• More IMPOSSIBLE Diet Recs From "Experts"

    From 68hx.1807@21:1/5 to All on Mon May 6 02:00:55 2024
    XPost: alt.health, alt.science, soc.culture
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    . . .

    CLUE folks ... almost NOBODY is interested in "diet"
    or especially "high-intensity exercise". Just ain't
    gonna happen.

    The EFFECTS of "high-intensity exercise" now may be
    replicated by a "pill". After all, it's all CHEMICAL,
    yer system doesn't KNOW whether you're suffering or
    not. It responds to chemical cues.

    As for "diet" - 95% are gonna KEEP sucking down those
    yummy carbs. Try and stop them and they'll go AROUND
    you - or worse. That's the Truth. If you really want
    to be put up against the proverbial wall, try to
    ban "Doritos" ....

    Weight-loss and such ... they will HAVE to be
    "chemical" methods these days. The peasants are
    not gonna starve anymore. Ozempic ... DO bet that's
    gonna have some large-scale horrific effects -
    but it's still kind of The Pattern for anything
    that'll actually be USED on the larger scale.

    Eventually, "genetic" fixes ... mRNA meds or
    actual DNA tweaks. But, those aren't HERE yet,
    maybe another generation.

    Look, "experts" and their shills always try to
    offer pie-in-the-sky "fixes" which WON'T WORK
    for 95+ percent of the pop. Let's just Keep
    It Real hmmm ....

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