• Re: Democrat sex offender Aaron Coleman.

    From Democrat Gender Offenders@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jan 16 12:05:33 2023
    XPost: alt.college.democrats, alt.culture.internet, alt.psychology
    XPost: talk.politics.guns, stl.general, alt.business.accountability

    The 20-year-old who admitted to circulating revenge porn and other
    abuse of young girls online will represent Kansas’ 37th District in
    the state House of Representatives.

    Aaron Coleman ran unopposed to represent part of Kansas City,
    Kansas, in the state legislature.

    Coleman, then 19, defeated seven-term incumbent Stan Frownfelter by
    just 14 votes in the primary election.

    The race became the subject of controversy as the Kansas Democratic
    Party deemed Coleman “unfit” for office due to his "alarming

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