• UK : George Galloway Sworn-In As MP - Immediately Says Israelis are NAZ

    From 63h.1504@21:1/5 to All on Mon Mar 4 21:05:16 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.uk, alt.politics.eu, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.elections


    George Galloway likened Israel to Nazi Germany today, suggesting
    the country was committing a 'holocaust' in Gaza after taking his
    seat as Rochdale MP.

    In a highly inflammatory Westminster press conference conducted
    after taking his seat Mr Galloway said that the Palestinians were
    the victims of a 'genocide' at the hands of the Israeli military.

    He also refused to condemn Hamas, saying they had been chosen
    by the people of Gaza in an election.

    After winning his seat by running on a pro-Palestinian platform
    he said 'the next election will be about Muslims'.

    . . .

    With leaders like THIS - Brits had better learn the
    direction of Mecca ....

    Galloway is a long-time political fixture, previous
    Labour Party, Respect Party and now Workers Party.
    Some say he is the Hamas Party.

    Whatever it is, he doesn't like it. Apparently
    whatever's good for the UK, he doesn't like it.

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