's support is growing.

    You mean policies like separating children from their parents? Policies >>>> that actually did nothing to secure the border and only hurt people?

    You cross that river with children that is child abuse.



    No. It's settled.

    Go ahead, list those 90 policies and let's see if ANY actually did
    anything to secure the border.

    Keep the blinders on.

    Concession of defeat noted.

    They commit crimes when they cross illegally.

    You were challenged to prove that and you admitted you can't. You lose.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Sat Feb 3 14:41:06 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 2/3/2024 2:24 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <2KwvN.297908$PuZ9.212579@fx11.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 2/2/2024 4:55 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <MIavN.56355$5Hnd.31916@fx03.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 2/2/2024 10:35 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <upj32e$2lilb$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com >>>>> says...

    pothead <pothead@snakebite.com> wrote in

    On 2024-02-01, Scout <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net> >>>>>>> wrote:

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message

    Do explain how Biden is the cause.

    Easy. Remember Day one when Biden eliminated some 90 policies of >>>>>>>> Trump that helped to secure the border?

    That's TOTALLY on Biden's head. Not his VP, not Congress, Biden did >>>>>>>> that... unilaterally. He is solely and utterly to blame.

    and he could undo that just as easily.. but no.. we can't have that. >>>>>>>> Instead now we need a law about how many illegal immigrants we will >>>>>>>> ignore each month.

    It's pure lunacy and obviously being done on purpose to destroy the >>>>>>> country, which it is most definitely doing.
    And the democrats are all over the airwaves blaming the republicans >>>>>>> for not wanting to "secure" the border. What they fail to mention is >>>>>>> that Biden's policies caused the problem in the first place. And >>>>>>> sadly, the low information voters, are falling for the lies. And the >>>>>>> democrats use this tactic all the time. How long have they been
    dragging the blacks out during major elections and telling them what >>>>>>> they will do for them and what the republicans won't. Fortunately for >>>>>>> them, they are finally catching on as Biden is losing their support >>>>>>> and Trump's support is growing.

    You mean policies like separating children from their parents? Policies >>>>>> that actually did nothing to secure the border and only hurt people? >>>>>
    You cross that river with children that is child abuse.



    No. It's settled.

    Go ahead, list those 90 policies and let's see if ANY actually did >>>>>> anything to secure the border.

    Keep the blinders on.

    Concession of defeat noted.

    They commit crimes when they cross illegally.

    You were challenged to prove that and you admitted you can't. You lose.

    I did and

    You didn't. You couldn't, and you admitted it.

    You're a fat homo.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Michael A Terrell@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 5 10:13:43 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.society.liberalism, alt.atheism
    XPost: alt.fun, alt.politics.democrats.d

    On 2/3/2024 4:42 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <6izvN.65796$SyNd.39179@fx33.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 2/3/2024 2:24 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <2KwvN.297908$PuZ9.212579@fx11.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 2/2/2024 4:55 PM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <MIavN.56355$5Hnd.31916@fx03.iad>,
    mike.am.surreal@earthlink.nut says...

    On 2/2/2024 10:35 AM, Skeeter-Shit Jack-Off Shit-4-Braincell, convicted child molester and another fucking do-nothing, lied:

    In article <upj32e$2lilb$1@dont-email.me>, bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com >>>>>>> says...

    pothead <pothead@snakebite.com> wrote in

    On 2024-02-01, Scout <me4guns@verizon.removeme.this2.nospam.net> >>>>>>>>> wrote:

    "Baxter" <bax02_spamblock@baxcode.com> wrote in message

    Do explain how Biden is the cause.

    Easy. Remember Day one when Biden eliminated some 90 policies of >>>>>>>>>> Trump that helped to secure the border?

    That's TOTALLY on Biden's head. Not his VP, not Congress, Biden did >>>>>>>>>> that... unilaterally. He is solely and utterly to blame.

    and he could undo that just as easily.. but no.. we can't have that. >>>>>>>>>> Instead now we need a law about how many illegal immigrants we will >>>>>>>>>> ignore each month.

    It's pure lunacy and obviously being done on purpose to destroy the >>>>>>>>> country, which it is most definitely doing.
    And the democrats are all over the airwaves blaming the republicans >>>>>>>>> for not wanting to "secure" the border. What they fail to mention is >>>>>>>>> that Biden's policies caused the problem in the first place. And >>>>>>>>> sadly, the low information voters, are falling for the lies. And the >>>>>>>>> democrats use this tactic all the time. How long have they been >>>>>>>>> dragging the blacks out during major elections and telling them what >>>>>>>>> they will do for them and what the republicans won't. Fortunately for >>>>>>>>> them, they are finally catching on as Biden is losing their support >>>>>>>>> and Trump's support is growing.

    You mean policies like separating children from their parents? Policies
    that actually did nothing to secure the border and only hurt people? >>>>>>>
    You cross that river with children that is child abuse.



    No. It's settled.

    Go ahead, list those 90 policies and let's see if ANY actually did >>>>>>>> anything to secure the border.

    Keep the blinders on.

    Concession of defeat noted.

    They commit crimes when they cross illegally.

    You were challenged to prove that and you admitted you can't. You lose. >>>
    I did and

    You didn't. You couldn't, and you admitted it.

    You're a fat homo.

    I posted a link.

    You didn't.

    You're a fat homo.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)