• UK To Replace Bad Govt With WORSE Govt

    From 68hx.1807@21:1/5 to All on Sun May 5 23:43:43 2024
    XPost: alt.politics, alt.politics.eu, alt.defense
    XPost: alt.politics.usa

    UK To Shift to Labour Govt.

    The Tories have delivered disorganization and
    bankruptcy and chaos - so they're gonna become
    a minority party.

    Alas Brits FORGET why they dumped Labour - it
    was just as bad or worse and has NOT improved
    in the slightest.

    Labour, in pursuit of "free money" WILL finally
    destroy almost all Brit industry/biz (which is
    not in good shape even now).

    Look ... many decades of BAD CHOICES - oft driven
    by greed for "free stuff" - and Imperial GUILT -
    has DESTROYED the UK. Expect it to become a 2nd
    or even 3rd-world country inside a decade.

    After that ... well, it's already gone Clockwork
    Orange, so Mad Max logically follows.

    Oh, "allies", that means DON'T COUNT on the UK.
    One general recently said the UK mil had enough
    stuff to fight Russia for just ONE day. This is
    just horrible.

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