• China Buying GOLD Like Mad - What Does It MEAN ?

    From 68hx.1806@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 1 01:29:57 2024
    XPost: alt.politics, soc.culture, alt.economy
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans


    China buys huge £135billion stockpile of gold raising fears
    Beijing is preparing to invade Taiwan and protect its economy
    in the event of Western sanctions

    . . .

    What DOES it mean ?

    Kinda LOOKS like padding in case of a Taiwan

    Could ALSO be market manipulation - buy lots
    and lots and then DUMP it to crash the large
    gold market.

    Gold IS over-priced these days. China buying
    large quantities may be behind that. Alas lots
    of western interests/citizens have been paying
    over 2k for gold for awhile now. What if the
    price was suddenly cut in half ??? Some of us
    DO remember the silver-market scam - where
    the Hunt brothers over-bought, artificially
    raising the price through the roof, and then
    DUMPED it all. That was profit-motive, but
    in the case of China it may be mil/strategic.

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