• Haley Gets Another MegaBuck Contribution

    From 61h.1601@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 26 01:34:49 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh


    Haley campaign touts $1 million haul but major donor stops spending

    Haley's campaign says it has raised $1M since Saturday's primary

    . . .

    Haley won't have many points for the Convention, but
    I think she's still RELEVANT on a few levels and will
    use residual donations to "stay in the spotlight" to
    some degree.

    Oh, and Trump could be legally disqualified at ANY
    time now. Then who ya gonna call ???

    Haley isn't Trump, but she's CLOSE ENOUGH in most
    categories. Would you rather see HER as POTUS, or
    Joe/Newsom/M.Obama ??? We already know where THEY
    lead ....

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From pothead@21:1/5 to 61h.1602@e3t2w.net on Mon Feb 26 15:24:38 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2024-02-26, 61h.1601 <61h.1602@e3t2w.net> wrote:

    Haley campaign touts $1 million haul but major donor stops spending

    Haley's campaign says it has raised $1M since Saturday's primary

    . . .

    Haley won't have many points for the Convention, but
    I think she's still RELEVANT on a few levels and will
    use residual donations to "stay in the spotlight" to
    some degree.

    Oh, and Trump could be legally disqualified at ANY
    time now. Then who ya gonna call ???

    Haley isn't Trump, but she's CLOSE ENOUGH in most
    categories. Would you rather see HER as POTUS, or
    Joe/Newsom/M.Obama ??? We already know where THEY
    lead ....

    Nikki is a globalist, war monger neocon in my opinion.
    However, she is FAR BETTER than any of the democrats.
    I'm not sure why she is remaining in the elections. It could be that there is a lot of money being
    made by her staff, campaign workers and handlers.
    If she drops, the money stops flowing.

    Just a thought.

    Tommy Chong For President 2024.
    Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
    Impeach Joe Biden 2022.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 61h.1601@21:1/5 to pothead on Mon Feb 26 12:42:04 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/26/24 10:24 AM, pothead wrote:
    On 2024-02-26, 61h.1601 <61h.1602@e3t2w.net> wrote:

    Haley campaign touts $1 million haul but major donor stops spending

    Haley's campaign says it has raised $1M since Saturday's primary

    . . .

    Haley won't have many points for the Convention, but
    I think she's still RELEVANT on a few levels and will
    use residual donations to "stay in the spotlight" to
    some degree.

    Oh, and Trump could be legally disqualified at ANY
    time now. Then who ya gonna call ???

    Haley isn't Trump, but she's CLOSE ENOUGH in most
    categories. Would you rather see HER as POTUS, or
    Joe/Newsom/M.Obama ??? We already know where THEY
    lead ....

    Nikki is a globalist, war monger neocon in my opinion.

    She is more of a hawk than Trump, though Trump sometimes
    sounds like an Armageddonist - nothing, or BOOM - when
    speaking about Russia/China/NK. However either attitude
    probably beats the Dems "Let me bend over, and never
    mind the lube" attitude when it comes to standing our
    ground on any world stage.

    "Globalist" ... I think you've gotta be able to think both
    global and domestic these days. The USA is not some colony
    under a dome in some distant galaxy. Our stuff, "their" stuff,
    it all counts and all has to be dealt with. I don't think
    Haley is gonna give away the store to the EU/etc like the
    Dems always seem eager to do. Might not be quite as selfish
    on trade/defense pacts as Trump ... but I'm not sure what
    that will mean in 2025.

    The "NeoCons" are gone as a force and philosophy. The only
    residual one we ever hear from is Newtie - and I change the
    channel if he starts to rant on. The NeoCons were perhaps a
    necessary reaction to the post-Carter leftist debacle and
    national weakness. Alas, post-Joe, we may need something
    like Neo-NeoCons to straighten the national front fender.
    MAGA is a little bit NeoCon in many respects, however it
    tends to be more utilitarian, less ideological.

    However, she is FAR BETTER than any of the democrats.
    I'm not sure why she is remaining in the elections. It could be that there is a lot of money being
    made by her staff, campaign workers and handlers.
    If she drops, the money stops flowing.

    Just a thought.

    Besides her role as "back-up candidate" (important !)
    and hopeful role luring in more cross-over votes even
    if she doesn't love Trump, staying "in the spotlight"
    is important for politicians. Helps earn them a living,
    let's them get a word in edgewise, lets them seem to
    be an 'authority'. It's why Newtie never went away, why
    the Clintons and Obama can't shut up.

    Anyway, I'd be pleased to see (almost) any Republican
    back in the WH. Haley & DeSantis were the top alt

    Dunno how RFK is going to figure into all this. Hard
    to say who he'll steal the most votes from.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 61h.1601@21:1/5 to Lee on Mon Feb 26 17:09:24 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.usa

    On 2/26/24 12:50 PM, Lee wrote:
    pothead wrote:

    On 2024-02-26, 61h.1601 <61h.1602@e3t2w.net> wrote:

    Haley campaign touts $1 million haul but major donor stops spending

    Haley's campaign says it has raised $1M since Saturday's primary

    . . .

    Haley won't have many points for the Convention, but
    I think she's still RELEVANT on a few levels and will
    use residual donations to "stay in the spotlight" to
    some degree.

    Oh, and Trump could be legally disqualified at ANY
    time now. Then who ya gonna call ???

    Haley isn't Trump, but she's CLOSE ENOUGH in most
    categories. Would you rather see HER as POTUS, or
    Joe/Newsom/M.Obama ??? We already know where THEY
    lead ....

    Nikki is a globalist, war monger neocon in my opinion.

    Standing up to Putin and honoring our
    NATO commitments makes her a "war monger"?

    She WAS pretty harsh about the Hamas and the more recent
    US base attacks ... something about broadscale direct
    attacks on Iran ......

    Tempting, knee-jerk, but NOT the best tact for a number
    of reasons .... not at THIS juncture anyhow.

    Note that even in today's 'west', female leaders still
    feel pressure to talk/act aggressively so they can't
    be called 'girly-girl wussies'. Whomever our first
    female POTUS may be, she'll have to ACT like she's
    taking testosterone sometimes just to get respect.

    Note that HRC sounded very hawkish during her runs,
    and kinda so a few times afterwards.

    Now would Trump do it different ? Likely not TOO much
    different ... but he would have had pre-made huge
    threats up front so the terrorists would know damned
    well what would come. He didn't have to bomb Russia
    to keep them from going after Ukraine, Putin was
    firmly warned early on and had to wait for Joe.
    Trump can be a bit scary - and I don't think it's an
    act either - but scary WORKS with certain foes.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From pothead@21:1/5 to 61h.1602@e3t2w.net on Tue Feb 27 01:53:36 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2024-02-26, 61h.1601 <61h.1602@e3t2w.net> wrote:
    On 2/26/24 10:24 AM, pothead wrote:
    On 2024-02-26, 61h.1601 <61h.1602@e3t2w.net> wrote:

    Haley campaign touts $1 million haul but major donor stops spending

    Haley's campaign says it has raised $1M since Saturday's primary

    . . .

    Haley won't have many points for the Convention, but
    I think she's still RELEVANT on a few levels and will
    use residual donations to "stay in the spotlight" to
    some degree.

    Oh, and Trump could be legally disqualified at ANY
    time now. Then who ya gonna call ???

    Haley isn't Trump, but she's CLOSE ENOUGH in most
    categories. Would you rather see HER as POTUS, or
    Joe/Newsom/M.Obama ??? We already know where THEY
    lead ....

    Nikki is a globalist, war monger neocon in my opinion.

    She is more of a hawk than Trump, though Trump sometimes
    sounds like an Armageddonist - nothing, or BOOM - when
    speaking about Russia/China/NK. However either attitude
    probably beats the Dems "Let me bend over, and never
    mind the lube" attitude when it comes to standing our
    ground on any world stage.

    Trump is more of a bull in a China shop type person.
    Haley has a bit more finesse.

    "Globalist" ... I think you've gotta be able to think both
    global and domestic these days. The USA is not some colony
    under a dome in some distant galaxy. Our stuff, "their" stuff,
    it all counts and all has to be dealt with. I don't think
    Haley is gonna give away the store to the EU/etc like the
    Dems always seem eager to do. Might not be quite as selfish
    on trade/defense pacts as Trump ... but I'm not sure what
    that will mean in 2025.

    We need someone who is not going to make the US the world's piggy bank and give away the store.
    Biden has sold the country out with idiotic deals.

    The "NeoCons" are gone as a force and philosophy. The only
    residual one we ever hear from is Newtie - and I change the
    channel if he starts to rant on. The NeoCons were perhaps a
    necessary reaction to the post-Carter leftist debacle and
    national weakness. Alas, post-Joe, we may need something
    like Neo-NeoCons to straighten the national front fender.
    MAGA is a little bit NeoCon in many respects, however it
    tends to be more utilitarian, less ideological.

    I would add Lindsey Graham to the list as well.

    However, she is FAR BETTER than any of the democrats.
    I'm not sure why she is remaining in the elections. It could be that there is a lot of money being
    made by her staff, campaign workers and handlers.
    If she drops, the money stops flowing.

    Just a thought.

    Besides her role as "back-up candidate" (important !)
    and hopeful role luring in more cross-over votes even
    if she doesn't love Trump, staying "in the spotlight"
    is important for politicians. Helps earn them a living,
    let's them get a word in edgewise, lets them seem to
    be an 'authority'. It's why Newtie never went away, why
    the Clintons and Obama can't shut up.

    And when you have the money the next item on the list is control and power.
    If a normal person just barely escaped prosecution like the Clinton's have, they would move to some
    quiet island and live out their lives in luxury and thank their lucky stars that they escaped
    But people like the Clinton's are incapable of doing that.
    They need to be in the spotlight as much as possible in order to feed their egos.

    Anyway, I'd be pleased to see (almost) any Republican
    back in the WH. Haley & DeSantis were the top alt


    Dunno how RFK is going to figure into all this. Hard
    to say who he'll steal the most votes from.

    RFK is a little like Bernie in that he seems to be attracting younger people. So far I believe he steals votes from both sides equally.
    That can of course change and it most likely will.

    Tommy Chong For President 2024.
    Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
    Impeach Joe Biden 2022.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 61h.1601@21:1/5 to pothead on Mon Feb 26 22:07:07 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/26/24 8:53 PM, pothead wrote:
    On 2024-02-26, 61h.1601 <61h.1602@e3t2w.net> wrote:
    On 2/26/24 10:24 AM, pothead wrote:
    On 2024-02-26, 61h.1601 <61h.1602@e3t2w.net> wrote:

    Haley campaign touts $1 million haul but major donor stops spending

    Haley's campaign says it has raised $1M since Saturday's primary

    . . .

    Haley won't have many points for the Convention, but
    I think she's still RELEVANT on a few levels and will
    use residual donations to "stay in the spotlight" to
    some degree.

    Oh, and Trump could be legally disqualified at ANY
    time now. Then who ya gonna call ???

    Haley isn't Trump, but she's CLOSE ENOUGH in most
    categories. Would you rather see HER as POTUS, or
    Joe/Newsom/M.Obama ??? We already know where THEY
    lead ....

    Nikki is a globalist, war monger neocon in my opinion.

    She is more of a hawk than Trump, though Trump sometimes
    sounds like an Armageddonist - nothing, or BOOM - when
    speaking about Russia/China/NK. However either attitude
    probably beats the Dems "Let me bend over, and never
    mind the lube" attitude when it comes to standing our
    ground on any world stage.

    Trump is more of a bull in a China shop type person.
    Haley has a bit more finesse.

    "Globalist" ... I think you've gotta be able to think both
    global and domestic these days. The USA is not some colony
    under a dome in some distant galaxy. Our stuff, "their" stuff,
    it all counts and all has to be dealt with. I don't think
    Haley is gonna give away the store to the EU/etc like the
    Dems always seem eager to do. Might not be quite as selfish
    on trade/defense pacts as Trump ... but I'm not sure what
    that will mean in 2025.

    We need someone who is not going to make the US the world's piggy bank and give away the store.
    Biden has sold the country out with idiotic deals.

    The "NeoCons" are gone as a force and philosophy. The only
    residual one we ever hear from is Newtie - and I change the
    channel if he starts to rant on. The NeoCons were perhaps a
    necessary reaction to the post-Carter leftist debacle and
    national weakness. Alas, post-Joe, we may need something
    like Neo-NeoCons to straighten the national front fender.
    MAGA is a little bit NeoCon in many respects, however it
    tends to be more utilitarian, less ideological.

    I would add Lindsey Graham to the list as well.

    However, she is FAR BETTER than any of the democrats.
    I'm not sure why she is remaining in the elections. It could be that there is a lot of money being
    made by her staff, campaign workers and handlers.
    If she drops, the money stops flowing.

    Just a thought.

    Besides her role as "back-up candidate" (important !)
    and hopeful role luring in more cross-over votes even
    if she doesn't love Trump, staying "in the spotlight"
    is important for politicians. Helps earn them a living,
    let's them get a word in edgewise, lets them seem to
    be an 'authority'. It's why Newtie never went away, why
    the Clintons and Obama can't shut up.

    And when you have the money the next item on the list is control and power.

    Seems a 'human nature' thing. Get a little, want MORE and MORE.
    We are one of those "hierarchical", "pecking-order", species -
    it's hard-wired. Not everybody is like that, but *enough*.

    If a normal person just barely escaped prosecution like the Clinton's have, they would move to some
    quiet island and live out their lives in luxury and thank their lucky stars that they escaped
    But people like the Clinton's are incapable of doing that.
    They need to be in the spotlight as much as possible in order to feed their egos.

    A high profile increases *control* and, in this system, *safety*.
    The pol celebs get a big base of noisy fans and a squad of lawyers
    (and guards) to deflect attacks. And, as said, such fame and power
    are addictive.

    But we will mention, say, the Bush family - neither GHWB
    or "W" really bothered anybody again once their minute of
    fame ended.

    Anyway, I'd be pleased to see (almost) any Republican
    back in the WH. Haley & DeSantis were the top alt


    Dunno how RFK is going to figure into all this. Hard
    to say who he'll steal the most votes from.

    RFK is a little like Bernie in that he seems to be attracting younger people.

    The good bit is that those "younger people" tend to have
    some other more interesting things booked come election day.

    So far I believe he steals votes from both sides equally.
    That can of course change and it most likely will.

    The shallow 'left' AND 'right' seem to like him even though
    his (somewhat vague) platform oft has some really weird
    stuff built into it.

    A plus, he usually sounds like he's got terminal throat
    cancer these days.

    It'll be Haley's job to woo that moderate segment away
    from Weird Uncle Bobby.

    Oh, another bit of good news ... more and more "blacks"
    have FINALLY realized that the Dems have been keeping
    them down on the govt-cheese plantation since the 60s
    and all the 'free money' promises have bought them
    nothing but generations of misery. MIGHT be enough of
    a shift in critical places to tip things towards the GOP.
    Trump meant JOBS, Trump meant SELF RESPECT, Trump meant
    a BETTER FUTURE - I keep hearing this from the dirtiest
    street levels on up.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mitchell Holman@21:1/5 to pothead on Tue Feb 27 03:05:30 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    pothead <pothead@snakebite.com> wrote in

    If a normal person just barely escaped prosecution like the
    Clinton's have, they would move to some quiet island and live out
    their lives in luxury and thank their lucky stars that they escaped prosecution.

    Escaped prosecution?

    The Clintons are the most examined
    political couple in history.

    Fostergate, CattleFuturesgate,
    Travelgate, Filegate, Troopergate,
    Whitewater, BenghaziGate, EmailGate -
    the list of GOP manufactured "scandals"
    goes back decades, none of which
    amounted to anything. Even Trump's
    own "Lock her up!" investigation fizzled
    into nothing.

    Justice Department winds down Clinton
    inquiry; finds nothing of consequence
    Jan 9 2020

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mitchell Holman@21:1/5 to 61h.1602@e3t2w.net on Tue Feb 27 03:34:04 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    "61h.1601" <61h.1602@e3t2w.net> wrote in news:r96dncPzpb9BzED4nZ2dnZfqn_udnZ2d@earthlink.com:

    Trump meant JOBS,

    ...in China and Vietnam
    and Mexico, maybe. Certainly
    not in the US. Even at his own
    estates he prefered to import
    foreign workers rather than
    hire Americans

    Trump's companies have sought to
    import at least 1,100 workers
    Aug 2, 2015

    Trump's Mar-a-Lago asks to hire
    61 foreign workers
    July 6, 2018

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Colbert@21:1/5 to Mitchell Holman on Mon Feb 26 23:50:09 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    Mitchell Holman <noemail@verizon.net> wrote in news:XnsB124D7265316Enoemailcomcastnet@

    pothead <pothead@snakebite.com> wrote in

    If a normal person just barely escaped prosecution like the
    Clinton's have, they would move to some quiet island and live out
    their lives in luxury and thank their lucky stars that they escaped

    Escaped prosecution?

    The Clintons are the most examined
    political couple in history.

    Fostergate, CattleFuturesgate,
    Travelgate, Filegate, Troopergate,
    Whitewater, BenghaziGate, EmailGate -
    the list of GOP manufactured "scandals"
    goes back decades, none of which
    amounted to anything. Even Trump's
    own "Lock her up!" investigation fizzled
    into nothing.

    You forgot uranium one where Hillary and Barack sold uranium rights to
    Putin via Canada.

    One of these nights you'll wake up for one millionth of a second as you vaporize into nothingness, courtesy of Mother Russia.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From OrigInfoJunkie@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 26 23:17:18 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2/26/2024 7:07 PM, 61h.1601 wrote:

      Trump meant JOBS,

    Bull-fucking-shit. Average monthly job creation for the first three years (pre-pandemic) of Trump's dystopian regime was *well* under 250,000. Then, of course, Trump tanked the economy in his final year, and average monthly job *loss* was about 800,000. Under Biden, average monthly job creation was about 650,000 in 2021 (much of which was job recovery from Trump's debacle), about 400,000 in 2022, and about 240,000 in 2023. Biden's job creation numbers since about mid 2022 have all been net *new* jobs, not "recovery" jobs from Trump's tanking of the economy.

    Here's more refutation of the exaggerations (lies) about Trump's jobs achievements:

    Joblessness fell during the Trump years to a half-century low of 3.5 percent
    in early 2020, just before the pandemic. During Biden’s presidency, the
    unemployment rate has inched down even further, to 3.4 percent earlier last
    year. It now stands at 3.7 percent. [*still* historically low]


    The Black unemployment rate, which Trump liked to take credit for improving
    during his presidency, fell during both administrations, but reached an all-
    time low during the Biden era last year.

    Read it all, and more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/12/23/trump-biden-us-economy-compared/

    The pure simple fact is, the economy has been *better* under Biden for the last one-and-a-half years than it *ever* was under Trump...and the *first* one-and-a-half years under Biden was a powerful *recovery* from Trump's tanking of the economy due to his incalculable and completely *avoidable* fucking-up of the pandemic response. The economy was going to contract due to the pandemic no matter what, but Trump's utterly incompetent response to it made it far worse than it might have been.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mitchell Holman@21:1/5 to Colbert on Tue Feb 27 13:33:37 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    Colbert <colbert@gfun.org> wrote in news:65dd6a01$1_1@news.gallaxial.com:

    Mitchell Holman <noemail@verizon.net> wrote in news:XnsB124D7265316Enoemailcomcastnet@

    pothead <pothead@snakebite.com> wrote in

    If a normal person just barely escaped prosecution like the
    Clinton's have, they would move to some quiet island and live out
    their lives in luxury and thank their lucky stars that they escaped

    Escaped prosecution?

    The Clintons are the most examined
    political couple in history.

    Fostergate, CattleFuturesgate,
    Travelgate, Filegate, Troopergate,
    Whitewater, BenghaziGate, EmailGate -
    the list of GOP manufactured "scandals"
    goes back decades, none of which
    amounted to anything. Even Trump's
    own "Lock her up!" investigation fizzled
    into nothing.

    You forgot uranium one where Hillary and Barack sold uranium rights to
    Putin via Canada.

    Justice Department winds down Clinton
    inquiry; finds nothing of consequence
    Jan 9 2020

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From 61h.1601@21:1/5 to Lee on Tue Feb 27 20:35:43 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.usa

    On 2/27/24 11:09 AM, Lee wrote:
    61h.1601 wrote:

    On 2/26/24 12:50 PM, Lee wrote:
    pothead wrote:

    On 2024-02-26, 61h.1601 <61h.1602@e3t2w.net> wrote:
    ign- 1-million/

    Haley campaign touts $1 million haul but major donor stops

    Haley's campaign says it has raised $1M since Saturday's primary

    . . .

    Haley won't have many points for the Convention, but
    I think she's still RELEVANT on a few levels and will
    use residual donations to "stay in the spotlight" to
    some degree.

    Oh, and Trump could be legally disqualified at ANY
    time now. Then who ya gonna call ???

    Haley isn't Trump, but she's CLOSE ENOUGH in most
    categories. Would you rather see HER as POTUS, or
    Joe/Newsom/M.Obama ??? We already know where THEY
    lead ....

    Nikki is a globalist, war monger neocon in my opinion.

    Standing up to Putin and honoring our
    NATO commitments makes her a "war monger"?

    She WAS pretty harsh about the Hamas and the more recent
    US base attacks ... something about broadscale direct
    attacks on Iran ......

    Tempting, knee-jerk, but NOT the best tact for a number
    of reasons .... not at THIS juncture anyhow.

    Note that even in today's 'west', female leaders still
    feel pressure to talk/act aggressively so they can't
    be called 'girly-girl wussies'. Whomever our first
    female POTUS may be, she'll have to ACT like she's
    taking testosterone sometimes just to get respect.

    Note that HRC sounded very hawkish during her runs,
    and kinda so a few times afterwards.

    Now would Trump do it different ? Likely not TOO much
    different ... but he would have had pre-made huge
    threats up front so the terrorists would know damned
    well what would come. He didn't have to bomb Russia
    to keep them from going after Ukraine, Putin was
    firmly warned early on and had to wait for Joe.
    Trump can be a bit scary - and I don't think it's an
    act either - but scary WORKS with certain foes.

    Trump retreated from every
    foreign conflict. Syria, Somalia,
    Afghanistan, Iraq. He made it clear
    early on that his "America First"
    meant abandoning the world stage.

    Um ... no. That was not his position.
    The longstanding problem has been the
    "Forever Wars" - and we always lose at
    the end.

    Abandon our allies, abanding our
    treaties, abandon NATO, suck up
    to every tyrant from N Korea to
    Russia to the Saudis.

    This does not make America great.

    Neither does getting sucked into every little
    thing for decades of debt and punishment.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)