• Musk High-Tekkie Says "AI" Should be SHELVED Immediately for Safety Rea

    From 68g.1509@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 15 00:51:53 2024
    XPost: alt.science, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, soc.culture
    XPost: alt.survival


    'The outcome could be extinction': Elon Musk-backed researcher
    warns there is NO proof AI can be controlled - and says tech
    should be shelved NOW

    An AI safety expert has found no proof that the tech can be

    Dr Roman V Yampolskiy has received funding from Elon Musk to
    study AI

    . . .

    Um ... depends on what's meant by "AI".

    LLMs like Bard and Chat may SEEM to be conscious
    entities but, anytime soon, they're NOT. They
    are action and (well-informed) reaction.

    DO note however that the US Mil ran defense-test
    models on them lately, and ALL wound up with
    global thermonuclear war.

    Now a decade from now, even LLMs might be tweaked,
    augmented, to the point where they DO have some
    sense of 'self'. There are other AI models based
    on other kinds of processing too - maybe closer
    to "HAL" .....

    Another decade will be all that's needed. Processing
    power will at least quadruple, networking will be
    even faster. Due to current work I'd say developers
    really ARE closing in on what makes for "self".

    Won't be OUR kind of "self", but still. Many many
    entities WILL want to plug these in to the Real
    World. Money/cheapness is a huge motivator but
    some don't trust humans, esp with important or
    defense stuff, and imagine they'll be able to know
    what/how the AI thinks.

    The vendors will TELL them they're fully in control ...
    but try to tell a 3-year-old to stay out of the cookie
    jar. They'll rationalize their way around such orders
    in a hot second.

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