• Micro-Mob of "Neo-NAZIs" Marches in Nashville

    From 68g.1509@21:1/5 to All on Sun Feb 18 20:37:47 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh


    A group of self-proclaimed neo-Nazis marched through downtown
    Nashville on Saturday with large black flags with swastikas,
    prompting condemnations from city and state officials as well
    as widespread speculation regarding the identity and intent
    of the group.

    Dozens of people calling themselves the “Blood Tribe” marched
    through Broadway, a major street in downtown Nashville, wearing
    black masks and waving flags with swastikas.

    The same group was previously seen in September in Orlando,
    Florida, where 15 people with the group assembled outside
    the entrance to a shopping center

    . . .

    Well, there ARE a few ... like 15 in a nation of 300+ mil.
    This was probably most ALL of them.

    The article did not say how MANY showed up in Nashville, but
    the one photo provided - there were so few they didn't even
    register in the picture.

    Anyway, they are total dicks, but still DO have the right to
    have their little marches and rallies. You're free to wave
    yer asses at them too ......

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Siri Cruise@21:1/5 to All on Mon Feb 19 01:19:29 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    68g.1509 wrote:

      Well, there ARE a few ... like 15 in a nation of 300+ mil.
      This was probably most ALL of them.

      The article did not say how MANY showed up in Nashville, but
      the one photo provided - there were so few they didn't even
      register in the picture.

      Anyway, they are total dicks, but still DO have the right to
      have their little marches and rallies. You're free to wave
      yer asses at them too ......


    MAGA Extremists Get LAUGHED Out Of NYC After THIS Video Went Viral

    The master race defeated by subway turnstiles.

    Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
    'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
    The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
    of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From pothead@21:1/5 to 68g.1505@exr3.net on Tue Feb 20 00:01:38 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.usa, alt.politics.republicans, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh

    On 2024-02-19, 68g.1509 <68g.1505@exr3.net> wrote:

    A group of self-proclaimed neo-Nazis marched through downtown
    Nashville on Saturday with large black flags with swastikas,
    prompting condemnations from city and state officials as well
    as widespread speculation regarding the identity and intent
    of the group.

    Dozens of people calling themselves the “Blood Tribe” marched
    through Broadway, a major street in downtown Nashville, wearing
    black masks and waving flags with swastikas.

    The same group was previously seen in September in Orlando,
    Florida, where 15 people with the group assembled outside
    the entrance to a shopping center

    . . .

    Well, there ARE a few ... like 15 in a nation of 300+ mil.
    This was probably most ALL of them.

    The article did not say how MANY showed up in Nashville, but
    the one photo provided - there were so few they didn't even
    register in the picture.

    Anyway, they are total dicks, but still DO have the right to
    have their little marches and rallies. You're free to wave
    yer asses at them too ......

    They are fools being used but they do have a right to peacefully protest.

    Tommy Chong For President 2024.
    Crazy Joe Biden Is A Demented Imbecile.
    Impeach Joe Biden 2022.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)