• Germans Hold Big Anti-Right Marches - Forgetting What LEFT Has Done

    From 68g.1499@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jan 27 19:08:41 2024
    XPost: alt.politics, alt.politics.eu, alt.politics.republicans


    Several states saw hundreds of thousands of protesters
    return to the streets against far-right extremism. Saturday's
    protests coincided with the observance of the International
    Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    . . .

    Hmmm ... did their schooling mention what STALIN did
    to his Jews ??? How many Mao and Pol Pot murdered ?
    What life is like with Kim ? How Xi makes their
    precious EV batts with SLAVE LABOR ???

    The problem is usually "extremism", not whether it
    claims to be left, right or whatever.

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