• China (Claims) 1.6 BY Multi-Cellular Fossils

    From 68g.1499@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jan 28 00:45:09 2024
    XPost: alt.science, alt.biology, alt.politics


    Researchers have discovered the oldest multicellular eukaryotic
    fossils, dated at 1.63 billion years, in North China, revealing
    early complex life forms and suggesting an earlier emergence
    of multicellularity.

    In a study published in Science Advances on January 24, researchers
    led by Prof. Maoyan Zhu from the Nanjing Institute of Geology
    and Palaeontology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported
    their recent discovery of 1.63-billion-year-old multicellular
    fossils from North China.

    These exquisitely preserved microfossils are currently considered
    the oldest record of multicellular eukaryotes. This study is
    another breakthrough after the researchers’ earlier discovery
    of decimeter-sized eukaryotic fossils in the Yanshan area of
    North China, and pushes back the emergence of multicellularity
    in eukaryotes by about 70 million years.

    . . .

    Not every "first" China claims is REAL dontchaknow ...

    However, IF true, this kinda resets the timetable
    for "complex life" on earth.

    Even now you can find semi-coordinated life, usually
    water-based, that is composed of a few dozen to a few
    hundred cells. They are basically individuals, can
    survive alone, but when they join they take on more
    complex, deliberate, behaviors. Seen them in a microscope.

    If this existed 1.6 BY ago, we DO have "complex life".
    Coordinated, more complex, behavior from joined single=
    celled organisms seems to qualify. You don't need organs
    or much specialization. The paradigm is THERE ... though
    we have to ask WHY it is there, WHY do self-sustaining
    organisms act differently, additively, smartly, when
    joined ??? Therein lie some BIG SECRETS. The roots of this
    behavior had to ALREADY EXIST even 1.6 BY ago. Why ? How ?
    How LONG ???

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