• Huge FLOOD - in DUBAI

    From 68hx.1806@21:1/5 to All on Tue Apr 16 21:27:02 2024
    XPost: alt.politics, alt.survival, soc.culture


    Torrential rain and violent thunderstorms have brought
    apocalyptic scenes to Dubai with parts of the UAE brought
    to a standstill by heavy flooding.

    Video shows luxury cars submerged in deep water and waves
    buffeting the traffic while high-end muscle cars and Teslas
    were seen struggling through the floods as city authorities
    advised people to stay home.

    More than 4.7ins (120mm) of rain has already fallen today -
    the typical yearly average in the city - with more expected
    in the coming hours.

    Nearly 50 flights in and out of Dubai have been cancelled
    since this morning, with shocking video showing several
    jets cutting through murky water at Dubai International
    Airport, the busiest for international travel.

    Flood water cascaded through luxury underground malls
    while shoppers in designer clothes waded through water.

    Above ground, howling winds blew furniture off tower-block
    balconies while the skies turned black with apocalyptic
    videos showing lightning strikes every few seconds.

    . . .

    Sounds like a typical summer afternoon in Orlando :-)

    Anyway, when you think Dubai/UAE you think SAND - lots
    and lots and LOTS of SAND. Not floods.

    My guess is that the cities did NOT make much allowance
    for DRAINAGE infrastructure. Figured there'd never be
    anything to drain ....

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