• Trump Claims Paying Hooker Hush Money Is Official Act

    From Bradley K. Sherman@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 11 18:46:35 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics

    You can't make this shit up:
    | Former President Trump is seeking to derail the start of
    | his first criminal trial just two weeks out from when it is
    | scheduled to begin, asserting a presidential immunity
    | defense in the case for the first time.
    | In court documents filed Monday, Trump's lawyers said
    | prosecutors have suggested they will introduce at trial
    | "several types of evidence that implicate the concept of
    | official acts for purposes of presidential immunity."
    | ... <https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4524017-trump-new-york-hush-money-trial-immunity/>


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