• Three hollow cheers for the internet of like-illusion'd individuals!

    From oldernow@21:1/5 to All on Sun Apr 7 12:06:52 2024
    You start out wanting to interact with cool others.

    You wind up cursing the days everyone was born.

    It's explain-able. But it turns out explanations transferred via
    word mediation to private conceptuality contexts other than the
    one in which they originated don't mean what they did in the one
    in which they originated.

    From there, the alleged being-keepers of said spaces argue in vain,
    imagining the alleged being-keepers of other conceptuality contexts
    to be idiots for not "getting it", when in fact there's no way
    to get it in a scenario in which words mean different things in
    different conceptuality contexts.

    Thus is the internet *necessarily* merely endless Tower of Babel.

    The situation might be salved by mythical "good will". But such is
    truly mythical given how quickly it evaporates in the vicinity of
    the slightest misunderstanding.

    So... I'm just going to laugh and be thankful for not being in the
    throes of all that delusion *too* often. Yes, it happens: getting
    sucked in by seemingly sincere responses comporting like-mindedness
    and/or spirit. But it's always best to resist that illusion.

    xyz001 at nym.hush.com

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