• Is "AI" The New "Dot.Com" Crash in the Making ?

    From 68hx.1805@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 25 23:49:50 2024
    XPost: alt.science, alt.technology, alt.politics
    XPost: soc.culture


    The artificial intelligence experts who believe the AI boom
    could fizzle or even be a new dotcom crash: 'We are starting
    to see signs it might be a dud'

    Companies are not willing to pay for Microsoft's 'star' product

    Could predicted AI trillions fail to materialise?

    . . .

    The answer to the question is "Yes", with some

    "AI" has been VASTLY over-hyped/over-sold. It's
    good at SOME things, but makes a total ass of
    itself in a lot of areas too. The recent debacle
    of some AI engines imagining "black" NAZI storm
    troopers and US "Founding Fathers" - due to
    'woke' brainwashing of the systems - has REALLY
    reduced confidence. Are you really getting "AI"
    or just someones political agenda dressed up in
    a silicon lab coat ?

    Seems like every time I get an "AI" when calling
    for service at big corps it's INNANE. Cannot
    figure out The Problem worth a damn - just
    suggests STUPID "fixes" and hopes you go away.
    Best tact I've found so far is to give it nonsense
    phrases/words that blow it's little mind and eventually
    takes you to actual human tekkies who CAN understand
    that "the physical cable line is broken and lying on
    my lawn" or such.

    Now SOME kinds of jobs ARE likely to fall to "AI",
    particularly in logistics and finance and many
    'clerical' positions thereof. The other day I posted
    on "Chat" being given a physical BODY ... and that
    was kinda worrisome. It COULD replace humans in
    some "assembly-line" kinds of jobs soon. It
    "understood" and could reason/infer AND physically
    interact with the Real World in an appropriate
    and coordinated fashion.

    Oh well, way back to Charlie Chaplin and "Metropolis"
    there were fears of humans becoming de-facto "machines"
    to the industrial complex - now it WILL be actual
    machines. And the humans ... guess they'll just starve ...
    obsolete ... burdens ... annoyances ........ just cut
    back the Soylent Green ration a little at a time ......

    The Elite will preserve some of your daughters, as
    slaves/servants ... so there's a positive, right ? :-)

    Of course, as "AI" finally DOES reach it's potential,
    who's to say The Elite will not also become obsolete ?

    Tech note - Nvidia announced last week the creation
    of a new GPU chip, widely used for "AI", that's at
    least four times faster than the existing - at about
    the same price. There are other approaches to "AI"
    out there too ... 'neural networks' and such ... which
    may actually eclipse Chat and other LLMs once there's
    enough computing power/connectivity.

    Seems to me
    that 'artificial neurons' and how they work might be
    radically simplified, turned more into just smallish
    math ops. SOME approaches I've seen involve using
    some "analog computing" or near-about methods as well.
    "Analog" rules/ops CAN be just blazingly fast for
    certain real-world events ...... but, in the end,
    emulating the crap 'nature' came up with because it
    had to work with what it had to work with might be
    a less-effective path. Somewhere there's a "paradigm"
    for "intelligence", a Method, a pattern, a sort of
    "How It Works", infinite self-reflections. Then we're
    in Deep Shit out of the sci-fi rags. Brave New World -
    and NOT sure if we're PART of it .........

    Figure they'll find that in, say, 20 years ??? The
    existing "AI" will figure it out. Biz/industry/mil/gov
    will JUMP on it, convinced it'll Save Them Money ....

    Oh, Greenies, the "AI"s will strip the earth bare
    with zero consideration for organics in search of
    What They Need. We'll look like Venus or Mars. If
    you think you're gonna have any input into that
    then you've been eating too many Funny Mushrooms ...

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