• Russian Pilot Who Defected to Ukraine Is Believed Dead in Spain

    From D. Ray@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 26 04:39:46 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.military, alt.politics

    Maksim Kuzminov pulled off a daring escape last summer when he defected
    to Ukraine and handed his military helicopter over to Ukrainian commandos
    in exchange for half a million dollars.

    Ukraine trumpeted the defection as a major coup. But in Vladimir V.
    Putin’s Russia, he was guilty of the most grievous sin anyone can commit: Treason.

    What a horrible guy that Putin is! Here in United States we treat traitors
    as heroes and give them top positions in our government and our society.

    Funny how Jews at NYT conveniently forgot to mention that Kuzminov killed
    his co-pilots while pulling off his “daring escape” in exchange for half a million dollars.

    Ukrainian intelligence officials warned Mr. Kuzminov that his life was in danger and urged him not to leave the country.

    But he ignored them, and was believed to have moved with his money to a
    small resort town of pastel houses on Spain’s Mediterranean coast.

    Now Mr. Kuzminov, 28 at the time of his defection, appears to have met
    the harsh fate Ukrainian officials warned of.

    What a bullshit. They gave him Ukrainian passport and allowed him to leave
    the country while average Ukrainian can’t cross the border without special permission. So he had explicit permission to leave Ukraine.

    Five bucks says that idiot didn’t see any fucking money, because few
    bullets are much cheaper than half a million dollars.

    Real question is, how many other people there are across Europe with fake Ukrainian passports that were given to them by Ukrainian government.



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