• ChatGPT Goes Insane For Hours

    From 68g.1509@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 21 17:11:51 2024
    XPost: alt.science, alt.survival, soc.culture
    XPost: alt.elections


    OpenAI did not explain what went awry with its generative
    artificial intelligence (AI) tool, considered the one to
    beat in the technology sector.

    "We are investigating reports of unexpected responses
    from ChatGPT," OpenAI said on its status website when
    the software seemed to go wacky on Tuesday afternoon.

    ChatGPT was giving "peculiar" responses, generating
    nonexistent words, incomplete sentences and general
    gobbledygook, developers using the tool said in a
    discussion forum on the OpenAI website.

    "It gives me meaningless words followed by a bizarre
    list," one developer lamented in the forum.

    "It feels as if my GPT is haunted or something has
    been compromised, either on my end or at OpenAI's (end).".

    . . .

    And when this happens AFTER they wire it to all
    the nuclear missiles and power plants and such ???

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